The President of Kazakhstan accepts the resignation of the government

'Accept the resignation of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Temporarily assign the duties of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan to & nbsp; Smailov Alikhan Askhanovich & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the text of the decree says. The document instructs government members to continue to fulfill their duties until the & nbsp; approval of the new cabinet. Since & nbsp; 25 & nbsp; February 2019, the government of Kazakhstan was headed by Askar Mamin. At the beginning of the year, residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau took part in & nbsp; rallies, protesting against a twofold increase in the cost of liquefied petroleum gas. As explained in the & nbsp; Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January prices began to be formed on & nbsp; electronic exchange trading on & nbsp; based on demand and &

Japan and South Korea announced the launch of an unknown projectile by the DPRK

In & nbsp; September last year, North Korea announced & nbsp; conducted tests of a hypersonic missile. Prior to & nbsp; this, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea reported that & nbsp; the North Korean military launched at least one missile in the & nbsp; side of the Sea of ​​Japan. In & nbsp; October, the DPRK again launched a missile in the & nbsp; side of the Sea of ​​Japan. The National Security Council (SNB) of South Korea expressed in & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; this “ deep regret '' and & nbsp; urged Pyongyang to return to & nbsp; peace talks.

Tokayev introduced a curfew in Alma-Ata and Mangystau region

'Introduce a curfew from & nbsp; 23 hours 00 minutes to & nbsp; 7 hours 00 minutes in & nbsp; Mangistau region for & nbsp; period of the state of emergency. & lt; & hellip; & gt; Introduce a curfew from & nbsp; 23 hours 00 minutes to & nbsp; 7 hours 00 minutes in & nbsp; the city of Alma-Ata during the state of emergency. To create for the & nbsp; period of the state of emergency the commandant's office of the city of Alma-Ata and & nbsp; give it & nbsp; powers provided for by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan & ldquo; On & nbsp; state of emergency & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the & nbsp; message says. Entry to & nbsp; Alma-Ata and & nbsp; & nbsp; the city is prohibited. Strikes, peaceful gatherings and & nbsp; mass events are prohibited in & nbsp;

Day in History: January 5th

The first street lights in Moscow On this day, Moscow celebrates the day of the street lamp. In November 1730, the Senate of the Russian Empire issued a decree on the manufacture of glass lanterns to illuminate Moscow in winter. And already on January 5, 1731 (December 25, 1730 according to the old style), the first street lamps were lit in Moscow. At first, the lanterns gave quite a little light, because they used ordinary candles and oil. However, then oil was replaced by kerosene, then — at the beginning of the XIX century – gas. And at the end of the XIX century, electric lamps appeared. The first electric street lights in Moscow started working in 1880. The development of the street lighting system declined during the First World War, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. The last gas lamps in the capital were replaced with electric ones

Stoltenberg announces the agenda of the Russia-NATO Council

“I & nbsp; called a meeting of the Council Russia & nbsp; & mdash; NATO on January 12 & nbsp; to discuss European security issues, in & nbsp; especially the situation in & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; around & nbsp; and & nbsp; also the problems of hostilities, mutual transparency and & nbsp; risk reduction & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Stoltenberg wrote on & nbsp; Twitter. Previously, he scheduled talks between the alliance and & nbsp; Russia for & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; January. The meeting will be the first in & nbsp; 2.5 years. Aide to the President of Russia Yuri Ushakov announced on December 30 & nbsp; that & nbsp; the Russian side will be represented by the Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs and & nbsp; Defense. Moscow in & nbsp; ; In mid-December, NATO proposed a draft agreement on & nbsp; security guarantees. Among the

President of Kazakhstan urged protesters not to succumb to outside provocations

So, the head of state urged the residents of the republic to show prudence and & nbsp; not & nbsp; not to succumb to provocations. He & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; residents need not & nbsp; conflict, but & nbsp; mutual trust and & nbsp; dialogue. At the beginning of the year, residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau, which are located in the & nbsp; oil-producing Mangistau region to the country & nbsp; went to the & nbsp; rallies, protesting against a twofold increase in the cost of liquefied petroleum gas. As explained in the & nbsp; Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January prices began to be formed on & nbsp; electronic exchange trading on & nbsp; based on demand and & nbsp; supply. Tokayev instructed to create a commission to & nbsp; study the situation. Rallies in &

Rospotrebnadzor reported that there is no “new” strain from France in Russia yet

“No cases of infection with variant B.1.640.2 have been detected in Russia. The situation is under the control of Rospotrebnadzor,” the report says. The department also recalled that in two months only about 20 sequences of the new strain were added to the database, and in December only isolated cases were noted. “Given that B.1.640.2 has not received any distribution in two months, there is no reason to believe that it may be of particular interest,” the ministry added. At the end of December, the scientific journal medRxiv published a preprint of a study on a new strain of coronavirus in the south of France, according to which 12 people were infected with it. It was registered in GISAID (Global Virus Genome Database) as B.1.640.2. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that they have been monitoring the situation with the new strain since November. The organization noted that they are

A British scientist said that the worst period of the pandemic is over

“The worst is definitely behind us. We need to overcome the winter,” said Pollard, who heads the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization at the UK Ministry of Health. “At a certain moment, society must open up. When we open, there will be a moment when there will be a jump in cases of infection, which is why winter may not be the best time [to lift all anti-cancer restrictions],” the scientist added, noting that such a decision “should be made by politicians, not scientists.” The infectious disease specialist told when the situation with COVID-19 will improve Pollard called revaccination of the population from coronavirus every six months an impossible task. “We know that people have high levels of antibodies for several months after the third dose of the vaccine, but we need more data to tell when and how often these vulnerable people will need new doses. We cannot

The King and Queen of Sweden became infected with coronavirus after three vaccinations

“The king and Queen, who are fully vaccinated with three injections, have mild symptoms and are doing well given the circumstances,” the court said in a statement. They added that the 75-year-old king and 78-year-old queen are now in self-isolation, experts identify those with whom they have been in contact. According to the agency, in Sweden over the past day, a record high number of people infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus has been detected — over 11.5 thousand people. This happened against the background of the spread of a new strain of “omicron”.