The mayor of Poltava announced the war between Russia and the United States in Donbass

The Mayor of Poltava Mamai said that the United States and Russia are fighting in the Donbas “Between brothers” and, at the same time, the confrontation between Russia and the United States. He expressed the corresponding opinion on the air of the Nash TV channel. According to the politician, “two superpowers are fighting on the territory of Ukraine – the United States of America and Russia”. At the same time, he added that young people, for example, students of the military department of the Poltava Technical University, in “unofficial conversations” oppose the external control of Ukraine. Mamai expressed concern about the hostile population. “It's a shame that brother is against brother,” concluded the mayor. The head of Poltava also complained about the harm of economic sanctions imposed by Ukraine after 2014.

Russians named their favorite sweets

RIA Novosti: Russians named slab chocolate and cakes their favorite sweets Synergy. RIA Novosti writes about this. So, about a third of the respondents chose slab chocolate (30.6 percent). Also among the favorite sweets of Russians were cakes (23.5 percent), rolls, cookies and other flour products (20.1 percent), as well as sweets (19.7 percent). It is also noted that 35.4 percent of the respondents buy confectionery products daily, 31.2 percent of the respondents do it several times a week. Every fifth resident of Russia (22 percent) buys confectionery about once a month. About 40 percent of respondents said that they spend up to one thousand rubles a month on sweets, 35.4 percent spend less 500 rubles a month, 13.3 percent – from one to two thousand rubles, and 6.6 percent – from two to three thousand. The survey was conducted in November among five thousand adult residents of Russia in

The mayor of Poltava announced the war between Russia and the United States in Donbass

Poltava Mayor Mamai said that the United States and Russia are fighting in Donbass “Between brothers” and, at the same time, the confrontation between Russia and the United States. He expressed the corresponding opinion on the air of the Nash TV channel. According to the politician, “two superpowers are fighting on the territory of Ukraine – the United States of America and Russia”. At the same time, he added that young people, for example, students of the military department of the Poltava Technical University, in “unofficial conversations” oppose the external control of Ukraine. Mamai expressed concern about the hostile population. “It's a shame that brother is against brother,” concluded the mayor. The head of Poltava also complained about the harm of economic sanctions imposed by Ukraine after 2014.

Tarasova spoke about saving Yagudin from alcoholism

Honored coach Tarasova: all sorts of alcoholic inclinations in Alexey Yagudin died Honored coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova on the air going to NTV, she told about how her student, Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin, fought alcoholism. The specialist considered that his favorite job became the salvation for the athlete. “I drank, did not eat. Youth and irresponsibility. This does not mean that he cannot drink five glasses. This is nonsense, he can do it. But it did not cross that limit … All sorts of alcoholic inclinations in him died, “Tarasova emphasized. In 2019, Yagudin admitted that he abused alcohol in his youth. According to him, Tarasova saved him from problems. At the 2002 Games, the skater won a gold medal. He also won four world championships and three times at European championships. The skater has been training under the guidance of Tarasova since 1998.

Tarasova spoke about saving Yagudin from alcoholism

Honored coach Tarasova: all sorts of alcoholic inclinations in Alexei Yagudin died going to NTV, she told about how her student, Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin, fought alcoholism. The specialist considered that his favorite job became the salvation for the athlete. “I drank, did not eat. Youth and irresponsibility. This does not mean that he cannot drink five glasses. This is nonsense, he can do it. But it did not cross that limit … All sorts of alcoholic inclinations in him died, “Tarasova emphasized. In 2019, Yagudin admitted that he abused alcohol in his youth. According to him, Tarasova saved him from problems. At the 2002 Games, the skater won a gold medal. He also won four world championships and three times at European championships. The skater has been training under the guidance of Tarasova since 1998.

The Ministry of Construction announced the readiness of the regions to do without migrants at construction sites

Head of the Ministry of Construction Fayzullin: every region is ready to work without migrants, it is necessary to train personnel without migrants at construction sites on one condition. He told RIA Novosti that for this, you first need to train personnel. “Of course, every region would be ready to work without them. But you need to prepare well for this, train personnel – and only those who are ready to move on to work on their own. You can't do it in one day, “the minister said. According to Fayzullin, reducing the number of migrants is not a one-day procedure, since it is connected” with an increase in labor productivity and training. Earlier in November, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that among district utilities in the capital there is a reserve for reducing the number of migrants, despite the fact that there are practically no migrants in large utilities.

The Ministry of Construction announced the readiness of the regions to do without migrants at construction sites

Head of the Ministry of Construction Fayzullin: every region is ready to work without migrants, it is necessary to train personnel without migrants at construction sites on one condition. He told RIA Novosti that for this, you first need to train personnel. “Of course, every region would be ready to work without them. But you need to prepare well for this, train personnel – and only those who are ready to move on to work on their own. You can't do it in one day, “the minister said. According to Fayzullin, reducing the number of migrants is not a one-day procedure, since it is connected” with an increase in labor productivity and training. Earlier in November, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that among district utilities in the capital there is a reserve for reducing the number of migrants, despite the fact that there are practically no migrants in large utilities.

Russian woman visited France and overheard conversations of local women about Russians

A Russian woman who has visited France found out that local women praise Russian men Russia. She shared her observations in a blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. First of all, the tourist learned that elderly European women praised Russian men for their ability to do almost everything. “Because it’s not like that in France! There are specialized people for every need. Why be able to do something when it's easier to pay and not bother. That's why they are French, to allow any expenses, even for household chores, “- explained the author of the blog. In addition, French women believe that people from Russia scold a lot. “The Russian language, in their opinion, sounds very boldly from the outside in its intonation. So we also use mat through the word. This is their personal memory from a trip to Russia, “the traveler found out. In addition, in Russia, it seemed

Russian woman visited France and overheard conversations of local women about Russians

A Russian woman who has visited France found out that local women praise Russian men Russia. She shared her observations in a blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. First of all, the tourist learned that elderly European women praised Russian men for their ability to do almost everything. “Because it’s not like that in France! There are specialized people for every need. Why be able to do something when it's easier to pay and not bother. That's why they are French, to allow any expenses, even for household chores, “- explained the author of the blog. In addition, French women believe that people from Russia scold a lot. “The Russian language, in their opinion, sounds very boldly from the outside in its intonation. So we also use mat through the word. This is their personal memory from a trip to Russia, “the traveler found out. In addition, in Russia, it seemed

A prisoner died in a fire in a Russian colony

“112”: one prisoner died, 5 more were injured in a fire in correctional colony No. 4 in the Novgorod region One prisoner died, five more were injured in a fire in correctional colony No. 4 in the Novgorod region. This was reported by the Telegram channel “112”. The fire broke out in a cell on the first floor. A total of 29 people were evacuated.