The doctor spoke about ways to revive sex in marriage

Sexologist Kulgavchuk: the quality of sleep affects the sex life of partners sex in marriage and listed ways to revive an intimate life. First of all, the doctor noted, the quality of sleep affects the sexual life of partners. Sharing nights in the same bed can lead to quarrels, discontent and lack of sleep, since often partners prevent each other from sleeping soundly, for example, because they are actively tossing and turning in their sleep. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure comfort while sleeping together, Kulgavchuk emphasizes. Related materials 00:03 – July 14, 2016 Thanks to parasitesWhy people started having sex 00:01 – January 28, 2018 I got sick of why young people stop having sex To do this, it is necessary to choose a bed wide enough so that none of the parterres is burdened by the presence of the other. “On the bed, where everyone does not

The doctor spoke about ways to revive sex in marriage

Sexologist Kulgavchuk: the quality of sleep affects the sex life of partners sex in marriage and listed ways to revive an intimate life. First of all, the doctor noted, the quality of sleep affects the sexual life of partners. Sharing nights in the same bed can lead to quarrels, discontent and lack of sleep, since often partners prevent each other from sleeping soundly, for example, because they are actively tossing and turning in their sleep. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure comfort while sleeping together, Kulgavchuk emphasizes. Related materials 00:03 – July 14, 2016 Thanks to parasitesWhy people started having sex 00:01 – January 28, 2018 I got sick Why young people stop having sex To do this, it is necessary to choose a bed wide enough so that none of the parterres is burdened by the presence of the other. “On the bed, where everyone does not have

The LPR announced the war between Ukraine and the children of Donbass

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR called Kiev's reaction to the victory in the Serbian competition a war with children from the LPR In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic The “war with children” protest that Ukraine expressed to Serbia after the girls from Donbass won their competition. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR published its reaction on a Telegram channel. The message says that a resident of the LPR won a Serbian children's drawing competition. After that, the Ukrainian Embassy in Serbia accused the local authorities of collaborating with terrorist organizations and demanded to suspend the participation of children from Donbass in such competitions. Earlier on October 19, a 12-year-old girl from the LPR was included in the list of the site of Ukrainian nationalists “Peacemaker” … This happened after she recorded a video message to French President Emmanuel Macron with a request to influence the

The LPR announced the war between Ukraine and the children of Donbass

The LPR Foreign Ministry called Kiev's reaction to the victory in the Serbian competition a war with children from the LPR In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic “War with children” protest that Ukraine expressed to Serbia after the victory of girls from Donbass in their competition. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR published its reaction on a Telegram channel. The message says that a resident of the LPR won a Serbian children's drawing competition. After that, the Ukrainian Embassy in Serbia accused the local authorities of collaborating with terrorist organizations and demanded to suspend the participation of children from Donbass in such competitions. Earlier on October 19, a 12-year-old girl from the LPR was included in the list of the site of Ukrainian nationalists “Peacemaker” … This happened after she recorded a video message to French President Emmanuel Macron with a request to influence the settlement of the

Fedor Emelianenko descended into a potash mine

Russian MMA fighter Fedor Emelianenko visited the Uralkali mine Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Fedor Emelianenko. The corresponding post is available on the athlete's Instagram account. The 45-year-old heavyweight posted a photo from a depth of 400 meters. Emelianenko wrote that he had visited the Uralkali mine. The publication received more than 91 thousand likes per day. Emelianenko became a guest of the mine during his visit to the Perm Territory. On December 3, Russian heavyweight Bellator met with the head of the region Dmitry Makhonin. In his last fight, Emelianenko defeated American Timothy Johnson. The fight took place on October 23 as part of the first ever Bellator tournament in Moscow. Emelianenko is known for his performances in the Japanese organizations Rings and Pride. In the United States, the Russian fought under the auspices of Strikeforce and Bellator. He fought a number of fights in Russia under the banner

