Apple laptop spontaneously caught fire

MacBook Pro laptop caught fire and nearly injured the owner fire in the house. The story of the owner of the MacBook Pro is published on the site of the site. The author under the nickname Squeezieful stated that the computer was on the bed in sleep mode and was charging from the mains. The user who was sleeping next to him at some point smelled an unpleasant smell and woke up. The owner of the device grabbed the MacBook Pro, which caused minor burns to the palms, and threw it on the floor. According to a Reddit visitor, the burned-out device scorched the bed and ruined the carpet. Squeezieful noted that the 2015 MacBook Pro slightly injured him and nearly caused a fire in his house. Apparently, the fire was caused by the battery. The owner of the computer reached out to Apple for support. According to several commentators,

Gas pipeline caught fire in Iranian explosion

Mehr News: an explosion near a gas pipeline in Tehran started a fire Shad Abad in the southwest of Tehran. Mehr News writes about this with reference to local sources. It is assumed that the cause of the explosion could be damage to the pipe during repair work. Fire brigades are working at the scene. According to the latest information, the fire was localized. No information about the victims is provided, representatives of the Tehran Gas Company claim that there are none. Gas was cut off in the area near the explosion site, according to agency sources. At the same time, earlier, on November 29, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan signed an agreement on gas supplies. According to them, Tehran undertakes to supply Baku with as much gas as the Turkmen side will supply to the Iranian side. The Tehran gas company does not disclose whether the fire that has occurred

Volodin's post about QR codes got a million views on Telegram

The publication of the Speaker of the State Duma Volodin about QR codes in Telegram got a million views among subscribers on the topic of bills on QR codes, gained a million views on Telegram. This is evidenced by the data of his channel in the messenger. The post in which Volodin announced the State Duma's intention to discuss in detail the bills on the introduction of QR codes, received a million views and more than 720 thousand comments. Earlier it was reported that the publication of the State Duma speaker became the most popular in Telegram in terms of the number of comments.

Volodin's post about QR codes got a million views on Telegram

The publication of the Speaker of the State Duma Volodin on QR codes in Telegram received a million views among subscribers on the topic of bills on QR codes, gained a million views on Telegram. This is evidenced by the data of his channel in the messenger. The post in which Volodin announced the State Duma's intention to discuss in detail the bills on the introduction of QR codes, received a million views and more than 720 thousand comments. Earlier it was reported that the publication of the State Duma speaker became the most popular in Telegram in terms of the number of comments.

The risk of potato shortage in Russia is assessed

Experts believe that there is no need to expect a shortage of potatoes in Russia in Russia. Experts interviewed by assessed this probability and denied the main concerns, coming to the conclusion that a shortage of one of the main vegetables in the country should not be expected. Lupekhin believes that two main factors can lead to a deficit: a reduction in cultivation on personal subsidiary plots and an increased demand from processing enterprises, which have recently increased their capacity. According to the Union of Potato and Vegetable Market Participants, a million tons of potatoes will be sent for processing this year, and about 1.5 million next year. By 2026, this volume may reach three million tons. According to Lupekhin, the future deficit of potatoes will have to be replaced by imports. This year it also increased – from last year's 316.3 thousand tons to 548.9 thousand tons as

The risk of potato shortage in Russia is assessed

Experts believe that there is no need to expect a shortage of potatoes in Russia in Russia. Experts interviewed by assessed this probability and denied the main concerns, coming to the conclusion that a shortage of one of the main vegetables in the country should not be expected. Lupekhin believes that two main factors can lead to a deficit: a reduction in cultivation on personal subsidiary plots and an increased demand from processing enterprises, which have recently increased their capacity. According to the Union of Potato and Vegetable Market Participants, a million tons of potatoes will be sent for processing this year, and about 1.5 million next year. By 2026, this volume may reach three million tons. According to Lupekhin, the future deficit of potatoes will have to be replaced by imports. This year it also increased – from last year's 316.3 thousand tons to 548.9 thousand tons as

Ivan Okhlbystin complained about “filthy youth and desecrated ideals”

Okhlobystin described the situation in Russia with the phrase “vile youth and desecrated ideals” youth, desecrated ideals, lack of prospects ”. This is reported by the publication “Arguments and Facts”. The artist made a speech at the birthday of musician Garik Sukachev. “Everyone knows that in the modern world there is no problem with information. There are problems with its systematization. Where are those diamond braces, gold fittings on which our long-suffering people could hang their everyday shackles, put them on the shelves – what is good, what is bad, what can be pushed into, and what is categorically undesirable, even if the whole European culture is pushed into the back? ” – asks Okhlobystin. He said that clarity and frankness is needed in Russia's foreign policy, since another crisis has come in the world. The actor predicted that in the United States there will be “unemployment of mints workers”,

The Russians were told about the strategy of combating the omicron strain of COVID-19

Expert Voznesensky: the omicron strain will stop the good faith implementation of preventive measures at any level. Sergei Voznesensky, an expert, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University, told the Zvezda TV channel about this strategy of struggle. In his opinion, the currently existing vaccines are effective against a new type of coronavirus. Voznesensky suggested that other means may not be needed in the fight against the omicron strain. The virologist noted that colleagues from South Africa have not yet talked about cases of severe manifestations of coronavirus after the omicron strain was discovered. Earlier, a virologist, professor of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Butenko, said that the new omicron coronavirus strain could contribute to the formation of herd immunity in Russia. He clarified that the emergence of new strains of coronavirus can lead to positive effects, for example, a decrease

Ivan Okhlbystin complained about “filthy youth and desecrated ideals”

Okhlobystin described the situation in Russia with the phrase “nasty youth and desecrated ideals” youth, desecrated ideals, lack of prospects ”. This is reported by the publication “Arguments and Facts”. The artist made a speech at the birthday of musician Garik Sukachev. “Everyone knows that in the modern world there is no problem with information. There are problems with its systematization. Where are those diamond braces, gold fittings on which our long-suffering people could hang their everyday shackles, put them on the shelves – what is good, what is bad, what can be pushed into, and what is categorically undesirable, even if the whole European culture is pushed into the back? ” – asks Okhlobystin. He said that clarity and frankness is needed in Russia's foreign policy, since another crisis has come in the world. The actor predicted that in the United States there will be “unemployment of mints workers”,

The world's most expensive ugly Christmas sweater is on sale

Mirror: British artist made a £ 30k Christmas sweater Artist made the world's most expensive ugly sweater … This is reported by the Mirror. According to the publication, throughout his life, 33-year-old Briton Aidan Liban saved money for materials to create a jumper. He spent seven thousand pounds sterling (about 685 thousand rubles) collected in this way on a decorative deer inlaid with precious stones, jewelry in the form of stars made of silver and diamonds, natural Italian silk, gold threads, as well as thousands of Swarovski crystals. The man plans to sell a ready-made jumper with the image of a deer in a cap of Santa Claus and snow for 30 thousand pounds (almost three million rubles). It is noted that before him the most expensive ugly sweater in the world was considered the product of the Tipsy Elves brand, which was adorned with 24 thousand crystals. It went