The European Union assessed the impact of geopolitics on gas supplies from Russia

European Commissioner Gentiloni: Russia is not interested in tough discussions on gas supplies From Russia. He spoke about this at the International Dialogues conference in Rome, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, today Moscow is not interested in an extremely difficult discussion on this issue. He noted that in addition to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, there are various topics that are of interest to the Russian leadership. The representative of the European Union stressed that although geopolitics is always present, the crisis should not go beyond a certain level. At the same time, Gentiloni said that he was worried about the development of the situation in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Belarus. “I think that gas supplies will not be used in a worse way than has been done so far, but the problem remains,” he explained. Ukraine ”Olga Belkova in a report prepared at the request

Rapid test for COVID-19 due to new strain leads to traffic jam at Moscow airport

Arriving at Sheremetyevo lost about two hours due to the mandatory test for COVID-19 Express test for COVID-19, which introduced because of a new omicron-strain led to congestion at the airport in Moscow, RIA Novosti reports. According to the agency, arriving from London lost about two hours due to a mandatory test. After the plane landed at Sheremetyevo on the night of Saturday to Sunday, December 5, passengers were asked to stay in their seats. First, they underwent thermometry – a procedure that is done only on flights from countries with identified cases of the omicron strain – and after 30-40 minutes they were brought by buses to the terminal, from where they were not released for a long time due to long queues at sanitary control. Rosportrebnadzor checked the profiles of the arrivals, and the doctors carried out testing. The results were announced over the speakerphone within two minutes,

Rapid test for COVID-19 due to new strain leads to traffic jam at Moscow airport

Arriving at Sheremetyevo lost about two hours due to the mandatory test for COVID-19 Express test for COVID-19, which introduced because of a new omicron-strain led to congestion at the airport in Moscow, RIA Novosti reports. According to the agency, arriving from London lost about two hours due to a mandatory test. After the plane landed at Sheremetyevo on the night of Saturday to Sunday, December 5, passengers were asked to stay in their seats. First, they underwent thermometry – a procedure that is done only on flights from countries with identified cases of the omicron strain – and after 30-40 minutes they were brought by buses to the terminal, from where they were not released for a long time due to long queues at sanitary control. Rosportrebnadzor checked the profiles of the arrivals, and the doctors carried out testing. The results were announced over the speakerphone within two minutes,

Scientists talk about cancer-provoking habits

Chinese Scientists: Lack of Sleep, Depression and Poor Nutrition Trigger Cancer referring to the WeChat Internet platform. The authors of the publication stated that the risk of developing cancer is higher in those who do not sleep much, eat food that has been prepared a long time ago, and suffer from depression. < p> Experts, referring to research, note that lack of sleep destroys the human nervous system, increases irritability, and this leads to oncology. Poor nutrition causes digestive problems and disrupts the removal of fluids, which is dangerous for the body. Food that is prepared in advance contains many carcinogens, they explained. “Patients with long-term depression have a high risk of cancer,” the experts added. Previously, Chinese scientists from Tianjin Medical University reported that drinking coffee or tea reduces the risk of stroke and dementia. People who drink two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups

Scientists talk about cancer-provoking habits

Chinese scientists: lack of sleep, depression and poor nutrition provoke cancer referring to the WeChat Internet platform. The authors of the publication stated that the risk of developing cancer is higher in those who do not sleep much, eat food that has been prepared a long time ago, and suffer from depression. < p> Experts, referring to research, note that lack of sleep destroys the human nervous system, increases irritability, and this leads to oncology. Poor nutrition causes digestive problems and disrupts the removal of fluids, which is dangerous for the body. Food that is prepared in advance contains many carcinogens, they explained. “Patients with long-term depression have a high risk of cancer,” the experts added. Previously, Chinese scientists from Tianjin Medical University reported that drinking coffee or tea reduces the risk of stroke and dementia. People who drink two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups

