Dozens of hectares of burning forest in the Crimea took video

Dozens of hectares of burning forest in the Crimea took video The TV channel “360” released on YouTube footage of extinguishing large wildfires in the reserve in the vicinity of Yalta. One of the largest fires occurred on the border of the two reserves — the Crimean and Yalta, in the tract of Uch-Kosh 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий As reported in the press service of the regional Department of EMERCOM, the fire managed to be localized on the area of 26 hectares. The fighting continues, with the participation of 489 people, as well as three Mi-8 helicopter, the plane Il-76 EMERCOM of Russia, the place flew the amphibian be-200. They just dropped on the burning forest for about 300 tons of water. The fire continued for more than a day. By the time of arrival of the first fire-rescue units the fire area has made about 2,5 thousand square meters. The fire occurred

Rescuers have established contact with a locked in the Altai mountains tourists

Rescuers have established contact with a locked in the Altai mountains tourists BARNAUL, August 12 — RIA Novosti. Rescuers established a stable connection with the travelers, locked in the mountains of the Altai Republic, said on Sunday the press service of the emergencies Ministry. As previously reported, the SOS signal was received from the Ust-Koksa district — tour group of four people in distress on a mountain top with AK-Kem (4100 m). Extra to help the tourists, not the weather — in the mountains the rain turns into snow, and strong winds. “Every three hours, the tourists who are in need of assistance on top of the AK-Kem (Republic of Altai), get in touch with rescuers. From the latest information it became known that the injuries in men. Based on the characteristics of the area, tourists made shelter from the weather. The group has a supply of food and gas,

Ukraine called the cause of disruption at the checkpoint on the border with the Crimea

Ukraine called the cause of disruption at the checkpoint on the border with the Crimea The state border service of Ukraine reported that the work of the checkpoint “Kalanchak”, located in front of the Russian checkpoint “Armyansk” on the border with Crimea, is experiencing interruptions in connection with work to restore your database to the custom of the country, transfers “112 Ukraine”. It is noted that the queue at the checkpoint at the moment decreased in two times, up to 25 cars. Ukrainian border guards also noted that pedestrians currently issued in the prescribed manner. Earlier it was reported that Ukraine has closed the border checkpoint on the border with Crimea for four hours.

More than 100 balloons soared into the sky in the UK (photos)

More than 100 balloons soared into the sky in the UK (photos) In Bristol, a festival of balloons. The largest in Europe, the Bristol international balloon festival this weekend celebrates its 40th anniversary. Does, polirani UK Shots ?? (@uk.shots) 11 Sir R. 2018 11:05 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Tourists and residents admire the indescribable sight: about 130 balloons, delivered to the estate of Ashton Court from all over the world, soar into the sky at dawn and sunset. However, this year some of the flights had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Does, polirani Laura (@shewho_wanders) 11 Sir R. 2018 10:08 PDT During the download an error has occurred. This year spectators surprise and giant inflatable figures. Does, polirani David Gale Pike (@david71taff) 11 Sir R. 2018 10:36 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Does, polirani Phil McCheyne (@philmccheyne) 11 Sir R. 2018

The defense Ministry has declassified a secret order from Stalin to bomb Berlin

The defense Ministry has declassified a secret order from Stalin to bomb Berlin Day 106-th anniversary of the Russian air force on the website of the Ministry of defense appeared a multimedia collection of documents from the funds of the Central archive. In particular, it tells about the secret order of Joseph Stalin from 1941 about the bombing of Berlin. 36фотографий36фотографий36фотографий “A special place is a copy of the handwritten order of the State Committee of defense of the USSR, drawn up under the dictation of the Chairman of the GKO Stalin to 2 a.m. from 8 to 9 August 1941. The document obliged the commander of the 81st air division to carry out a bombing RAID on the heart of the Nazi Third Reich”, — stated in the message. Defense removes the secrecy of orders, instructions, registration cards and military leaves. In documents made public the names and reveals

Where is the most famous flower tunnel in the world (photos)

Where is the most famous flower tunnel in the world (photos) The atmosphere of this tale. The Wisteria tunnel is considered one of the most colourful and romantic places on Earth. Publication of Skylife Magazine (@skylifemagazine) 8 Jun 2018 12:00 PDT During the download an error has occurred. In order to walk among the colorful flowers and make amazing images, thousands of tourists from all over the world in the Japanese town of Kitakyushu, a four-hour drive from Tokyo. Here is a picturesque flower garden, Kawachi Fuji, which is known mainly because of the Wisteria tunnel. Its massive archway decorated with dozens of different varieties of Wisteria. Depending on the time of year and lighting the tunnel is painted in different colors and shades. Publication of world destinations (@world_destinations._) 9 Aug 2018 7:06 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Published Feby Tandiary (@ft_diary) 4 Aug 2018 10:03 PDT

The former host of “the View” called customer and the reason for the murder of listeva

The former host of “the View” called customer and the reason for the murder of listeva The former host of “the View,” Dmitry Zakharov said the reason for the murder of TV presenter Vladislav listeva and revealed the identity of the alleged customer in an interview with Mix TV. The General Director of ORT Vladislav Listyev was killed on March 1, 1995 at an entrance of own house on Novokuznetskaya street. The crime remains unsolved. Formal charges against Boris Berezovsky will be charged. According to Zakharov, the murder of Listyev ordered businessman Boris Berezovsky lost advertising revenue. At the same time, he noted, what is considered Listyev Manager and to believe that he made the decisions, would be foolish. Zakharov also called big mistake the decision Listyev not to contact the police in connection with threats.