Dmitry Medvedev appointed members of the United Russia Supreme Council Bureau

Medvedev appointed members of the bureau of the supreme council of “United Russia” on the advice of Gryzlov Chairman of the “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev appointed members of the bureau of the supreme council of the party. In total, the council consisted of 100 people. In addition, there is an opportunity to elect two more. The bureau of the United Russia Supreme Council, Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov, Head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin , Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov and others. The Bureau of the Supreme Council of United Russia is the central body of the party, whose responsibilities include its strategic development. Its chairman is obliged to represent the faction in all Russian and foreign state and non-state bodies and organizations, as well as monitor the activities of the General Council and the

UK showed the plane of the future

Bloomberg: British scientists have created a planet-friendly hydrogen-fueled aircraft could determine the future of aviation. The researchers showed the project of a hydrogen-fueled passenger airliner, harmless to the planet, writes Bloomberg. The aircraft was developed as part of the FlyZero concept, which implies the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from commercial flights – the British authorities have allocated 15 million pounds sterling for the implementation of the program ( 1.5 billion rubles). Experts consider hydrogen to be one of the most promising means for this task. The presented airliner is medium-sized, the wingspan reaches 54 meters – more than that of the Boeing 767, and less than that of the Boeing 787. The model is equipped with two turbofan engines and cryogenic hydrogen storage tanks in the tail and front of the fuselage. Fuel in them will be stored at minus 250 degrees Celsius. Researchers say that the liner will

Elon Musk lost tens of billions of dollars

Elon Musk's fortune fell by $ 15 billion due to a drop in Tesla shares falling shares of his electric car concern Tesla and now stands at $ 268.9 billion, writes Bloomberg. Securities of the largest American tech companies began to fall in price amid fears of increased inflation and tightening of monetary policy in the United States.

America's Next Top Model member reveals the brutal truth about filming

Participant in America's Next Top Model about the show: Models were paid $ 38 a day A participant in the ninth season of the reality show America's Next Top Model revealed the truth about the show's brutal filming conditions. The Independent publishes the relevant material. Plus-size model Sarah Hartshorne shared stories on her Twitter page about unpleasant aspects of participation in the mentioned project, after which her tweets went viral and attracted media attention. It turned out that aspiring models were paid only 38 dollars (approximately 1000 rubles at the 2007 exchange rate) per day, which they spent entirely on food, since the producers did not provide them with food. At the same time, Hartshorne noted that the participants did not have the opportunity to purchase a microwave. It is also noted that at the same time supermodel and actress Tyra Banks, who was the lead and executive producer of

America's Next Top Model member reveals the brutal truth about filming

America's Next Top Model contestant on the show: Models were paid $ 38 a day America's Next Top Model revealed the truth about the show's brutal filming conditions. The Independent publishes the relevant material. Plus-size model Sarah Hartshorne shared stories on her Twitter page about unpleasant aspects of participation in the mentioned project, after which her tweets went viral and attracted media attention. It turned out that aspiring models were paid only 38 dollars (approximately 1000 rubles at the 2007 exchange rate) per day, which they spent entirely on food, since the producers did not provide them with food. At the same time, Hartshorne noted that the participants did not have the opportunity to purchase a microwave. It is also noted that at the same time supermodel and actress Tyra Banks, who was the lead and executive producer of the project, earned $ 30 million (780 million rubles for 2007)

The State Duma commented on the hidden patrols of the traffic police on the roads

State Duma Deputy Svishchev: traffic police officers should not conduct covert patrols This was stated by State Duma Deputy Dmitry Svishchev. His words are quoted by URA.RU. “Thank God, the number of hidden patrols has decreased significantly, just due to the fact that cameras have appeared. But I am against hidden patrols, in general against everything hidden, “the parliamentarian commented. He noted that with the decrease in traffic police officers on the roads, the situation became calmer. According to Svishchev, traffic cameras, which were originally created to prevent accidents, have ceased to fulfill their function and turned into a serious business. In addition, the deputy considers the traffic police officers stopping a car to check the driver's documents a relic of the past. “We have to get away from this. There is a corruption component here, “he added. Previously honored lawyer of Russia, Ivan Solovyov, said that traffic police officers,

Forecaster warns Muscovites about strongest snowfall in post-war history

Synptic Tishkovets: the heaviest snowfall in the last 72 years is expected in Moscow on December 7 Heavy snowfall is predicted in Moscow on Tuesday, December 7 for the post-war history. The residents of the capital were warned about this by the leading employee of the Phobos weather center Yevgeny Tishkovets, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “There has not been such a snowfall that day since 1949. Then the rain gauges of the VDNKh base meteorological station got 12.7 millimeters, which is still a record figure in the entire post-war history, “Tishkovets said. According to him, the amount of precipitation that will fall on December 7 may repeat 1949 record or surpass it. Tishkovets explained that the upcoming snowfall could be the strongest in the last 72 years. “Nevertheless, the daily record for the whole of December will remain for 1981, when 23 millimeters of precipitation fell in 24

Ученые из США разработали средство от коронавируса в виде жвачки

Ученые Пенсильванского университета и нескольких других организаций разработали жевательную резинку, которая сможет ограничить распространение коронавируса. Генри Дэниелл, один из авторов разработки, пояснил, что вирус размножается в слюне. «Когда кто-то зараженный чихает, кашляет или разговаривает, частицы вируса выходят наружу и могут попасть на других людей. Жевательная резинка позволит нейтрализовать вирус в слюне — это даст нам простой потенциальный способ исключить этот способ распространения болезни», — рассказал ученый. В основе технологии лежит белок ACE2: как показали исследования других специалистов, инъекции этого вещества могут снижать вирусную нагрузку у пациентов с тяжелыми инфекциями. В организме человека рецепторы ACE2 также связывают спайковый белок коронавируса. Дэниелл и его коллеги вырастили ACE2 в лаборатории и соединили его с другим веществом, которое облегчает связывание. Созданная на основе двух этих компонентов жевательная резинка способна нейтрализовать коронавирус, блокируя рецептор ACE2 или связывая спайковый белок напрямую. Опыты на образцах слюны пациентов с коронавирусом показали, что препарат снижает уровень вирусной РНК в ней до практически необнаружимого. Теперь исследователи будут добиваться разрешения на проведение клинических испытаний жевательной резинки. В июне стало известно, что 48-й Центральный научно-исследовательский институт Минобороны начал разрабатывать