The defense Ministry has declassified a secret order from Stalin to bomb Berlin

The defense Ministry has declassified a secret order from Stalin to bomb Berlin

Day 106-th anniversary of the Russian air force on the website of the Ministry of defense appeared a multimedia collection of documents from the funds of the Central archive. In particular, it tells about the secret order of Joseph Stalin from 1941 about the bombing of Berlin.


“A special place is a copy of the handwritten order of the State Committee of defense of the USSR, drawn up under the dictation of the Chairman of the GKO Stalin to 2 a.m. from 8 to 9 August 1941. The document obliged the commander of the 81st air division to carry out a bombing RAID on the heart of the Nazi Third Reich”, — stated in the message.

Defense removes the secrecy of orders, instructions, registration cards and military leaves. In documents made public the names and reveals the exploits of the pilots stormtroopers.

