Peskov called unacceptable linking of new sanctions of the USA with the incident in Salisbury

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes the new alignment of U.S. sanctions with the incident in the British Salisbury unacceptable, Russia had nothing to do with what happened. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We consider absolutely unacceptable for the linkage of new restrictions [from the US], which we still believe to be illegal, with the “business Salisbury”, – he stressed. – We resolutely reject any accusations in the context of the possible involvement of the Russian state to what happened in Salisbury. About it cannot go and speeches”.

A landslide in the Alps: the video got the whole fountains of dirt

A landslide in the Alps: the video got the whole fountains of dirt The village of Grune in the Swiss Alps there was a mudslide. Witnesses captured on video by mighty rivers and even fountains of dirt. The landslide, caused by heavy rains, rushed down the bed of a dried-up mountain stream. When the streams of mud reached the village, their strength has significantly dried up, so the damage was minimal. During the download an error has occurred.

Four members of the “gang GTA” received life sentences

Four members of the “gang GTA” received life sentences MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Moscow regional court on Thursday sentenced four members of the infamous “gang of GTA” to life imprisonment, fifth got 20 years in a strict regime colony, RIA news from the courtroom. What is known about the “gang GTA” “Gang GTA”, the media dubbed the crime group that was operating in Moscow in 2012-2014. The title refers to the popular computer game Grand Theft Auto (GTA). According to investigators, the gang consisted of about 15 people from Central Asia, on account of half a dozen robberies, killing 17 people and an assassination attempt on two. Attack bandits made on suburban highways. At night they forced the drivers to stop, punching the wheels of cars with homemade spikes, kill the victims and took their property. In August 2017 Moscow regional skirmish involving gang members. Five defendants attacked

The Kremlin has responded to US attempt to write down Russia in “sponsors of terrorism”

The Kremlin has responded to US attempt to write down Russia in “sponsors of terrorism” MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has called suggestions of senators of the United States to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism remarks “beyond reasonable”, the question of the sponsorship of terrorism can be addressed to the countries that support remaining in Syria of the terrorist group. The Kommersant newspaper has previously published the text of the bill on new sanctions against Russia, prepared by Republican Lindsey Graham and three of his colleagues. According to the newspaper, the congressmen, in particular, require from the President of the United States Donald trump to block dollar payments of Russian banks, prohibit the operation to US residents with a new Russian public debt and to solve the issue of the recognition of Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism.” “A lot

The Kremlin reacted to the US decision to impose new sanctions

The Kremlin reacted to the US decision to impose new sanctions The plans of Washington are contrary to the atmosphere of the latest meeting of Putin and trump, said Peskov. The Kremlin believes that it is premature to speak about Russia’s response to new sanctions from the United States, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. First, we heard an official statement about the new so-called sanctions, and we heard some high-ranking source, who spoke on the possibility of certain restrictions against Russia. So until we understand exactly and officially what was going on, to talk about some countermeasures would be wrong.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia In General, however, Moscow considers “unacceptable linkage new restrictions”, which the Kremlin considers illegal, with the “business Salisbury”, said Peskov. “We again resolutely reject any accusations of possible involvement of the Russian state to what

Donald Trump will expand powers in the fight against Russia

Donald Trump will expand powers in the fight against Russia The US President will be able to impose sanctions for interfering in American elections. The white house has prepared a document that will allow the President of the United States Donald Trump personally to impose sanctions against foreigners for meddling in the election. About this newspaper The Washington Post (WP). Under the bill, Donald trump, at its discretion, can impose sanctions on 10 companies of the 30 largest in the country, whose authorities interfered in the elections. According to the publication, is “the latest attempt of the presidential administration to show serious attitude to the fight with the Russian hacker attacks and misinformation.” The eight-page document, seen by the journalists of WP, should be the response to critics of Donald trump, who believe that the President is “more confidence in the assertions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin about

The wife of Bashar al-Assad was diagnosed with cancer

The wife of Bashar al-Assad was diagnosed with cancer CAIRO, Aug 8 — RIA Novosti. Wife of Syrian President ASMA Assad hospitalized in Damascus after discovering she had a malignant breast tumor, reported by the official Syrian news Agency SANA with reference to Facebook of the presidential office. The report States that the tumor was discovered at an early stage. Posted under news on the hospitalization of ASMA Assad pictures — visiting her in her room, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. بقوة وثقة وإيمان.. السيدة #أسماء_الأسد تبدأ المرحلة الأولية لعلاج ورم خبيث بالثدي اكتشف مبكرا.. من القلب .. رئاسة الجمهورية والفريق العامل يتمنون للسيدة فيها أسماء الشفاء العاجل.. — Syrian Presidency (@Presidency_Sy) 8 Aug 2018

British firefighters witnessed a fire tornado (video)

British firefighters witnessed a fire tornado (video) Frightening sight. The staff of the rescue service Leicestershire took video of the fire tornado. This phenomenon of a tornado meets a fire burning and forms a vertical column. Rescuers extinguished the fire in the area of the plant for the production of plastics in Derbyshire when he noticed a small tornado approaching. The wind picked up the fire from the ground and lifted him into the air more than 15 meters. Fortunately, the fire tornado quickly died down, and no one was hurt. Publication from RTÉ News (@rtenews) 8 August 2018 at 4:02 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Recall that this fire tornado was recently observed also by residents of Arizona.