Gangs of London: to die from rap

Gangs of London: to die from rap Criminologist investigates a suburb of the English metropolis a few days later after killing a young rapper and member of the group “Moscow-17”. What constitutes the universe of the marginalised, where the art form is the ultimate way to ensure that you listened to? London — a Few days ago I went to the part of London that few people know: sit in the center to the metro line “Bakerloo” (Bakerloo), went to the last stop and then got on a direct train to Oval (Oval) in South London. On the road it took me almost an hour. Destination station do oval-shaped, and on the walls is a depiction of the rest of the cricket players. All — white. It is impossible to imagine a greater contrast with a drunken beggar and his colorful friends, which is located right on the street. After

Scientists have found who was buried in a sarcophagus discovered black

Scientists have found who was buried in a sarcophagus discovered black CAIRO, Aug 19 — news, Margarita Kislova. Scientists who study the remains of the black sarcophagus, which is found in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, established who was buried in it. In early July, when carrying out construction works in an area of Alexandria, Egypt at a depth of five metres was discovered undisturbed by looters sealed a gigantic sarcophagus of black granite older than two thousand years. Egyptian authorities opened the sarcophagus and found in it three water-damaged mummies, buried, presumably in the IV—III centuries BC. As reported by the Ministry of antiquities, to scientists, in particular, were able to determine gender and approximate age of the buried in the sarcophagus. It’s two men (first: 35-39 years old, height 160-165,5 cm and 40-44 years, large build, his height was 179-184,5 cm) and one female (20-25 years old, height

To by life. The most high-profile, unsolved contract killings in Russia

To by life. The most high-profile, unsolved contract killings in Russia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti, Victor Zvantsev. 20 years ago, August 19, 1998, in Yekaterinburg, the killer shot the Chairman of the regional branch of the Union of veterans of Afghanistan Vladimir Lebedev. The massacre of combatants, the informal leader of the so-called Afghan movement, angered the society. People demanded to find and punish the criminals, but it failed even after two decades. RIA Novosti says about the high-profile contract killings which have remained unsolved. Murder Timofeeva The leader of the Orekhovskaya criminal group Sergey Timofeev named Sylvester killed on 13 September 1994 in the center of Moscow. The killer was attached to his car an explosive device triggered at the moment when the crime boss sat in the cabin. The chances to survive of Sylvester was not. NewsAmerican cold. Five cases that were not under the power

Russian mayor the spacing after the Governor survived a lightning strike

Russian mayor the spacing after the Governor survived a lightning strike The lightning struck the car of the mayor of Dnepropetrovsk Dmitry Feldman on a highway Barnaul — Rubtsovsk. On it informs Agency “bankfaks”, citing a source in law enforcement bodies. Newshow to start a zipper The incident occurred on Friday, August 17, when Feldman came back from the Congress of municipal formations of the Altai territory. After a lightning strike, the car received serious injuries, but the official himself was not injured. Home, he brought the head of Rubtsovsk district of the Peter Afanasiev, who was also returning from the Congress. According to the Agency, on the eve of the incident, Feldman criticized the acting Governor of the Altai territory Viktor Tomenko. He was dissatisfied with the development budget allocated to solve the flooding groundwater. According to Tomenko, Rubtsovsk authorities will not receive money until you receive the result

How to look the best beaches in the Seychelles (photo)

How to look the best beaches in the Seychelles (photo) Choose the Seychelles for your honeymoon. Here come the diving. Anse Source d’argent This piece of Paradise may sound familiar, which is not surprising. Anse Source d’argent — one of the most photographed beaches in the world. Here was filmed many movies, including “Outcast” with Tom Hanks and “Crusoe.” Does, polirani Best Beach Destinations (@bestbeachdestinations) 6 Lis 2017 R. 4:42 PST During the download an error has occurred. Anse Source d’argent — the most popular beach on the island of La Digue in the Seychelles archipelago. And one of the most expensive. The beach can be reached only through a private plantation of L’union Estate. The passage is worth 100 rupees (about 7,40 USD). Anse Intendance Anse Intendance is located on the quiet South coast of Mahe. This is one of the green beaches of the island. Palm trees, beautiful

The country is not without people

The country is not without people How democracy affects the economy. More recently the foundations of democracy again undergo revision. Analysts are concerned about — where is the world economy, which is tied to political decisions on the principle of democracy. However, democracy was confused by the brilliant minds of a couple of centuries ago when it was approved in the world, the former, according to some, freer current. The thought of Millais And Brexit, and the election of the President of the United States Donald trump is still hotly commented upon in the West. How was it possible to trust ordinary citizens to decide whether to withdraw the UK from the EU if they don’t know anything about the economy? And how was it possible to entrust the American voters the fate of the country if they are willing to do the President is not very enlightened businessman who

The artist is “added” to reality, given the details with a pencil

The artist is “added” to reality, given the details with a pencil Famous Illustrator and photographer created a project “Pencil/camera”. 35-year-old Ben Heine from Brussels has become famous through pencil sketches, which he “adds” to reality. Does, polirani Art, Photography & Music (@benheine) 11 ber 2017 R. 8:21 PST During the download an error has occurred. The artist creates sketches, “inscribing” them in the architecture of different places. On one picture the angel looks at the Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, on the other people’s heads in the crowd turn into emoticons. Does, polirani Art, Photography & Music (@benheine) 2 Sich 2018 R. 10:53 PST During the download an error has occurred. Ben Heine travels a lot and takes this opportunity to create new work. Does, polirani Art, Photography & Music (@benheine) 25 Tra 2018 R. 8:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. But sometimes it “adds” the reality

Sea Shells will begin to set on the “Widow”, since the fourth ship

Small missile ship project 22800 (“Latrodectus”) © Marina Lystseva/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. Third series [the fourth] small missile ship project 22800 “Karakurt” will receive anti-aircraft complex “Armour-M”. In an interview with TASS said the General Director of the Central marine design Bureau (ikbb) “Diamond” that developed the project, Alexander Shlyakhtenko.

Trudeau announced participation in the parliamentary elections of 2019

Trudeau announced participation in the parliamentary elections of 2019 OTTAWA, August 20. /TASS/. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has announced that it will participate in the parliamentary elections of 2019 as the leader of the ruling Liberal party of the country. The corresponding statement he made on Sunday in Montreal at the party Congress. “Today I present my candidacy [and will participate in the parliamentary elections of 2019]. 2019 will come soon,” he said during his speech, which was broadcast on his page in social network Facebook. “Let’s make Canada a better country for all Canadians,” he urged his supporters, Trudeau. 43rd parliamentary elections in Canada will take place on 21 October 2019. The main struggle for the 338 seats in the lower house of Parliament — the House of Commons — traditionally will be between the three major parties: Liberal, Conservative and New Democratic. On 2015 elections,