Intuition helped a man to get rich on 3.6 million rubles

A man won 3.6 million rubles in the lottery thanks to an obsessive thought A resident of the American city of Hagerstown, Maryland hit the lottery jackpot and got rich for 50 thousand dollars (3.6 million rubles). This was reported by the UPI news agency. The 38-year-old man said that he sometimes buys lottery tickets, but, as a rule, does not participate in the instant lottery. Recently, a man's intuition told him to go to the pub and get a ticket that he usually doesn't take. “I don't know why, but I had an obsessive thought about instant lottery tickets. I had a five dollar bill (368 rubles) in my hand, and I took the first ticket that I saw for this price, ”said the American. The man took the ticket home, where he erased the protective layer and learned that intuition helped him win a prize of 50 thousand

Ventilation system restored in Listvyazhnaya

Governor of Kuzbass Tsivilev: ventilation system restored in Listvyazhnaya As a result of the explosion, 51 people died, the ventilation system was restored. The Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergey Tsivilev spoke about the progress of the work in the mine in a Telegram channel. According to him, the paramilitary mine rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations erected 18 ventilation bridges and restored six ventilation structures.

Scientists estimate the likelihood of re-contracting COVID-19 due to the omicron strain

Professor Hanekom: the probability of re-infection with COVID-19 due to the omicron strain is less than 1% per strain, the omicron, according to initial data, is less than one percent. These statistics were cited by professor at the African Research Institute of Health Willem Hanekom, he is quoted by Interfax with reference to Sky News. there is less than 1% chance of contracting the disease again, “the TV channel said. The professor noted the high infectivity of the new strain, which, according to scientists, leads to a mild course of the disease. He explained that omicron spread extremely quickly in South Africa, with the rise in new cases significantly faster than in previous waves of coronavirus in the country. He noted that the omicron strain is more common in younger patients. especially in unvaccinated youth, but the disease is easier on the bottom. Nevertheless, the doctor emphasized, caution must be

Omicron strain re-identified in vaccinated traveler

In Argentina, the first case of the omicron strain was detected in a person who returned from South Africa, he was vaccinated The first case of infection with the omicron strain of coronavirus in Argentina, a fully vaccinated traveler was infected. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Ministry of Health of the republic. “On December 5, the National Control Laboratory confirmed the first case of infection with the omicron strain in Argentina in a traveler traveling from South Africa,” the ministry noted. The department clarified that the citizen returned from South Africa through the United States on November 30. Both tests that he did before departure and upon arrival showed negative results. All this time he was in quarantine, on December 2 he did a second test, which showed a positive result. According to the Ministry of Health, the traveler was completely vaccinated against coronavirus, now he

The Russians were told about the rise in price of a number of goods for the New Year

A number of goods may rise in price by 3-7% by the New Year, manufacturers predict goods in Russia may rise in price by 3-7 percent amid growing demand. Ivan Samoilenko, managing partner of the B&C communication agency, spoke about this. His words are quoted by the Izvestia newspaper. According to him, first of all, we are talking about products: meat, eggs, milk, cheeses, sausages, vegetables and fruits, fish, sweets and alcohol. In addition, before the holidays, prices will also jump up for perfumes, jewelry and cosmetics that Russians buy as gifts. In turn, Alfa Capital analyst Denis Badyanov added that the price may rise in December off-season vegetables. As for non-food products, the rise in prices will affect clothing, toys and electronics – against the backdrop of holiday demand. According to Natalia Zhukova, head of the RedExpress marketing department, against the background of an increase in the cost of

The share of doctors supporting the tightening of the rules of QR codes has become known

RBC: more than 17 percent of doctors supported toughening draft laws on QR codes Draft laws on QR codes are supported by 24.6 percent of doctors , are in favor of tightening it by more than 17 percent. Such data from a survey conducted by the Doctor's Handbook mobile application became known to RBC. According to the survey, the share of those who oppose bills on digital documents is 36.5 percent, another 21.9 percent of doctors agree to support the document if some of the restrictions are relaxed. The opinions of doctors about the mandatory vaccination against coronavirus were almost equally divided. So, 49.7 percent are in favor of such a measure, 50.3 percent are against. Most doctors (86.6 percent) believe that the campaign to convince people to get vaccinated is not entirely successful. Among the reasons for the ineffective campaign, doctors cite conflicting statements by the authorities about COVID-19

The share of doctors supporting the tightening of the rules of QR codes has become known

RBC: more than 17 percent of doctors were in favor of toughening draft laws on QR codes Draft laws on QR codes are supported by 24.6 percent of doctors , are in favor of tightening it by more than 17 percent. Such data from a survey conducted by the Doctor's Handbook mobile application became known to RBC. According to the survey, the share of those who oppose bills on digital documents is 36.5 percent, another 21.9 percent of doctors agree to support the document if some of the restrictions are relaxed. The opinions of doctors about the mandatory vaccination against coronavirus were almost equally divided. So, 49.7 percent are in favor of such a measure, 50.3 percent are against. Most doctors (86.6 percent) believe that the campaign to convince people to get vaccinated is not entirely successful. Among the reasons for the ineffective campaign, doctors cite conflicting statements by the

The fate of the show “Voice” after the death of Gradsky will be decided abroad

StarHit: the fate of the Voice show after the death of Gradsky will be decided by the copyright holder of the Talpa format The further fate of the Voice show on Channel One will be decided Dutch company Talpa is the owner of The Voice television competition franchise. StarHit writes about this with reference to a source from the film crew. The interlocutor of the publication explained that earlier copyright holders did not have to deal with the death of mentors right during the show. At the same time, “Golos” has rather strict rules, and each deviation from them must be coordinated with the foreign developers of the format. “A step to the right, a step to the left – shooting, or rather – a trial and heavy fines, followed by a ban on broadcasting. That is why it is impossible to simply take and replace the mentor or abolish

The fate of the show “Voice” after the death of Gradsky will be decided abroad

StarHit: the fate of the Voice show after the death of Gradsky will be decided by the copyright holder of the Talpa format The further fate of the Voice show on Channel One will be decided Dutch company Talpa is the owner of The Voice television competition franchise. StarHit writes about this with reference to a source from the film crew. The interlocutor of the publication explained that earlier copyright holders did not have to deal with the death of mentors right during the show. At the same time, “Golos” has rather strict rules, and each deviation from them must be coordinated with the foreign developers of the format. “A step to the right, a step to the left – shooting, or rather – a trial and heavy fines, followed by a ban on broadcasting. That is why it is impossible to simply take and replace the mentor or abolish