In Kemerovo demolished the burned building TTS “Winter cherry”

In Kemerovo demolished the burned building TTS “Winter cherry” NOVOSIBIRSK, August 21 — RIA Novosti. Dismantling the aboveground part of the former shopping and entertainment complex “Winter cherry”, where a fire in March killed 60 people, ended in Kemerovo, reported RIA Novosti on Tuesday the representative of the city administration. Upstairs “In Kemerovo completed the dismantling of the aerial parts of the former shopping and entertainment complex “Winter cherry”. On the export of works specialized vehicles: 15 trucks, two excavators and destroyer” — said the Agency interlocutor. The representative of the municipality noted that at the present time organized export and warehousing of metal. View this post in Instagram Publication from VOLOSOVO & District (@volosovo_district) Aug 20, 2018 at 9:53 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Previously, the government reported that by 1 September in the place of the national memorial that appeared near the building of

Shoigu inspected the su-57, the complex “Dagger” and other aircraft before the opening of the “Army-2018”

The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS KUBINKA /Moscow region/, 21 August. /TASS/. The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu before the opening of the forum “Army-2018” visited an exhibition of the latest aircraft at the Kubinka airfield, including the fifth generation fighter, the su-57 and complex “Dagger”.

The salaries of top managers of the Federal military will take control

The salaries of top managers of the Federal military will take control The salaries of the governors, their deputies and chief accountants tied to the earnings of ordinary workers. Upstairs For salaries and bonuses of top-managers of Federal state unitary enterprises (FSUE), the defense Ministry will impose strict control. On the orders, developed by the military, the salary of heads may not exceed the average monthly earnings of employees by more than five times. On a quarterly prize top managers will be able to count only in case, if during the reporting period, the company achieved a positive financial result. It is expected that the new regulations will help to make the system of remuneration is transparent and will allow to avoid situations when top managers write themselves unreasonably large bonuses. In the military “news” said that the Ministry has developed a draft order “About payment of heads of Federal

In Lithuania fear that Russia “take advantage of” outflow of population from the Baltic States

In Lithuania fear that Russia “take advantage of” outflow of population from the Baltic States MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Exodus faced by the Baltic States and Central and Eastern Europe may affect European security because it can “take advantage of Russia”. About this newspaper Rzeczpospolita said the Director of Lithuanian social research centre sarmīte Mikuleniene. Upstairs “Population decline is a blow to our security, the situation could benefit Russia. In society, the tensions. Recently a discussion broke out about whether to allow work we have registered in Russia, of the Corporation, which is engaged in taxi transportation and collects data about their customers,” said Mikuleniene. According to her, a particularly acute problem of loss of population arose after the collapse of the USSR. Since 1990-ies Lithuania lost a quarter of the population, Latvia — thirds of the population. Poland after accession to the EU lost more than

The Ministry did not approve the initiative of the Duma be allowed to pay utility bills at the request

The Ministry did not approve the initiative of the Duma be allowed to pay utility bills at the request The Ministry opposed the payment of housing and communal services utility services as desired, since it may provoke a “consumer selfishness” and the growth of debt. This “Izvestia” said the Department. Upstairs “We do not support this proposal,” — said the Deputy head of Ministry Andrey Chibis. The bill suggested the introduction of partial payment for utility services for those who have not enough money or if the owner is not satisfied with quality of services. The motivation of the Ministry is simple — this can lead to an increase in debt and an unwillingness to pay even those who have enough money. It is noted that now the debt of citizens reaches 1.4 trillion rubles. See also: How to raise the rent after the growth of VAT Disclosed the details

Makeup artist from Lithuania creates on my face, incredible optical illusions (photos)

Makeup artist from Lithuania creates on my face, incredible optical illusions (photos) These photos look twice. 28-year-old Tom Scabicide from the Lithuanian city of Klaipeda with makeup can radically change your appearance. His face she uses as a canvas and paints on it the fascinating 3D pictures. According to the girl, one she can take up to 16 hours of work. But the interesting thing is that she never studied makeup professionally, and mastered the skill of the art of makeup on your own through tutorials on the Internet. Publication of Toma Skabeikytė (@to.ska_mua) 20 Jul 2018 at 9:29 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Toma Skabeikytė (@to.ska_mua) 13 Jul 2018 1:05 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Toma Skabeikytė (@to.ska_mua) 9 Jul 2018 12:34 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Toma Skabeikytė (@to.ska_mua) Jan 18, 2018

Found the most incredible abandoned building

Found the most incredible abandoned building Palaces, villas and old plants striking beauty. Travel photographer Simon Jung spent 6 months in search of a unique abandoned buildings of Europe and North America for his new photo. Does, polirani Simon (@irnmonkey) 12 Ser 2018 R. 4:21 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Jung traveled to Italy, USA, Hungary, Abkhazia, Romania, Georgia, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden and other countries. Dilapidated villas and theatres, hotels, stations and temples of striking beauty. His work he publishes on his personal page on the social network. The commentators wonder why such unique structures remain unclaimed in their countries. Most often, Jung is holding a location in secret. Does, polirani Simon (@irnmonkey) 14 Jun 2018 R. 9:19 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Abandoned mine, Germany Does, polirani Simon (@irnmonkey) 12 Ser 2018 R. 3:28 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Villa in

Climatologists have found out why the rains and heat have become “endless”

Climatologists have found out why the rains and heat have become “endless” MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Rain and heat episodes have become extremely long in recent years due to rapid changes in the nature of the motion of the winds over America, Europe and Asia, associated with warming of the Arctic. Write about the climate scientists in the journal Nature Communications. “The entire planet covers the giant flow of air, which we call “planetary waves”. Our observations show that greenhouse gas emissions began to affect their work, preventing their spread and movement. When these waves get “trapped”, they are, in fact, ‘frozen’ weather, causing the rains turn into floods, good weather — heat wave and drought — the most powerful fires”, says Hans Schellnhuber (Hans Schnellnhuber) from the Institute for climate research in Potsdam (Germany). One of the consequences of global warming are considered to be the so-called