Protesters in Aktau block the road to the airport

People flocked to the & nbsp; central square of the city. One of the & nbsp; groups of protesters blocked the road to the & nbsp; airport. The agency writes that & nbsp; no clashes with the & nbsp; police have yet been & nbsp; observed. In addition, shooting resumed in & nbsp; Alma-Ata. In the & nbsp; area of ​​the Republic Square, clashes are recorded. On the eve, the protesters seized the international airport in & nbsp; Alma-Ata, and the airport of Aktau also stopped working. Today, all flights were canceled at the Nur-Sultan airport. The protests in & nbsp; Kazakhstan have continued since & nbsp; 2 & nbsp; January. Initially, the demonstrators demanded lower prices for liquefied gas. The protests didn & nbsp; cease after meeting their demands. The government has resigned. A state of emergency is in effect on the territory of the whole country. President Kassym-Jomart

The head of the CSTO told what the peacekeepers will do in Kazakhstan

“If we talk about & nbsp; those tasks that are set before & nbsp; then & nbsp; can be conditionally divided into two & nbsp; basic. The first & nbsp; & mdash; protection of the most important state, strategic facilities. And & nbsp; second task & nbsp; & mdash; helping to & nbsp; maintaining law and order so that people feel safe & nbsp; & mdash; Zas said. Mass protests in & nbsp; Kazakhstan began in & nbsp; the first days of 2022. Then the inhabitants of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau in & nbsp; Mangystau region & nbsp; & mdash; oil-producing region in the & nbsp; west of the country & nbsp; & mdash; opposed a two-fold increase in prices for & nbsp; liquefied petroleum gas, then the protests spread to & nbsp; other cities. A state of emergency was introduced in & nbsp; Kazakhstan for

An ancient giant structure has been discovered in the Milky Way

Approximately 13.8 billion years ago, our universe was born as a result of a powerful explosion. 370 thousand years later, hydrogen was formed in it — the building blocks of stars, in the depths of which this element and helium create heavy elements. Hydrogen is still the most common element in the universe, but individual clouds of hydrogen gas in the interstellar medium are difficult to detect. This makes it difficult to study the early phases of star formation, which can give clues about the evolution of galaxies and the entire cosmos. But recently, an international team led by astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy noticed a massive strand of atomic hydrogen in the Milky Way, Universe Today reports. Named “Maggie” (Maggie), it is located about 55 thousand light-years away from us and is one of the longest structures ever observed in our galaxy. The largest known clouds

Protesters are being cleaned up in Almaty

“The cleanup is now going on & nbsp; the whole city, there is no information about & nbsp; no dead & raquo; & md nbsp; said a police spokesman. According to & nbsp; the channel's data, & nbsp; Alma-Ata has no internet at the moment, and & nbsp; mobile communication is unstable. Saltanat Azirbek also clarified that & nbsp; information about & nbsp; capture of TV tower “ Koktobe '' not & nbsp; was not confirmed, writes RIA Novosti. Earlier, the & nbsp; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan reported that & nbsp; during the riots in & nbsp; 18 security officials were killed, 748 were wounded. Also during the protests, 2 & nbsp; 298 people. On January 5 & nbsp; amid protests and & nbsp; pogroms in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev appealed to & nbsp; the heads of the CSTO states with & nbsp; a request to

The storming of the Capitol, pandemic, abortion and gender. How the January riots made Americans feel like they are in a new reality

In & nbsp; January last year, some Americans celebrated Joe Biden's coming to & nbsp; power and & nbsp; was glad that & nbsp; got rid of & nbsp; agent of the Russian special services '' in the & nbsp; White House; another & nbsp; & mdash; feared that the & nbsp; “ world behind the scenes '' deprived the legally elected president of victory. The events of January 6 & nbsp; over the past year began to be interpreted in completely different ways. Some saw in & nbsp; them an attempted coup d'etat by & nbsp; by Trump, its analogue of the Nazi arson of the Reichstag in & nbsp; 1933, and & nbsp; a threat worse than & nbsp; the September 11 & nbsp; attacks; others & nbsp; & mdash; an ordinary episode of violence and & nbsp; failure of the security service. Biden's inauguration, at & nbsp;

The court in Kiev arrested the property of Poroshenko in the framework of the treason case

According to & nbsp; he said, the court granted the prosecutor's request to & nbsp; arrest all property and & nbsp; assets on the ex-president, who is now located ; rest outside of Ukraine. Poroshenko is a suspect in the & nbsp; treason case. The case was initiated under & nbsp; h. 1 and & nbsp; h. 3 tbsp. 258 & minus; 5 (Financing of terrorism), part 1 of Art. & Nbsp; 111 (High treason) and & nbsp; h. 1 tbsp. 258 & minus; 3 (Creation of a terrorist organization) of the Criminal Code of & nbsp; Ukraine. The ex-president himself on & nbsp; his Facebook page said that & nbsp; will return to & nbsp; Kiev on January 17 & nbsp; to appear in & nbsp; court. He & nbsp; also plans to hold a meeting with the & nbsp; Prosecutor General of Ukraine, using the right of the

Poroshenko announced that he will appear in court in Kiev

Poroshenko first became a suspect in & nbsp; treason and & nbsp; assisting terrorism in & nbsp; case of & nbsp & nbsp; coal supplies Earlier, the ex-president stated that & nbsp; 130 criminal cases were initiated against him, but & nbsp; about & nbsp; 40 of & nbsp; of them were closed. Poroshenko has the status of a suspect in the & nbsp; case of & nbsp; the appointment of Sergei Semochko as deputy head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine. He is charged with abuse of power in this case. Poroshenko appears in & nbsp; cases on & nbsp; appointment of judges, on & nbsp; moving pictures across the & nbsp; state border, on & nbsp; incident with & nbsp; Ukrainian ships in & nbsp; Kerch Strait, on & nbsp; transfer of land. In these cases, & nbsp; ex-president has the status of a witness. 'On January

Russia begins the transfer of peacekeepers to Kazakhstan

MOSCOW, 6 Jan & nbsp; & mdash; RIA News. The advanced subdivisions of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) contingent & nbsp; have already begun to & nbsp; perform tasks in & nbsp; Kazakhstan. “ At the & nbsp; currently, military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are being transferred to & nbsp; the territory of the Republic Kazakhstan of the Russian part of the peacekeeping contingent. The advanced subdivisions from & nbsp; its composition & nbsp; have already begun to & nbsp; fulfill the assigned tasks & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in & nbsp; the message of the CSTO secretariat. The president of the republic, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, previously asked for the introduction of troops. He & nbsp; assessed the situation in the & nbsp; country as an “ invasion of gangs prepared from behind the & nbsp; milestone. '' comments RIA Novosti emphasized that & nbsp;