Elon Musk wanted to deprive the right to establish their own rules in space

ESA CEO: Elon Musk's companies de facto dictate their own rules in space European Space Agency (ESA) CEO Josef Ashbacher w an interview with the Financial Times issued a warning that the companies of the American billionaire Elon Musk could take a dominant position in the developing space economy, since de facto they already dictate their own rules in it. “Surprising situation, but one person owns half of all working satellites in the world. In fact, he sets the rules, and the rest of the world, including Europe, does not react quickly enough, “he stressed. Ashbakher urged countries in Europe to ensure their companies have the opportunity to compete fairly with SpaceX, which is deploying the Starlink satellite network in orbit. … He explained that in the future there will be many more restrictions on frequencies and orbital positions in space. “European governments should have a vested interest in jointly

The results of the reign of Merkel are summed up

The Telegraph: After leaving the post of chancellor, Merkel left some positive moments The Telegraph has summed up the results of the reign of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. As the author of the material notes, after her departure from office, she left some positive moments both for her fellow party members from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and for her European colleagues in general. So, the author of the material recalls how ten years ago, during the debt crisis that broke out in Greece, Merkel defended the solvency of German banks, while “throwing another member of the European Union under the bus”. Then she got Brussels to take painful measures for the states of Southern Europe in the form of structural reforms and austerity, which left “long-term economic and political scars on the face of the entire European Union.” As a second mistake, Merkel called the Chancellor's refusal to

French presidential candidate attacked at his first rally

BFM: French presidential candidate Zemmour attacked at his first rally French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour attacked the first campaign rally in the Parisian suburb of Villepinte. This was reported by the BFMTV TV channel. The video, published on the channel's website, shows how Zemmur, accompanied by security guards and journalists, moves through the hall to the podium. At that moment, an unknown man suddenly attacked him, running out of the crowd of spectators. In an attempt to knock Zemmur to the ground, he grasped the candidate's head forcibly. The guards detained the intruder and took him out of the hall. Now he is in custody for deliberate violence. According to the police, the identity of the attacker is already known to law enforcement officers, he is associated with various offenses. The reasons for the attack are unknown. Zemmur's nomination for the presidency of the Fifth Republic became known on November

Olivier and herring under a fur coat have risen in price in Russia

Rosstat: a grocery set for Olivier salad has risen in price by 15 percent over the year … This is reported by Izvestia with reference to Rosstat data on average retail prices for October. So, a salad for four servings in 2021 will cost 416 rubles, which is 15 percent more expensive than in 2020. To determine the Olivier index, the department usually uses the following salad recipe: canned cucumbers (500 grams), green peas (380 grams), potatoes (500 grams), carrots (200 grams), chicken eggs (four pieces), boiled sausage (300 grams) , mayonnaise (200 grams) and onions (100 grams). Over the year, all the ingredients of the salad have risen in price, with canned vegetables, peas, and boiled sausage having a minimum growth of nine percent. The prices for potatoes (almost 80 percent), carrots (41 percent), onions (33 percent), eggs and mayonnaise (28 percent) rose the most. Herring under a fur

Trains stopped in the Moscow metro because of a naked passenger who ran into the tunnel

In the Moscow metro, traffic was stopped for an hour because of a naked passenger who got on the train -Rizhskaya line because of a passenger who climbed onto the roof of the train. This was reported in the capital's Department of Transport. According to the department, the man descended from the platform at the Profsoyuznaya station and ran into the tunnel towards the Akademicheskaya. During the arrest, the rowdy resisted the police and climbed onto the roof of one of the train cars. At the same time, TASS reports that the man had previously stripped naked. “The passengers were all this time on the train in the tunnel, as the driver immediately braked there – after he received information about the person on the tracks. Due to the fact that the train was in the tunnel without tension for a long time, the light stopped working in the cars,

