Three signs of quality fireworks are identified

Technodinamika urged to check the appearance and expiration date when buying fireworks choose quality fireworks. Experts named three signs of a worthy product in an interview with URA.RU. Among them is the expiration date of the fireworks. When buying pyrotechnic products, there are three things to check: the place of sale, the appearance of the packaging and the inscriptions on it. Experts urged not to purchase deformed goods and goods with damaged packaging. In this case, the inscriptions must be made in Russian. “Products in packaging with inscriptions in a foreign language with glued instructions in Russian, as a rule, were not intended for Russia during manufacture, which means they may not correspond to Russian safety requirements “, – explained the experts. The experts added that the packaging of the fireworks must indicate the exact coordinates of the manufacturer or exporter, wholesale centers and the market circulation mark (EAC). If

The lawyer appreciated the chances of punishing neighbors for too loud sex

Lawyer Tyagay stated that there is no punishment in Russia for interfering with neighbors' intimacy sounds neighbors can call the police if they suspect that violence is taking place in the apartment, said Ekaterina Tyagay, partner of the Pen & Paper Bar Association, writes RIA Novosti. Different Russian regions have their own laws on silence. As a rule, they are about a ban on exceeding the noise level in homes over 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night, hours of rest. These indicators can disrupt screaming, singing, whistling, or other activities that the resident of an apartment building will not like. Sounds of sex, even too loud and disturbing others, are outside the rule of law. There is no administrative punishment for them in Russian legislation. Tyagai explained that such sounds are classified as noise that accompanies normal human activities. This eliminates the possibility of punishing neighbors.

Вирусолог оценил будущее омикрон-штамма коронавируса

Как заявили в ВОЗ, новый вариант способен к быстрому праспространению в глобальном масштабе, однако, по мнению Альтшейна рано делать прогнозы, что «омикрон» приведет к новому всплеску заражений еще до Нового года. «До Нового года он не успеет распространиться. “Дельта”, например, появился осенью 2020 года, а распространился примерно в мае-июле 2021 года, то есть полгода вирусу нужно было, чтобы распространиться», — отметил собеседник радио. По его словам, заразность «омикрона» оценят только через некоторое время, но информация о его геноме позволяет спрогнозировать, что заболевание, вызванное этим вариантом вируса, будет более легким, чем от других штаммов. «У этого варианта вируса есть такая интересная особенность: у него 32 мутации в главном белке (S-белке. — Прим. ред.), у него, скорее всего, нестабильный геном, он легко мутирует. Если у него нестабильный геном, то у него в первую очередь будет подавлено то, что ведет к тяжелому заболеванию. Мы уже сейчас видим: сто человек обнаружено, у всех легкое заболевание, никто не умер», — подчеркнул Альтштейн. Помимо этого, он предположил, что появление «омеги» может означать начало завершения пандемии. «Если по летальности коронавирус будет сопоставим с гриппом, тогда уже будем считать, что пандемия закончена. Пандемия имеет шанс закончиться с “омикроном”», — продолжил вирусолог. Однако многое

The lawyer appreciated the possibility of punishing neighbors for too loud sex

Lawyer Tyagay stated that there is no punishment in Russia for interfering with neighbors' intimacy sounds neighbors can call the police if they suspect violence is taking place in the apartment, said Ekaterina Tyagay, partner of the Pen & Paper Bar Association, writes RIA Novosti. Different Russian regions have their own laws on silence. As a rule, they are talking about a ban on exceeding the noise level in homes over 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night, hours of rest. These indicators can disrupt screaming, singing, whistling, or other activities that the resident of an apartment building will not like. Sounds of sex, even too loud and disturbing others, are outside the rule of law. There is no administrative punishment for them in Russian legislation. Tyagai explained that such sounds are classified as noise that accompanies normal human activities. This eliminates the possibility of punishing neighbors.

