The President of Kazakhstan accepts the resignation of the government

'Accept the resignation of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Temporarily assign the duties of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan to & nbsp; Smailov Alikhan Askhanovich & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the text of the decree says.

The document instructs government members to continue to fulfill their duties until the & nbsp; approval of the new cabinet.

Since & nbsp; 25 & nbsp; February 2019, the government of Kazakhstan was headed by Askar Mamin.

At the beginning of the year, residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau took part in & nbsp; rallies, protesting against a twofold increase in the cost of liquefied petroleum gas. As explained in the & nbsp; Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, from & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January prices began to be formed on & nbsp; electronic exchange trading on & nbsp; based on demand and & nbsp; supply. Tokayev instructed to create a commission to & nbsp; study the situation.

On & nbsp; Tuesday, the authorities of the republic made concessions to the protesters: in & nbsp; Aktau, members of the government commission met with & nbsp; activists and & nbsp; promised to reduce the price of & nbsp; gas to 50 tenge & nbsp; 50 tenge & nbsp; $ 0.11 succumb to & nbsp; internal and & nbsp; external provocations.



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