Olivier and herring under a fur coat have risen in price in Russia

Rosstat: a grocery set for Olivier salad has risen in price by 15 percent over the year … This is reported by Izvestia with reference to Rosstat data on average retail prices for October. So, a salad for four servings in 2021 will cost 416 rubles, which is 15 percent more expensive than in 2020. To determine the Olivier index, the department usually uses the following salad recipe: canned cucumbers (500 grams), green peas (380 grams), potatoes (500 grams), carrots (200 grams), chicken eggs (four pieces), boiled sausage (300 grams) , mayonnaise (200 grams) and onions (100 grams). Over the year, all the ingredients of the salad have risen in price, with canned vegetables, peas, and boiled sausage having a minimum growth of nine percent. The prices for potatoes (almost 80 percent), carrots (41 percent), onions (33 percent), eggs and mayonnaise (28 percent) rose the most. Herring under a fur

Trains stopped in the Moscow metro because of a naked passenger who ran into the tunnel

The Moscow metro stopped traffic for an hour because of a naked passenger who got on the train -Rizhskaya line because of a passenger who climbed onto the roof of the train. This was reported in the capital's Department of Transport. According to the department, the man descended from the platform at the Profsoyuznaya station and ran into the tunnel towards the Akademicheskaya. During the arrest, the rowdy resisted the police and climbed onto the roof of one of the train cars. At the same time, TASS reports that the man had previously stripped naked. “The passengers were all this time on the train in the tunnel, as the driver immediately braked there – after he received information about the person on the tracks. Due to the fact that the train was in the tunnel without tension for a long time, the light stopped working in the cars, ”the Department

Greece spoke about the country's transformation into a NATO base aimed towards Crimea

“Club of Friends of Crimea”: Greece becomes a NATO base aimed at the south of Russia, on Crimea the transfer of US military equipment and troops through its territory turns into a strategic NATO base aimed at southern Russia, focused on the Crimea. This is reported by TASS with reference to the statement of the Greek organization “Club of Friends of Crimea.” attorney Yannis Rachiotis. “American neo-colonial rule in Greece is strengthening again. The latest update of the Agreement on Mutual Defense Cooperation between Greece and the United States, transforming it from an annual to a five-year one and with the possibility of an unlimited extension, confirms our assessments that our country is becoming a strategic base for Euro-Atlanticism, aimed at the Balkans and even further north, to the Black Sea. and southern Russia, focusing on Crimea, “the statement says. The text also says that the Black Sea is already

Greece spoke about the country's transformation into a NATO base aimed towards Crimea

“Club of Friends of Crimea”: Greece becomes a NATO base aimed to the south of Russia, to Crimea the transfer of US military equipment and troops through its territory turns into a strategic NATO base aimed at southern Russia, focused on the Crimea. This is reported by TASS with reference to the statement of the Greek organization “Club of Friends of Crimea.” attorney Yannis Rachiotis. “American neo-colonial rule in Greece is strengthening again. The latest update of the Agreement on Mutual Defense Cooperation between Greece and the United States, transforming it from an annual to a five-year one and with the possibility of an unlimited extension, confirms our assessments that our country is becoming a strategic base for Euro-Atlanticism, aimed at the Balkans and even further north, to the Black Sea. and southern Russia, focusing on Crimea, “the statement says. The text also says that the Black Sea is already

WSJ: US suggests China to build another military base in Africa

NEW YORK, 5 & nbsp; December./TASS /. American intelligence services suggest that & nbsp; China intends to build a naval base on the & nbsp; Atlantic coast of Africa, which will become China's second military facility on the & nbsp; continent. & Nbsp; This was reported on & nbsp; Sunday by The Wall Street Journal with & nbsp; citing government sources. According to & nbsp; its information, with & nbsp; the help of this base, Chinese ships will be able to replenish stocks in Equatorial Guinea, which & nbsp; causes fears at the & nbsp; White House and & nbsp; Pentagon. “ We have made it clear to Equatorial Guinea that & nbsp; certain potential moves related to & nbsp; Chinese activity will raise concerns in the & nbsp; national security sphere, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes the publication of the words of a high-ranking official in the & nbsp;