Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel

Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel BERLIN, 18 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the situation in Syria, Ukraine, US sanctions and the implementation of large international commercial projects, including the “Nord stream-2”. The Russian leader arrived to the airport of Berlin from Austria. There he attended the wedding of the head of the Austrian Ministry of foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl. According to the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the trip to Austria was of a private nature. Kneisl Putin invited to the wedding even during the visit of the Russian leader to Vienna on 5 June. According to the official representative of the German government of the Steffen Seibert, the German-Russian negotiations will be held at the castle Meseberg, situated 70 kilometres North of Berlin. The meeting will take place three

Poroshenko banned the defense recover from debt in favor of Russia

Poroshenko banned the defense recover from debt in favor of Russia KYIV, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law according to which Russia and its companies will not be able to collect debts from the strategic defense enterprises of Ukraine. About it reports a press-service of the President. In particular, the law introduces a ban on the execution of decisions, including foreign vessels, for the recovery of debt obligations, where creditor are the Russian companies, their domestic and foreign subsidiaries, as debtor — enterprises of the Ukrainian MIC, included in the list of strategic objects. The law will enter into force on the day following its official publication. Ukraine in 2014 broke the agreement on military-technical cooperation with Russia, banning the export of military goods and dual-use. Thus, Ukrainian enterprises are unable to meet their obligations to Russian customers, and they began to

In Jerusalem died the oldest captive Hippo

In Jerusalem died the oldest captive Hippo TEL AVIV, August 17 — RIA Novosti. The oldest captive Hippo died in Jerusalem, said the city zoo. A female named Tammy found no signs of life in the pond enclosure of African animals. She was 59 years old. Hippos live on average for 40-50 years. היום בבוקר מצאו מטפלי אוכלי העשב מחלקת את “תמי” ההיפופוטמית(59), ללא רוח חיים, באגם שבחצר האפריקאית. תמי מתה בגיל מופלג, בשיבה טובה, מוקפת בהרבה אהבה וכבוד. היא הייתה ההיפופוטמית המבוגרת ביותר בגני ואצלנו בגן חיות נדמה היה רק שהיא הולכת ומשתבחת. בנייתה של עם תצוגת “סיפורה של טיפה” בתצוגת ההיפופוטמים הישנה, הועברה “תמי” לחצר האפריקאית ולמרות דאגותינו תשרוד המעבר שלא את, היא עלתה ופרחה והפכה לשליטה להיות של הבלתי מעורערת החצר – הגי’רפות, הקרנפים, הזברות והדישונים לה חלקו כבוד רב והצוות עטף אותה בהמון פינוקים הראויים לאזרחית ותיקה. עצוב לכולנו – לצוות, למבקרים ולכל מכריה ומוקיריה של

In St. Petersburg is the monument to the French architect installed a statue of the Scottish chemist

In St. Petersburg is the monument to the French architect installed a statue of the Scottish chemist It turned out seven years after the opening of the sculpture. In 2011, in the Alexander Park of St. Petersburg installed a sculptural group “Architects” depicting famous architects, who worked on the buildings of the city. Among them was the famous French architect Jean-françois Thomas de Thomon. It is for his project was rebuilt Grand theatre, and created the Exchange building on the spit of Vasilyevsky island. However, seven years later it suddenly turned out that instead of figure of the French architect in the Alexander garden is a monument to Scottish scientist and chemist Thomas Thomson, who, of course, no relation to St. Petersburg has not. That Thomas de Thomon looks very different, drew the attention of the architectural historian Cyril parsnips. And, as it turned out, to blame the Internet. Moscow

In Georgia, a record in collecting Rubik’s cube underwater in one breath

In Georgia, a record in collecting Rubik’s cube underwater in one breath The young man took a little more than a minute. 18-the summer inhabitant of Tbilisi Waco, Marjinashvili wrote his name in the Guinness Book of records as the fastest underwater collector of Rubik’s cube. It took him little more than a minute and only a single breath to gather in the same color six puzzles. In the Federation records of Georgia has officially confirmed the result of Marjinashvili. #VIDEOGeorgians set a record, collecting six Rubik’s cubes underwater in one breath https://t.co/QtUJ0J6uEZ pic.twitter.com/FFBIwyzV6W — REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) August 17, 2018 The previous record holder was American Anthony Brooks, who has collected five Rubik’s cubes in one breath under water. See also: the Artist makes realistic portraits of hundreds of Rubik’s cubes (photo)

Details became known of the detention, “the Mechanic Pogodin” in Kherson

Details became known of the detention, “the Mechanic Pogodin” in Kherson MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The operator of the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” LLC “V. F. Tanker” has revealed details of the detention of the vessel at the port of Kherson. The company said that the reason for the inspection was the appeal of the seamen’s Union of Ukraine on call “unidentified persons”. The question of the detention of the vessel is still not considered in a judicial order. It is noted that the customer is not involved in the negotiations with the Ukrainian authorities, and the captain and agent of the shipowner at the port in contact solely with the head of the port, regulatory Agency representatives and representatives of the cargo owner. According to the employee of LLC “V. F. Tanker”, the crew remains on Board the vessel, to prevent possible provocations. According to the company,

The number of victims of a bridge collapse in Genoa rose to 42 people

The number of victims of a bridge collapse in Genoa rose to 42 people ROME, August 18 — RIA Novosti, Sergei Elders. The death toll in the collapse of a road bridge in Genoa has risen to 42 people, reported on Saturday, news channel RaiNews24. According to this information, which has not yet been confirmed by the official authorities, the rescuers managed to extract from the rubble the body of 42 victims. Earlier on Saturday, rescuers reported they found the crushed concrete blocks the car in which there was a family of three — father, mother and their 9-year-old son. Perhaps we are talking about the latest victim of the tragedy in Genoa as in the list of missing persons still remained just one name. According to local authorities, in hospitals are ten wounded, nine of them in serious condition. On Tuesday around noon, one of the basic pillars and

The head of the Dagestani health insurance Fund was arrested on suspicion of abuse of power

The head of the Dagestani health insurance Fund was arrested on suspicion of abuse of power Moscow. August 18. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of territorial Fund of obligatory medical insurance of Dagestan Magomed Suleymanov on Friday, August 17, detained at the airport of Makhachkala, told the “Interfax” informed source. “Suleymanov arrested the day before, on Friday evening, at the airport of Makhachkala. It will be delivered to Moscow, in Lefortovo, for questioning,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, Suleymanov “it is suspected of excess of powers of office”. Interfax does not have official confirmation of this information. Magomed Suleimanov from April 2007 to March 2010 he was Chairman of the people’s Assembly of Dagestan, March 2010 — served as Executive Director of OMS “Dagestan”. In April 2014, the head of the Republic, he was appointed acting mayor of Makhachkala, however, in this position, he worked for a little