Soyuz launch was postponed again

Roscosmos announced the postponement of the launch of the Soyuz-ST-B launch vehicle by a day due to bad weather Rocket launch Soyuz-ST-B carrier with Galileo satellites from the Kuru cosmodrome was again moved due to bad weather, the state corporation Roscosmos reports in its Telegram channel. B “with Galileo spacecraft has been postponed for a day due to unfavorable weather conditions,” the message says.

Russians were named ways to avoid overpayments for utilities

Specialist Minko: in order to avoid overpayments, you need to check the tariffs for housing and communal services in the region avoid overpayments for utilities. According to him, if the payment in the receipt has grown sharply or there is a desire to understand the fairness of payment, then you need to check the tariffs for housing and communal services according to the current regional grid, reports the Prime agency. The specialist recalled that most payment points are formed on the basis of from the tariff scale, therefore the figures should be checked with the official data. If they are too high, this is a reason to contact the Criminal Code and ask for clarification. “There can be only one legal explanation: the meeting of tenants' owners, for some reason, decided to increase the rates charged. If there is no such information, then you can safely demand a recalculation from

Russians were named ways to avoid overpayments for utilities

Specialist Minko: in order to avoid overpayments, you need to check the housing and communal services tariffs in the region avoid overpayments for utilities. According to him, if the payment in the receipt has grown sharply or there is a desire to understand the fairness of payment, then you need to check the tariffs for housing and communal services according to the current regional grid, reports the Prime agency. The specialist recalled that most payment points are formed on the basis of from the tariff scale, therefore the figures should be checked with the official data. If they are too high, this is a reason to contact the Criminal Code and ask for clarification. “There can be only one legal explanation: the meeting of tenants' owners, for some reason, decided to increase the rates charged. If there is no such information, then you can safely demand a recalculation from the

Ukraine explained the US soft position on Nord Stream 2

Retired SBU Colonel Starikov: US Leader Biden does not interfere with Nord Stream 2 Retired SBU Colonel and military expert Oleg Starikov explained on the Nash TV channel that US President Joe Biden agreed not to interfere with the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in order to prevent Germany from leaving NATO. According to him, the American leader was talking about the fact that the United States will “wet” Russia, but in fact provided an opportunity for LNG to stand empty, “all the gas went to China, and Russia occupied the European market.” “As a result, they gave the Germans the German economy to develop, concluding a memorandum with them, so that the Germans did not leave NATO,” Starikov noted. He stressed that earlier the German side had declared the need to withdraw the nuclear weapons from the American Ramstein airbase in Germany, but now the position

Ukraine explained the US soft position on Nord Stream 2

Retired SBU Colonel Starikov: US Leader Biden does not interfere with Nord Stream 2 Retired SBU Colonel and military expert Oleg Starikov explained on the Nash TV channel that US President Joe Biden agreed not to interfere with the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in order to prevent Germany from leaving NATO. According to him, the American leader was talking about the fact that the United States will “wet” Russia, but in fact provided an opportunity for LNG to stand empty, “all the gas went to China, and Russia occupied the European market.” “As a result, they gave the Germans the German economy to develop, concluding a memorandum with them, so that the Germans did not leave NATO,” Starikov noted. He stressed that earlier the German side had declared the need to withdraw the nuclear weapons from the American Ramstein airbase in Germany, but now the position

Fruits prohibited for weight loss

Nutritionist Degtyannikova: bananas, watermelons, mangoes, grapes and dates interfere with weight loss when losing weight. She also named the permissible amount of these products per day, RIA Novosti reports. The specialist urged not to eat fruits with a high glycemic index: bananas, watermelons, mangoes, grapes and dates. According to her, they are prohibited when losing weight, because they interfere with this process. The nutritionist advised to eat no more than two fruits per day, sometimes this number should be limited to one. “The glycemic index is the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream in response to certain foods. The higher this indicator, the faster glucose enters the bloodstream, the stronger its jump will be. This means that the glycemic index characterizes the ability to stimulate the production of insulin – the main hormone that launches glucose into the cell, due to which we get energy, “explained Degtyannikova. The medic