Zakharova condemned new Western sanctions against Belarus

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: Western sanctions against Belarus are inhumane official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. Her words were published on the agency's website. “We strongly condemn the new restrictive measures against Belarus, which were simultaneously adopted on December 2 by the United States, the European Union, Great Britain and Canada. These sanctions are illegitimate, like any restrictions imposed bypassing the UN Security Council, “the message says. According to the diplomat, the sanctions are inhuman in nature due to the negative impact on the life of the citizens of Belarus. Earlier, the European Union adopted the fifth package of sanctions against Belarus in connection with the situation with migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. The black list includes more than 25 individuals and legal entities, including the Belavia airline and the Grodno Azot and Belarusneft enterprises. Restrictions were also introduced by the United States and Britain.

US attacks al-Qaeda leader

Fox News: US drone strikes one of al-Qaeda leaders in Syria US strikes one by one from the leaders of Al-Qaeda ( the group is recognized as terrorist and banned in the Russian Federation ) in Syria. This is reported by the Fox News channel with reference to the official representative of the command of the US Armed Forces, Bill Urban. According to the information received by the TV channel, the attack on the leader of the group was carried out using a drone near Idlib in the north-west of the country. According to Urban, the initial analysis shows the possibility of civilian casualties. An investigation into the consequences of the strike is underway. The channel also noted that it had sent a request to the White House to comment on the information, but did not receive a response. On September 20, it became known that the US military had

Белка в США похитила шапку Санта Клауса (видео)

Грегг Мантернах из американского города Кливленд выглянул в окно и заметил белку с шапкой Санта Клауса в зубах. Оказалось, пушистая «разбойница» украла рождественский декор у мужчины с крыльца. Шапка украшала пластмассовую фигурку совы, установленную для отпугивания птиц. По словам Грегга, не прошло и суток, как он украсил фигурку. «Я вытащил телефон из кармана и начал записывать, как она взбирается на дерево и скрывается из виду», — рассказал мужчина журналистам. Сперва Грегг был расстроен из-за потери декора. Но, пересмотрев забавное видео, он рассмеялся и перестал злиться на незваную гостью. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о животных

Вулкан в Индонезии выпустил дым и пепел на 12 километров (видео)

BREAKING ? Massive Mount Semeru eruption in Indonesia makes terrified locals flee — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 4, 2021 Семеру, самый высокий вулкан на острове Ява в Индонезии, выпустил пирокластические потоки во время извержения 4 декабря. Облака дыма и пепла поднялись в воздух на 12 километров, сообщает Independent. На видео извержения, опубликованных в социальных сетях, видно, как местные жители спасаются бегством. Сообщений о жертвах пока не поступало, но все близлежащие деревни затянуты дымом, а в роликах видны многочисленные разрушения, нанесенные пирокластическими потоками. По сообщениям местных властей, вулкан извергается с вечера пятницы, 3 декабря. #volcano #eruption #Apocalypse #BreakingNews Mount #Semeru erupts Java island #Indonesia The mountain river is boiling. — Aleksander Onishchuk (@Brave_spirit81) December 4, 2021 Mt. Semeru, East Java, Indonesia, this afternoon — DARYONO BMKG (@DaryonoBMKG) December 4, 2021 Mount Semeru erupted sending a wall of hot clouds barrelling down towards nearby villages. — Nuice Media (Taylor’s version) (@nuicemedia) December 4, 2021 ? | BREAKING: Mount Semeru in Indonesia has erupted sending ash

Two workers die after igniting oxygen at a Russian plant

Two victims of oxygen ignition in Ust-Ilimsk PPM died pipelines at the Ust-Ilimsk Pulp and Paper Mill in the Irkutsk Region, were killed. This was reported by a RIA Novosti source in the region's law enforcement agencies. According to the agency's interlocutor, two burned workers died in the hospital. An oxygen leak with a local fire occurred at a production plant of the Ilim group “November 24. As a result, five people were injured, the leak occurred during tests after repair work. The enterprise continued to operate normally, the fire was liquidated. Earlier, an explosion thundered in one of the shops of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. The explosion collapsed the roof around the entire perimeter of the building with an area of ​​about two thousand square meters. A plant worker was injured – she was removed from the rubble and hospitalized in a state of shock.

