SpaceX breaks annual launch record

SpaceNews: SpaceX broke the record for Falcon 9 launches in 2021 , according to SpaceNews. The publication notes that in 2021, as of December 3, 27 launches of such media were made. The previous record of 26 Falcon 9 launches was set in 2020. SpaceNews recalls that “many of the Falcon 9 missions in 2021 carried Starlink payloads.” In December, the head of SpaceX Elon Musk said that the company changed the orbits of some Starlink satellites to reduce the likelihood of collision with space debris. In November, Musk announced the orbital flight date of the reusable Starship transport system, which is considered the world's largest rocket. According to him, the system could go into orbit in January 2022. This will happen if SpaceX manages to complete the construction of the corresponding launch site in Texas, carry out the necessary tests of the rocket and obtain permission to launch from

SpaceX breaks annual launch record

SpaceNews: SpaceX broke the record for Falcon 9 launches in 2021 , according to SpaceNews. The publication notes that in 2021, as of December 3, 27 launches of such media were made. The previous record of 26 Falcon 9 launches was set in 2020. SpaceNews recalls that “many of the Falcon 9 missions in 2021 carried Starlink payloads.” In December, the head of SpaceX Elon Musk said that the company changed the orbits of some Starlink satellites to reduce the likelihood of collision with space debris. In November, Musk announced the orbital flight date of the reusable Starship transport system, which is considered the world's largest rocket. According to him, the system could go into orbit in January 2022. This will happen if SpaceX manages to complete the construction of the corresponding launch site in Texas, carry out the necessary tests of the rocket and obtain permission to launch from

Disclosed details about renting an island in the Kuril Islands by a Danish company

Litvinov's press secretary: a Danish company wants to lease only a part of the Shumshu island lease of an island in the Kuril Islands by a company from Denmark. She spoke about the desire of Copenhagen Offshore Partners to lease only part of Shumshu, writes RBC. Litvinova confirmed that the Danish company wants to implement a project on the production of hydrogen using wind energy in Shumshu. Related materials 00:00 – June 17 New greatness. Russia can lead the world energy revolution. What's stopping it? 10: 07 – 5 August Adaptation for the economy. On preparing the country's economy for the global energy transition By no means is it a question of renting an entire island for this. The issue of using only part of the land for the implementation of the project is being considered. It is also planned to create a museum on Shumshu, “she stressed. The press

Disclosed details about renting an island in the Kuril Islands by a Danish company

Litvinov's press secretary: a Danish company wants to lease only part of the Shumshu island lease of an island in the Kuril Islands by a company from Denmark. She spoke about the desire of Copenhagen Offshore Partners to lease only part of Shumshu, writes RBC. Litvinova confirmed that the Danish company wants to implement a project on the production of hydrogen using wind energy in Shumshu. Related materials 00:00 – June 17 New greatness. Russia can lead the global energy revolution. What's stopping it? 10: 07 – 5 August Adaptation for the economy. In no case is it about renting an entire island for this. The issue of using only part of the land for the implementation of the project is being considered. It is also planned to create a museum on Shumshu, “she stressed. The press secretary of the head of Sakhalin added that the parties are now discussing

A plane with Russians from South Africa landed in Moscow

Flight ET 760 departing from Addis Ababa with Russians from South Africa landed at Domodedovo Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 760 with Russians from South Africa at Moscow Domodedovo airport, according to the airport's online scoreboard. According to RIA Novosti, the Ethiopian airline has organized two commercial flights to take Russian citizens from Cape Town and Johannesburg. In total, there were about 100 people on the flights. In Ethiopian Addis Ababa, the Russians boarded one plane and flew to Moscow, tickets cost about 100 thousand rubles each. Earlier, Russian travelers who were stuck in South Africa due to the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19 in South Africa, outraged by the overpriced export flights to their homeland. The Russian consulate organized the departure, having agreed with the Ethiopian Airlines company, but the ticket price was more than 100 thousand rubles. Since November 28, Russia has indefinitely restricted the entry of

A plane with Russians from South Africa landed in Moscow

Flight ET 760 departed from Addis Ababa with Russians from South Africa landed at Domodedovo Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 760 landed with Russians from Russia at Moscow Domodedovo airport, according to the airport's online scoreboard. According to RIA Novosti, the Ethiopian airline has organized two commercial flights to take Russian citizens from Cape Town and Johannesburg. In total, there were about 100 people on the flights. In Ethiopian Addis Ababa, the Russians boarded one plane and flew to Moscow, tickets cost about 100 thousand rubles each. Earlier, Russian travelers who were stuck in South Africa due to the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19 in South Africa, outraged by the overpriced export flights to their homeland. The Russian consulate organized the departure, having agreed with the Ethiopian Airlines company, but the ticket price was more than 100 thousand rubles. Since November 28, Russia has indefinitely restricted the entry of

In a Russian city, they began to check after a naked child was found in the entrance

Investigators will check the data on a naked girl found on Sudostroiteley Street in Tyumen A courier found a two-year-old naked girl at the entrance of one of the houses in Tyumen, told in the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region. The incident occurred at the entrance of a residential building on Sudostroiteley Street in Tyumen on November 30. As noted in the department, the investigators began checking the facts presented by the media. “A pre-investigation check has been organized,” the press service said. The experts will have to assess the actions or inaction of the mother, as well as find out the reasons for the incident. Then a procedural decision will be made. The courier came across a naked girl. Her mother at this time was asleep after a feast. The child was given to the grandmother in the same city, the mother was

In a Russian city, they began to check after a naked child was found in the entrance

Investigators will check the data on a naked girl found on Sudostroiteley Street in Tyumen A courier found a two-year-old naked girl in the entrance of one of the houses told in the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region. The incident occurred at the entrance of a residential building on Sudostroiteley Street in Tyumen on November 30. As noted in the department, the investigators began checking the facts presented by the media. “A pre-investigation check has been organized,” the press service said. The experts will have to assess the actions or inaction of the mother, as well as find out the reasons for the incident. Then a procedural decision will be made. The courier came across a naked girl. Her mother at this time was asleep after a feast. The child was given to the grandmother in the same city, the mother was brought to

A new procedure for interaction between the traffic police and driving schools will come into force in Russia

PromoTASS: The new procedure for the interaction of the traffic police with driving schools will enter into force on March 1, 2022 The new procedure for interaction of the State traffic inspectorate (GAI) with driving schools entered into force on March 1, 2022. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, reports TASS. The rules will be valid until March 1, 2028. Initially, the changes were planned from April 1 of this year, the reasons for the postponement have not been reported. So, driving schools must submit a list of students to the examination institutions of the traffic police no later than ten days before the start of driving practice. Notifications are sent by mail or through a personal account on “State Services.” The organization that issued the medical certificates is checked. If any gaps are found, information is sent back to the driving school within three

A new procedure for interaction between the traffic police and driving schools will come into force in Russia

PromoTASS: The new procedure for the interaction of the traffic police with driving schools will enter into force on March 1, 2022 The new procedure for interaction of the State traffic inspectorate (GAI) with driving schools entered into force on March 1, 2022. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, reports TASS. The rules will be valid until March 1, 2028. Initially, the changes were planned from April 1 of this year, the reasons for the postponement have not been reported. So, driving schools must submit a list of students to the examination institutions of the traffic police no later than ten days before the start of driving practice. Notifications are sent by mail or through a personal account on “State Services.” The organization that issued the medical certificates is checked. If any gaps are found, information is sent back to the driving school within three