День в истории: 5 декабря

Начало охоты на ведьм 5 декабря 1484 года Папа римский Иннокентий VIII издал буллу, которая призывала начать охоту на еретиков и ведьм. Пытки и смертные казни женщин и мужчин, подозреваемых в колдовстве, захлестнули католическую и протестантскую Европу в XVI—XVII вв. Современные исследователи подсчитали, что число казненных в период активной охоты на ведьм составило от 60 до 80 тысяч человек. Последний костер во Франции пылал в 1785-ом году — накануне Великой французской революции. Миф о том, что ведьмами считали, прежде всего, красивых, обаятельных женщин, уже развенчан историками. В действительности чаще преследовали безобразных старух, поскольку уродство в мифологическом мышлении связывалось с неправильностью, нечистотой, связями с дьяволом. Уничтожен Храм Христа Спасителя в Москве 5 декабря 1931 года советской властью был взорван Храм Христа Спасителя на улице Волхонке в российской столице. Храм построили в честь победы в Отечественной войне 1812 года по решению Александра I. Его закладка состоялась в 1817 году. Храм снесли в результате сталинской реконструкции Москвы. Изначально на его месте планировали построить Дворец Советов, но затем построили бассейн «Москва». Здание воссоздали на оригинальном цоколе в 1994—1999 годах. Теперь это кафедральный собор Русской православной церкви. Спущен на воду атомный ледокол «Ленин» 5 декабря

Fedor Emelianenko descended into a potash mine

Russian MMA fighter Fedor Emelianenko visited Uralkali mine Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Fedor Emelianenko visited mine. The corresponding post is available on the athlete's Instagram account. The 45-year-old heavyweight posted a photo from a depth of 400 meters. Emelianenko wrote that he had visited the Uralkali mine. The publication received more than 91 thousand likes per day. Emelianenko became a guest of the mine during his visit to the Perm Territory. On December 3, Russian heavyweight Bellator met with the head of the region Dmitry Makhonin. In his last fight, Emelianenko defeated American Timothy Johnson. The fight took place on October 23 as part of the first ever Bellator tournament in Moscow. Emelianenko is known for his performances in the Japanese organizations Rings and Pride. In the United States, the Russian fought under the auspices of Strikeforce and Bellator. He fought a number of fights in Russia under the

Zelensky's spokesman assessed his statement on a coup in Ukraine

Arestovich: Zelensky with his statement about a coup in Ukraine prevented it in order to prevent it. This was stated by the representative of the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich on the air of the Dom TV channel. According to him, “a coup is good when it’s sudden,” but Zelensky, having announced it in advance, neutralized any attempts to commit it. He recalled a Buddhist proverb that says that “voiced demons are half weak.” Arestovich said that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) understands the situation. On December 1, a rally of opponents of the current president of the country took place on Independence Square in Kiev. About 700 people took part in it, 50 paddy wagons and many police officers were pulled to the site. Zelensky said that on this day the conspirators had prepared a coup d'etat in the country. On November 30, the head

Zelensky's spokesman assessed his statement on a coup in Ukraine

Arestovich: Zelensky with his statement about a coup in Ukraine prevented it in order to prevent it. This was stated by the representative of the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich on the air of the Dom TV channel. According to him, “a coup is good when it’s sudden,” but Zelensky, having announced it in advance, neutralized any attempts to commit it. He recalled a Buddhist proverb that says that “voiced demons are half weak.” Arestovich said that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) understands the situation. On December 1, a rally of opponents of the current president of the country took place on Independence Square in Kiev. About 700 people took part in it, 50 paddy wagons and many police officers were pulled to the site. Zelensky said that on this day the conspirators had prepared a coup d'etat in the country. On November 30, the head

The guy took revenge on the employer for the dismissal and delighted Reddit

The operator took revenge on the company for the dismissal by blocking access to the videos filmed for it The former operator-editor shared the nickname @ This_Manner_256 he took revenge on the employer after unjustified dismissal. According to the narrator, he blocked the company's access to the videos he had filmed, which were used by the organization. The man posted a publication about this on Reddit, many commentators admired his act. As @ This_Manner_256 said, about three years ago, he worked as a freelancer for a company with a million dollars in revenue. The author of the post created video content for the organization's social networks. According to the man, his salary was low despite the fact that he worked hard. “I was paid a little more than the minimum wage, and I was giving out (at one point) 50 videos a day,” complained @ This_Manner_256. He also added that