Папа Франциск попросил прощения у православных за ошибки католиков

Папа римский Франциск попросил у православных прощения за действия некоторых католиков. По его мнению, их действия и решения «немного или совершенно ничего общего не имели с Иисусом и Евангелием», а были продиктованы «прежде всего жаждой прибыли и власти», в результате они стали причиной разделения между христианами. Об этом глава Католической церкви сказал на встрече с архиепископом Афин и всей Эллады в греческой столице. «Нас отравили мирские яды, сорняки подозрительности увеличили расстояние между нами, и мы перестали взращивать сопричастность… Таким образом мы допустили, чтобы плодотворность была поставлена под угрозу разделениями. История имеет свой вес, и сегодня здесь я чувствую потребность вновь попросить прощения у Бога и у братьев за ошибки, совершённые многими католиками», — приводит портал Vatican News слова папы римского. Он напомнил о корнях, которые объединяют католиков и православных, отметил, что они «сокрыты под землёй и нередко забыты». «Давайте не опасаться друг друга, а помогать друг другу поклоняться Богу и служить ближнему, не занимаясь прозелитизмом и полностью уважая свободу другого», — призвал Франциск. Лайф рассказывал, что ранее папа римский назвал возвратом в прошлое возведение стен от мигрантов. Строительство заборов, по мнению понтифика, выглядит как единственное решение, на которое способны политики, чтобы управлять

It became known about the dispute between Lavrov and Blinken during the meeting

Bloomberg: Sergei Lavrov and Anthony Blinken had an argument during a meeting in Stockholm Bloomberg became aware of this. The discussion took place during the discussion of Western countries' response measures in the event of “Russian aggression” in Ukraine. Lavrov said that the events that took place there in 2014 were a coup d'état, and also accused NATO and the European Union of suppressing dissent and threats to Russia. In response, Blinken called NATO a “defense alliance.” According to him, during the Maidan protests, forces loyal to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych allegedly “opened fire on peaceful protesters and killed more than a hundred people.” Lavrov and Blinken met on December 2. During the talks, they discussed the situation with the work of the Russian and US embassies, as well as the normalization of the crisis in southeastern Ukraine and the process of resuming the Iranian nuclear deal.

Embassy responded to US accusations of preparing invasion of Ukraine

Embassy in the United States: Russia's deployment of troops on its territory does not concern anyone troops. RIA Novosti reports the diplomats' comments to the Financial Times. The embassy stressed that Russia does not pose a threat to any country. At the same time, NATO is “recklessly” moving its troops to the Russian borders. “The deployment of Russian troops on national territory is our sovereign right. This does not concern anyone, “they added. As the diplomats recalled, last year American officials also made” hysterical assessments about Russia’s alleged preparation of an invasion of Ukraine, “which in the end turned out to be untrue. At the moment, Washington should only force the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to comply with the Minsk agreements, they concluded. On December 4, American intelligence “discovered” that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine, and drew up a map of the offensive on several fronts. As

The US called “Poseidon” a lever of pressure on Russia in negotiations with Washington

19FortyFive: Poseidon Will Give Putin Leverage in Arms Talks which Moscow can use in negotiations with the United States. Military expert Brent Eastwood writes about this in 19FortyFive. He explains that this type of weapon is not a missile and this makes classification difficult during arms control negotiations. In addition, the potentially unlimited range and secrecy of Poseidon could be a response to Washington's deployment of a global missile defense system, giving President Vladimir Putin leverage on the Americans. It is noted that the target of Poseidon, armed with nuclear warheads up to two megatons, coastal cities of the United States are capable of becoming. According to the publication, by 2027 Russia will have 50 such torpedoes. In August, the American edition of USNI News noted that the image from space by Maxar Technologies demonstrating the 20183 project Akademik Aleksandrov oceanographic research vessel in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region), you can see

The US called “Poseidon” a lever of pressure on Russia in negotiations with Washington

19FortyFive: Poseidon Will Give Putin Leverage In Arms Talks which Moscow can use in negotiations with the United States. Military expert Brent Eastwood writes about this in 19FortyFive. He explains that this type of weapon is not a missile and this makes classification difficult during arms control negotiations. In addition, the potentially unlimited range and secrecy of Poseidon could be a response to Washington's deployment of a global missile defense system, giving President Vladimir Putin leverage on the Americans. It is noted that the target of Poseidon, armed with nuclear warheads up to two megatons, coastal cities of the United States are capable of becoming. According to the publication, by 2027 Russia will have 50 such torpedoes. In August, the American edition of USNI News noted that the image from space by Maxar Technologies demonstrating the 20183 project Akademik Aleksandrov oceanographic research vessel in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region), you can see