In Kiev, they told about the operation to remove the “valuable witness” in the MH17 case from the DPR

Former intelligence agent Chervinsky: The Netherlands has long planned the export of Vladimir Tsemakh from the DPR Former Ukrainian intelligence officer Roman Chervinsky spoke about the export from the Netherlands DPR of the former head of the air defense in the city of Snezhnoe Vladimir Tsemakh, who is considered a valuable witness in the case of the Boeing MH17 crash in Donbass in 2014. RIA Novosti reports. As Chervinsky, who was one of the leaders of the operation to detain Tsemakh, said on the air of the Ukraina TV channel, the Netherlands had been planning an operation to deliver Tsemakh to the territory controlled by Kiev for many years and even turned to the authorities in Kiev for help. “They even considered the possibility of entering the territory of Snezhnoye, where he lived, entering there in two helicopters, capturing him and taking him out. They wanted to do it because

In Kiev, they told about the operation to remove the “valuable witness” in the MH17 case from the DPR

Former intelligence agent Chervinsky: The Netherlands has long planned the export of Vladimir Tsemakh from the DPR Former Ukrainian intelligence officer Roman Chervinsky spoke about the export from the Netherlands DPR of the former head of the air defense in the city of Snezhnoe Vladimir Tsemakh, who is considered a valuable witness in the case of the Boeing MH17 crash in Donbass in 2014. RIA Novosti reports. As Chervinsky, who was one of the leaders of the operation to detain Tsemakh, said on the air of the Ukraina TV channel, the Netherlands had been planning an operation to deliver Tsemakh to the territory controlled by Kiev for many years and even turned to the authorities in Kiev for help. “They even considered the possibility of entering the territory of Snezhnoye, where he lived, entering there in two helicopters, capturing him and taking him out. They wanted to do it because

The Russian general was unable to return the seized property for 160 million rubles

Kommersant: General Kizlyk was unable to return 160 million rubles worth of property seized to the state income Former Lieutenant General of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Alexander Kizlyk was unable to achieve the return of assets worth almost 160 million rubles, which were previously turned into state revenue. Kommersant became aware of this. The Moscow City Court considered that Kizlyk could not legally acquire a land plot and a house for 990 thousand rubles, as well as borrow a large sum in rubles, euros and dollars without a contract and receive gifts in the form of gold watches, pens and cufflinks. < p>Searches of the lieutenant general's family found a mansion with an area of ​​450 square meters on a plot of 2440 square meters, located on Sovetskaya Street in Mytishchi. In addition, 6.6 million rubles, 629 thousand euros and 625 thousand dollars were hidden from the customs officer,

The Russian general was unable to return the seized property for 160 million rubles

Kommersant: General Kizlyk was unable to return 160 million rubles worth of property seized to the state income Former Lieutenant General of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Alexander Kizlyk was unable to achieve the return of assets worth almost 160 million rubles, which were previously turned into state revenue. Kommersant became aware of this. The Moscow City Court considered that Kizlyk could not legally acquire a land plot and a house for 990 thousand rubles, as well as borrow a large sum in rubles, euros and dollars without a contract and receive gifts in the form of gold watches, pens and cufflinks. < p>Searches of the lieutenant general's family found a mansion with an area of ​​450 square meters on a plot of 2440 square meters, located on Sovetskaya Street in Mytishchi. In addition, 6.6 million rubles, 629 thousand euros and 625 thousand dollars were hidden from the customs officer,

Russians will be fined for cladding and glazing of a balcony

Ministry of Construction: from March 1, 2022 Russians will be fined for cladding or glazing of a balcony According to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities for unauthorized cladding or glazing of a balcony, fines will be provided in Russia. This is reported by the online edition Readovka. The department explained that such changes are included in the technical passport of the building, as an element of the facade design, therefore, from March 1, 2022, adjustments will need to be coordinated with special instances. The document will need to indicate a number of characteristics: color, size, weight, materials used. Violators will be fined five thousand rubles. In Russia, the old rules for the use of residential premises will lose force and new ones will take effect. One of these rules states that those living in apartments under social tenancy agreements are obliged to immediately inform

