Pentagon: US is not trying to create an analogue of NATO in Asia

“In & nbsp; a state of war and & nbsp; peace, we are & nbsp; always stronger when we work with our friends. This defines our approach to the & nbsp; challenge associated with & nbsp; China. No, we & nbsp; do not & nbsp; want an Asian version of NATO and & nbsp; do & nbsp; try to create an anti-Chinese coalition & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Austin said at a & nbsp; forum organized by the Ronald Presidential Foundation (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). Instead of creating any blocs, the United States is working to & nbsp; “ promote an international free stable system, '' the head of the US defense department added. In mid-September, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom announced the & nbsp; AUKUS agreement, which implies equipping Australia with American nuclear submarines. Because of & nbsp; this, Canberra canceled the & nbsp;

Trump called the chief general of the United States an idiot

Former US President Trump called the country's chief general Millie a “damn idiot” US Armed Forces Mark Millie. Express writes about this. According to the newspaper, the ex-president called the chief US general a “damn idiot” because of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Trump recalled how Millie tried to prove to him that with the withdrawal of American troops it would be cheaper to leave all military equipment in the country than to export it. “You have a plane for 50 million dollars. You have a gorgeous $ 29 million helicopter. We had all types of helicopters. Many of them are brand new. Literally out of the box. Do you think it's cheaper to leave it there so they can get it than to fill it with half a tank of gasoline and take it to Pakistan or fly back to our country? ” – Trump said. Earlier, Trump

In India, the military shot civilians by mistake

NDTV: The military ambushed the village of Oting and mistakenly opened fire on local residents at least 13 civilians and one member of the security forces due to mistaken beliefs in the village of Oting for insurgents. This was reported by the NDTV channel. The military, having learned about the possible movement of militants in the Mon region, which borders Myanmar, is reported to have ambushed the village of Oting. However, the villagers were mistaken for the rebels – as a result, fire was opened on peaceful Indians who were returning to the village by car. According to police sources, other villagers defended their fellow villagers and attacked the military … It is noted that the security forces began shooting at the crowd in self-defense, thus wounding at least seven more people. Indian Interior Minister Amit Shah expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and called for a

At the favorite resort of Russians, prohibition was canceled ahead of schedule

ATOR: since December 3, the Pattaya authorities have lifted the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at the resort favorite resorts of Russians, they decided to early abolish the dry law – since December 3, the sale of alcoholic beverages has partially resumed. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). So, according to the order of the Governor of Chonburi in the pilot tourist zones (Pattaya, Siracha, Ko Sichang, Bang Sare, Najomtien), the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages was canceled for 1 , 5 months before the announced date – from December 3, 2021 instead of January 16, 2022. However, it is allowed to sell and drink alcohol only in SHA + hotels and restaurants, that is, in establishments that have passed tests on hygiene safety and confirmed the provision of their services in accordance with the requirements of

At the favorite resort of Russians, prohibition was canceled ahead of schedule

ATOR: since December 3, the Pattaya authorities have lifted the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at the resort favorite resorts of Russians, they decided to early abolish the dry law – since December 3, the sale of alcoholic beverages has partially resumed. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). So, according to the order of the Governor of Chonburi in the pilot tourist zones (Pattaya, Siracha, Ko Sichang, Bang Sare, Najomtien), the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages was canceled for 1 , 5 months before the announced date – from December 3, 2021 instead of January 16, 2022. However, it is allowed to sell and drink alcohol only in SHA + hotels and restaurants, that is, in establishments that have passed tests on hygiene safety and confirmed the provision of their services in accordance with the requirements of

Poland announced the construction of the “Fourth Reich” in Germany

The head of the ruling party in Poland Kaczynski: Germany wants to build the Fourth Reich ) Jaroslaw Kaczynski made a statement on German policy. This is reported by Wirtualna Polska. According to the deputies who attended the meeting of the parliamentary club of the faction, Kaczynski said that “Germany wants to build the Fourth Reich.” He noted that Poland will not allow this to happen. At the end of October, Poland announced the declared war by the European Union. Polish politicians said that the European Union declared war on the country after the EU Court ordered Warsaw to pay a fine of one million euros per day for the reform of the courts. According to MP Janusz Kowalski, the European Union has launched a new stage of a hybrid war against Poland. He called on Warsaw to boycott the organization and block all its decisions until the rule of

China accused the United States of unleashing wars under the banner of democracy

Chinese Foreign Ministry: the US model of democracy is a cover for interference in the affairs of other countries other states and interference in their internal affairs. This was stated by the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the report “The Situation with Democracy in the United States,” Interfax reports. Related materials 00:01 – November 10 Houston, we have canceled. How the fight for justice in Western society turned into a war against freedom of speech 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions – this is for life. ”The United States is threatening Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? In Beijing, Washington was accused of the fact that the United States “is proud of being a” model of democracy “and unleashing wars under the banner of democracy.” The diplomats added that American foreign policy is also characterized by the organization of color revolutions and the overthrow of governments under the

In India, the military shot civilians by mistake

NDTV: The military ambushed the village of Oting and mistakenly opened fire on local residents at least 13 civilians and one member of the security forces after being mistaken for the insurgents in the village of Oting. This was reported by the NDTV channel. The military, having learned about the possible movement of militants in the Mon region, which borders Myanmar, is reported to have ambushed the village of Oting. However, the villagers were mistaken for the rebels – as a result, fire was opened on peaceful Indians who were returning to the village by car. According to police sources, other villagers defended their fellow villagers and attacked the military … It is noted that the security forces began shooting at the crowd in self-defense, thus wounding at least seven more people. Indian Interior Minister Amit Shah expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and called for a