Two workers die after igniting oxygen at a Russian plant

Two victims of oxygen ignition in Ust-Ilimsk PPM died pipelines at the Ust-Ilimsk Pulp and Paper Mill in the Irkutsk Region, were killed. This was reported by a RIA Novosti source in the region's law enforcement agencies. According to the agency's interlocutor, two burned workers died in the hospital. An oxygen leak with a local fire occurred at a production plant of the Ilim group “November 24. As a result, five people were injured, the leak occurred during tests after repair work. The enterprise continued to operate normally, the fire was liquidated. Earlier, an explosion thundered in one of the shops of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. The explosion collapsed the roof around the entire perimeter of the building with an area of ​​about two thousand square meters. A plant worker was injured – she was removed from the rubble and hospitalized in a state of shock.

Nazarbayev explained his refusal to recognize Crimea as Russian

Ex-President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev answered why he did not recognize Crimea as Russian in 2014 Former President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev explained why In 2014, she refused to recognize Crimea as Russian. Otherwise, it would be necessary to recognize the rights of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Kosovo, the politician said in the film “Qazaq. History of The Golden Man “, based on his interview with American Oliver Stone, TASS reports. Nazarbayev in one of the episodes emphasized that seven years ago side. “All this arose due to the coup that happened in Kiev,” the first president of the republic explained. The politician admitted that he was very worried about the events in Ukraine, since he studied there at one time. Earlier, Nazarbayev called on the citizens of Kazakhstan to rally around the state course of the head of the republic, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. He noted that under the leadership of Tokayev,

Nazarbayev explained his refusal to recognize Crimea as Russian

Ex-President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev answered why he did not recognize Crimea as Russian in 2014 Former President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev In 2014, she refused to recognize Crimea as Russian. Otherwise, it would be necessary to recognize the rights of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Kosovo, the politician said in the film “Qazaq. History of The Golden Man “, based on his interview with American Oliver Stone, TASS reports. Nazarbayev in one of the episodes emphasized that seven years ago side. “All this arose due to the coup that happened in Kiev,” the first president of the republic explained. The politician admitted that he was very worried about the events in Ukraine, since he studied there at one time. Earlier, Nazarbayev called on the citizens of Kazakhstan to rally around the state course of the head of the republic, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. He noted that under the leadership of Tokayev, a complex

Blogger bought a Chanel Advent calendar and was disappointed

A TikTok user found stickers and an empty pouch in the Chanel Advent calendar A woman bought an Advent calendar with mini-products from the Chanel brand for 600 pounds sterling (about 58 thousand rubles – approx. “”) and was disappointed to find ordinary stickers, a magnet and an empty gift bag in it. The content of the calendar, which this year the brand dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the legendary Chanel No.5 fragrance, was demonstrated by the blogger in several videos published on TikTok. The user of the platform with the nickname @eliseharmon showed that the calendar in which the gifts are hidden for every day of the pre-Christmas period, made in the form of an iconic bottle of Chanel perfume No. 5, inside which 27 boxes with numbers from 5 to 31 were neatly placed. After admiring the packaging, the blogger decided to open several slots. “Number 9

Blogger bought a Chanel Advent calendar and was disappointed

A TikTok user found stickers and an empty bag in the Chanel Advent calendar A woman bought an Advent calendar with mini-products from the Chanel brand for 600 pounds sterling (about 58 thousand rubles – approx. “”) and was disappointed to find ordinary stickers, a magnet and an empty gift bag in it. The content of the calendar, which this year the brand dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the legendary Chanel No.5 fragrance, was demonstrated by the blogger in several videos published on TikTok. The user of the platform with the nickname @eliseharmon showed that the calendar in which the gifts are hidden for every day of the pre-Christmas period, made in the form of an iconic bottle of Chanel perfume No. 5, inside which 27 boxes with numbers from 5 to 31 were neatly placed. After admiring the packaging, the blogger decided to open several slots. “Number 9