Malakhov explained his interest in work as a talk show host

Malakhov said that he sees his mission in helping people on talk shows “Russia 1” Andrei Malakhov explained why, over 20 years of work in talk shows, he has not lost interest in such programs. The journalist admitted that he sees his mission in helping people through television. The journalist wrote about this in his Instagram story. Malakhov recalled that his path as a talk show host began in 2001 with the Big Laundry program. He asked the subscribers how they think what motivates him to work in the same genre for so many years. According to Malakhov, money or the prestige of the profession does not interest him. “You like it”, “Interesting”, “Your vocation”, “Mission”, “Leave a trace in history”, “Various work”, – suggested the presenter's subscribers, with which he agreed. “Over the years, I have observed thousands of different situations that happened to people: ups, downs, tragedies, victories.

NATO announced the possibility of Russia to cut off the Baltic States from the alliance in two hours

Times: NATO and Kiev fear that Russia may cut off the Baltic States from other countries of the alliance Kiev and NATO fear that Russia may cut off the Baltics from other countries of the North Atlantic Alliance for several hours. The Times writes about this with reference to sources, RIA Novosti reports. According to the interlocutors of the British edition, Moscow can use for this purpose the migrants who have accumulated on the territory of Belarus, sending them to the Suwalki corridor, which is the only common border between the Baltic countries and other NATO members. It is assumed that the refugees will start riots there, which will be pacified by the Russian military. “Russian troops can break in there and deploy military patrols in the corridor under the pretext of a humanitarian crisis. This will allow Russia to unite the forces in the Kaliningrad region with Belarus. All

The message about the transition of the FIU to a remote mode of operation was denied

The Pension Fund of Russia denied data on the transition to a remote mode of operation until January 1, 2022 Notification of the transition of territorial divisions of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) they denied it to work remotely or by appointment before January 1, 2022. The original source of information is the PFR Board Resolution No. 239p dated July 5, 2021, published on the official Internet portal of legal information on November 23, 2021. As it turned out, the resolution itself, referred to by a number of media outlets, is not new, but adopted back in July 2021. News items claiming that the FIU has updated the format of the work began to be printed in the publications only now, since the document was officially published only in November. Journalists misinterpreted the text of the document: the decree does not say that the FIU is switching to a

In a Russian city, a teenager died under the wheels of a tram

In Kazan, a schoolgirl ran across the road in the wrong place and died due to a tram collision … Business Online writes about the incident. The accident happened on Otradnaya Street, 32. The schoolgirl ran across the road in the wrong place, the tram slowed down, but could not stop in time. The girl died on the spot due to a collision of a vehicle. Tram traffic stopped due to an accident on Gvardeyskaya Street. Earlier it was reported that a schoolgirl died under the wheels of a tram in Yekaterinburg. A tram ran over a Russian teenager on October 4. The schoolgirl was riding on a coupling between the cars and fell on the way. The 13-year-old schoolgirl was at that moment with a friend. After the fall, the carriage dragged the teenager another 200 meters.

In a Russian city, a teenager died under the wheels of a tram

In Kazan, a schoolgirl ran across the road in the wrong place and died due to a tram collision … Business Online writes about the incident. The accident happened on Otradnaya Street, 32. The schoolgirl ran across the road in the wrong place, the tram slowed down, but could not stop in time. The girl died on the spot due to a collision of a vehicle. Tram traffic stopped due to an accident on Gvardeyskaya Street. Earlier it was reported that a schoolgirl died under the wheels of a tram in Yekaterinburg. A tram ran over a Russian teenager on October 4. The schoolgirl was riding on a coupling between the cars and fell on the way. The 13-year-old schoolgirl was at that moment with a friend. After the fall, the carriage dragged the teenager another 200 meters.

Myanmar opposition leader sentenced to four years in prison

The military junta in Myanmar sentenced ex-state councilor Aung San Suu Kyi to four years in prison Peace Prize 76-year-old Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in prison for inciting unrest against the military junta and violating anti-coronavirus measures. The South China Morning Post reports on the court's decision. Related materials 00:04 – June 11, 2019 Invisible genocide Thousands of Christians are exterminated throughout the world. But the West does not notice this 00:01 – February 3 Myanmar before the military coup The leader of the opposition junta, the Government of National Unity of Myanmar (PNU), has been in custody since the soldiers of Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaine disbanded the government and arrested President Vin Myin. In addition to the existing sentence, Suu Kyi could face imprisonment on charges of corrupt practices and electoral fraud. According to international human rights activists, if the ex-state adviser is found guilty

Doctor Komarovsky dispelled the myth about the dangers of TV for children

Doctor Komarovsky: a working TV does not harm a sleeping child if it does not interfere with his sleep the fact that a working TV is harmful to a sleeping child. The doctor spoke about this in the heading “Ask Komarovsky” on the air of the TV channel “Ukraine”, answering the question of the spectator. The episode was also released on his YouTube channel. The viewer said that their daughter was sleeping in the same room with her and her husband. At the same time, the woman's husband watches TV until two in the morning. A concerned mother asked if this habit of her husband was harmful to the child. Komarovsky, in his answer, first ironically expressed the widespread assumption that certain waves affect children sleeping next to a working TV. “If you think that some dangerous wave comes out of the TV and covers the unfortunate sleeping child, and

Doctor Komarovsky dispelled the myth about the dangers of TV for children

Doctor Komarovsky: a working TV does not harm a sleeping child if it does not interfere with his sleep the fact that a working TV is harmful to a sleeping child. The doctor spoke about this in the heading “Ask Komarovsky” on the air of the TV channel “Ukraine”, answering the question of the spectator. The episode was also released on his YouTube channel. The viewer said that their daughter was sleeping in the same room with her and her husband. At the same time, the woman's husband watches TV until two in the morning. A concerned mother asked if this habit of her husband was harmful to the child. Komarovsky, in his answer, first ironically expressed the widespread assumption that certain waves affect children sleeping next to a working TV. “If you think that some dangerous wave comes out of the TV and covers the unfortunate sleeping child, and

The founder of Mediazona was fined for the lack of marking of the foreign agent

Lawyer Soloviev: Verzilov was fined 1,500 rubles for not marking the foreign agent register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent ) Petra Verzilova ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the list of natural persons-foreign agents ) for 1,500 rubles for the lack of appropriate marking on his social networks, his lawyer Leonid Soloviev told TASS. He explained that the reason was the lack of appropriate labeling in several of his posts on Facebook and Twitter. The lawyer also said that he intends to appeal against this decision. Roskomnadzor (RKN) in November drew up administrative protocols against the former editor-in-chief of the Proekt newspaper ( recognized as an undesirable organization in the Russian Federation ) Roman Badanin ( recognized in the Russian Federation as a media foreign agent ) and the creator of Mediazona. The reason was the lack of marking “foreign agent” in their posts

The plumber found three thousand bags of money in the wall of the church toilet

During the repair in the toilet of the American mega-church, thousands of packages with money were found In the American city of Houston, Texas, a plumber found thousands of packages with money. Reported by KPRC-TV. The incident took place in the Lakewood Evangelical Church – one of the largest religious institutions in the world, which is attended by more than 50 thousand people a week. In 2014, she became a victim of a theft, after which about 200 thousand dollars (15 million rubles) in cash and 400 thousand dollars (30 million rubles) in the form of checks were lost. Although a reward of 25 thousand dollars (1.8 million rubles) was announced for information about the kidnappers, the crime has not yet been solved. Related materials 00:05 – 5 September 2018 Riddle of a Monk Bloody murder, poison and a jump from the tower. Many secrets surfaced in the ancient monastery