Russians will be fined for cladding and glazing of a balcony

Ministry of Construction: from March 1, 2022 Russians will be fined for cladding or glazing of a balcony According to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities, for unauthorized cladding or glazing of a balcony, in Russia fines will be provided. This is reported by the online edition Readovka. The department explained that such changes are included in the technical passport of the building, as an element of the facade design, therefore, from March 1, 2022, adjustments will need to be coordinated with special instances. The document will need to indicate a number of characteristics: color, size, weight, materials used. Violators will be fined five thousand rubles. In Russia, the old rules for the use of residential premises will lose force and new ones will take effect. One of these rules states that those living in apartments under social tenancy agreements are obliged to immediately inform

The therapist named errors in the measurement of saturation

Doctor Khukhrev: you should not smoke before measuring saturation, otherwise the indicator will be underestimated Physician, Ph.D. from radio Sputnik named errors in measuring saturation. According to him, in a healthy person, the oxygen content in the blood should exceed 93 percent, the average figure is 96-99 percent. With inflammatory processes in the lungs, saturation decreases, therefore this indicator is important in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. In order for a pulse oximeter to give correct readings, a number of rules must be followed. For example, you should not smoke before measuring oxygen saturation. According to the specialist, smoking can constrict blood vessels and the indicator will be underestimated. In addition, before inserting your finger into the pulse oximeter, you should wipe the nail polish off your nails. Khukhrev urged not to measure the saturation level immediately after entering a warm room from the cold. “On a cold hand from

The therapist named errors in the measurement of saturation

Doctor Khukhrev: you should not smoke before measuring oxygen saturation, otherwise the indicator will be underestimated from radio Sputnik named errors in measuring saturation. According to him, in a healthy person, the oxygen content in the blood should exceed 93 percent, the average figure is 96-99 percent. With inflammatory processes in the lungs, saturation decreases, therefore this indicator is important in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. In order for a pulse oximeter to give correct readings, a number of rules must be followed. For example, you should not smoke before measuring oxygen saturation. According to the specialist, smoking can constrict blood vessels and the indicator will be underestimated. In addition, before inserting your finger into the pulse oximeter, you should wipe the nail polish off your nails. Khukhrev urged not to measure the saturation level immediately after entering a warm room from the cold. “On a cold hand from the

Умер бывший американский сенатор и кандидат в президенты Боб Доул

ВАШИНГТОН, 5 декабря. /ТАСС/. Ветеран Второй мировой войны, бывший американский сенатор-республиканец и кандидат в президенты США на выборах 1996 года Боб Доул (Роберт Джозеф Доул) умер на 99-м году жизни. «С тяжелым сердцем сообщаем, что сенатор Роберт Джозеф Доул умер сегодня рано утром во сне», — говорится в сообщении, опубликованном в воскресенье в Twitter благотворительного фонда, основанного супругой политика Элизабет Доул. О причинах смерти в публикации не сообщается. Доул в течение 27 лет — с 1969 по 1996 год — представлял в Сенате Конгресса США штат Канзас, а до этого восемь лет был членом Палаты представителей. На президентских выборах 1996 года он был кандидатом от республиканцев, однако проиграл демократу Биллу Клинтону, который переизбирался на второй срок. Как отмечает агентство Рейтер, в феврале текущего года Доул сообщил, что у него диагностирован рак легких.

Russian senator reacted to intimidation from Ukraine

Russian Senator Pushkov: NATO does not intend to fight for Ukraine millions of refugees in the event of a Russian invasion. In his Telegram channel, he called this an attempt to intimidate the West. This is a statement by the minister, which he made to an article for the American media. According to him, in the event of a full-scale conflict, three to five million refugees will pour into Europe, which will become a “major problem” for the European Union. The senator believes that NATO does not intend to fight for Ukraine. According to him, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made this clear, recalling that Ukraine is a partner, but not a member of the alliance. “This means that Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is inapplicable to her, and the alliance has no obligation to defend Ukraine. Therefore, its Ministry of Defense is trying to intimidate the West at