Sullivan appreciated the proposal to lift mutual restrictions with Russia

US Ambassador to Russia Sullivan: It's not easy to lift diplomatic restrictions with Russia US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan appreciated the proposal to remove mutual restrictions with Russia in an interview with RBC. In particular, the discussion was about the proposal of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov. “We have spoken about diplomatic relations and the size of our embassies many times, and it is not only us, the US and Russian governments that are involved in discussions on this issue. But it is not so easy to say that we will cancel all restrictions, “Sullivan noted. At the same time, the American diplomat stressed that he did not know what restrictions Ryabkov had in mind. He assured that the United States is committed to stabilizing its work with the Russian government and bringing the American diplomatic presence to parity with the Russian in the

China accused the United States of unleashing wars under the banner of democracy

Chinese Foreign Ministry: the US model of democracy is a cover for interference in the affairs of other countries other states and interference in their internal affairs. This was stated by the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the report “The Situation with Democracy in the United States,” Interfax reports. Related materials 00:01 – November 10 Houston, we have canceled. How the fight for justice in Western society turned into a war against freedom of speech 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions – it's for life. ”The United States is threatening Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? In Beijing, Washington was accused of the fact that the United States “is proud of being a” model of democracy “and unleashing wars under the banner of democracy.” The diplomats added that American foreign policy is also characterized by the organization of color revolutions and the overthrow of governments under the guise

US Ambassador commented on the situation with the termination of the issuance of visas to Russians

US Ambassador Sullivan on refusing to issue visas to Russians: not so much a decision as a fact US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan commented on the situation the termination of the issuance of visas to Russians. He spoke about this in an interview with RBC. According to him, the refusal to issue visas to the United States to Russian citizens was “not so much a decision as a fact.” He noted that earlier, the Washington Embassy in Moscow had a consular section, which employed 60 people who issued immigration and non-immigrant visas. However, due to the expulsion of American diplomats and a law banning the hiring of local workers, the department now employs fewer than five people, the ambassador added. “We simply do not have people to do this work,” the American diplomat said. At the same time, Sullivan stressed that this situation causes him very great regret. He

Sullivan appreciated the proposal to lift mutual restrictions with Russia

US Ambassador to Russia Sullivan: not easy to lift diplomatic restrictions with Russia US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan appreciated the proposal to remove mutual restrictions with Russia in an interview with RBC. In particular, the discussion was about the proposal of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov. “We have spoken about diplomatic relations and the size of our embassies many times, and it is not only us, the US and Russian governments that are involved in discussions on this issue. But it is not so easy to say that we will cancel all restrictions, “Sullivan noted. At the same time, the American diplomat stressed that he did not know what restrictions Ryabkov had in mind. He assured that the United States is committed to stabilizing its work with the Russian government and bringing the American diplomatic presence to parity with the Russian in the United

The head of the Pentagon denies the idea of ​​creating an anti-Chinese NATO in Asia

Pentagon chief: the United States does not intend to create an anti-Chinese coalition or an analogue of NATO in Asia US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin denied NATO in Asia. He stated this at a forum organized by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, TASS reports. According to him, the United States proceeds from the fact that in a state of peace and war, it is always stronger when it works together with its friends. He noted that Washington is not trying to create an anti-Chinese coalition or an analogue of NATO in Asia. The head of the Pentagon also stressed that the American administration is not asking Asian states to choose between the United States and China. Earlier, Austin called China a constant challenge for the United States. The head of the Pentagon said that Washington is ready to support the capabilities of other countries to contain Beijing. According to him,

Whims set another Minnesota record

Russian Kaprizov scored 80 points in the NHL in 79 matches, this is Minnesota's record Minnesota Wild beat “ Toronto Maple Leafs in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match. This was reported by the correspondent. The main time of the meeting, which took place on the night of Sunday, December 5, ended with a score of 3: 3. The Russian forward Kirill Kaprizov made an assist. In overtime, no one managed to distinguish themselves, and in the shootout the hosts were stronger. The winning free throw was scored by Kaprizov. According to the NHL Twitter, the Russian has set another club record. Whims reached 80 points scored on the goal-plus-pass system in 79 games. The previous achievement belonged to Brian Rolston, who took 84 games. Whims have played 24 games in the NHL this season. The Russian scored nine goals and made 21 assists.

Whims set another Minnesota record

Russian Kaprizov scored 80 points in the NHL in 79 matches, this is Minnesota's record Minnesota Wild beat “ Toronto Maple Leafs in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match. This was reported by the correspondent. The main time of the meeting, which took place on the night of Sunday, December 5, ended with a score of 3: 3. The Russian forward Kirill Kaprizov made an assist. In overtime, no one managed to distinguish themselves, and in the shootout the hosts were stronger. The winning free throw was scored by Kaprizov. According to the NHL Twitter, the Russian has set another club record. Whims reached 80 points scored on the goal-plus-pass system in 79 games. The previous achievement belonged to Brian Rolston, who took 84 games. Whims have played 24 games in the NHL this season. The Russian scored nine goals and made 21 assists.

US wants to improve the efficiency of local authorities in Georgia

RT: USAID will prepare a program to work with local governments in Georgia local government in Georgia and plans to launch a new program to this end. This is reported by RT with reference to a notification for organizations interested in the project. It is noted that the main goal of the program is to increase the efficiency and accountability of local governments in the country, as well as to improve the interaction of state bodies with citizens. The project should promote decentralization in Georgia. The notice emphasizes that with the help of the USAID program, it expects to strengthen the legislative base in Georgia, institutional capacity and partnership on the issue of decentralization. In October, the Georgian Ministry of Defense announced its intention to sign an agreement with the Pentagon. It will be aimed at strengthening Georgia's defense and deterrent capabilities.

US wants to improve the efficiency of local authorities in Georgia

RT: USAID will prepare a program to work with local governments in Georgia local government in Georgia and plans to launch a new program to this end. This is reported by RT with reference to a notification for organizations interested in the project. It is noted that the main goal of the program is to increase the efficiency and accountability of local governments in the country, as well as to improve the interaction of state bodies with citizens. The project should promote decentralization in Georgia. The notice emphasizes that with the help of the USAID program, it expects to strengthen the legislative base in Georgia, institutional capacity and partnership on the issue of decentralization. In October, the Georgian Ministry of Defense announced its intention to sign an agreement with the Pentagon. It will be aimed at strengthening Georgia's defense and deterrent capabilities.

The United States announced a way to avoid violence in Ukraine by Russia

Ambassador Sullivan: US hopes to avoid “tragic violence” in Ukraine tragic violence in Ukraine ”by Moscow. He stated this in an interview with RBC. You saw the statement of Secretary of State Blinken about the unusual military strengthening of the Russian military on the border with Ukraine. We believe that there are destabilizing actions within the country John Sullivan US Ambassador to Russia Sullivan said the country's authorities hope the violence can be prevented through diplomatic engagement. He recalled the meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on December 2, where politicians discussed this issue. The diplomat added that, on behalf of US President Joe Biden, despite the differences, he is ready to build stable relations with Moscow. How the conflict escalated Talk of an escalation of the conflict in Donbass began amid reports of a concentration of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border