Putin held a meeting with the new Ambassador of Russia in Belarus

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russia in Belarus Mikhail Babich © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS NOVO-OGARYOVO, August 24. /TASS/. Russia’s President Putin meeting with the new Ambassador of Russia to Belarus Mikhail Babich expressed the hope that he will positively influence the processes in international relations. “I hope that will influence all these processes in our bilateral relations in the most positive and most actively,” – said the head of state. The President stressed the importance of cooperation “with our main ally, partner with Belarus”. “For Russia it is important that this area of work. It is not only the country with which we border, is the country, above all with which we have special relations: historical, ethnic, linguistic, and economic”, – he added. Putin reminded that Belarus is a member of the CSTO, and the Eurasian economic Union, “we’re building a very special

Elon Musk spoke about the fire at the Tesla factory in California

Elon Musk spoke about the fire at the Tesla factory in California CEO of Tesla, the company Elon Musk said the fire at the plant for the production of electric cars Tesla in the Californian city of Fremont. About this businessman said in his Twitter. Upstairs “I was just there. Near the South fence caught fire collected for recycling cardboard. I am extremely grateful to the firemen for the prompt response!”, — wrote the Mask in response to a message with a photo of the fire. Breaking: a fire started at the Tesla Factory in Fremont | by @fredericlambert https://t.co/mmK0VerO2y pic.twitter.com/VSTuh4P3SB — Electrek.Co (@ElectrekCo) August 24, 2018 He said that as a result of a fire nobody has suffered. The company also escaped damage. Now the fire is out. The cause of the fire is not reported. Over the past year at the company’s factory in Fremont, there were several

The pastry chef creates miniature worlds with the help of desserts (photo)

The pastry chef creates miniature worlds with the help of desserts (photo) Matteo Stucchi from the Italian city of Monza famous worldwide for its unusual sweet compositions. Upstairs According to the pastry chef, the food should be not only delicious, but also beautiful, and therefore, using your skill and boundless imagination, he creates scenes from the life, complementing desserts miniature figures of people, animals and equipment. On his Instagram account signed by more than 140 thousand people, and Stucki conducts master classes and continues to experiment with sweets. Publication of Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) 31 Jul 2018 1:21 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) 9 Jul 2018 11:56 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) 25 Jun 2018 11:54 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) 18 Jun 2018 11:54 PDT During

Blogger takes on video unboxing of the food under water

Blogger takes on video unboxing of the food under water This spectacle does not stand each. Upstairs American Alex frost just recently started a YouTube channel that publishes amazing videos. In the video he puts into the aquarium with water of various items (mostly food and drinks) and begins to open them. “Wet unpacking” looks, to put it mildly, disgusting. Sandwiches and burgers get soggy and fall apart, but the stubborn blogger still reveals the bag with the sauce and trying to throw them pieces of sandwich. No less disgusting look of under water open soups and yoghurts. During the download an error has occurred. Judging by the fact that these are strange videos are very popular, most likely, this guy has a great future. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.

The American showed all the available pokemon in one picture

The American showed all the available pokemon in one picture On this picture it took her six months. Upstairs Student at University of the arts and famous artist from new York named Helen, working under the pseudonym Elena Fortunes, published in his new Twitter picture. freakin finally finished this!!!!! heres a drawing of all 807 pokemon that I’ve been working on for 6 months pic.twitter.com/A0mORFoJCY — yoda (@elenafortunee) August 20, 2018 In the picture the girl gathered together all the existing pokemon and their stage of evolution. According to its calculations, only in games and cartoons appeared 807 different pocket monsters. Elena studied them, and put on one big drawing, which took her nearly six months. Netizens came to the delight of large-scale paintings and began to look at her their favorite characters. Note that painting with a huge number of characters are becoming increasingly popular. So, American Illustrator and

In an accident with a minibus on the Altai were injured 14 people

In an accident with a minibus on the Altai were injured 14 people Moscow. August 24. INTERFAX.RU — the Minibus turned on the road in the Altai Republic, resulting in 14 people were injured, the press center of the main Directorate of the interior Ministry in the region on Friday. Upstairs “On 23 August at about 23:13 hours in Ongudai district of the Altai Republic, 659 km of the highway P-256 Chuya, on the descent from the pass “Chike-Taman”, 22-year-old driver, driving a private car ISTANA, lost control and made the exit roadway, with a subsequent rollover. The accident in the hospital were delivered to 14 passengers in the van, 12 people were hospitalized”, — is spoken in the message. It is emphasized that the driver of the car was sober. Currently in fact, car accident review. According to preliminary data, the cause of the accident could be a faulty

“B” called the cause of the fire in the “Winter cherry”

“B” called the cause of the fire in the “Winter cherry” MOSCOW, 24 Aug — RIA Novosti. A fire in a shopping and entertainment complex “Winter cherry” in Kemerovo started with the led lamp, which is filled with melt water from the roof. Protective automatic, which was to disconnect the appliance was faulty, writes “Kommersant” with reference to the results of examination of electrical equipment. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The result, according to the publication, examined several dozen sacks of charred ceiling, fragments of wires, cables, transformers. As provided by the analysis of samples affected, the exact answer to the question that has damaged the wire electric arc or flame of fire is impossible. But indirect evidence pointed to the place, which was originally considered to be a fire — baby “dry” pool, writes “Kommersant”. According to “Kommersant”, most of the electrical wires were too low cross section in comparison with the calculated

China called the last round of trade negotiations with the United States constructive

China called the last round of trade negotiations with the United States constructive Moscow. August 24. INTERFAX.RU — China is considered valid in the US round of negotiations on trade disagreements between the two countries in a Frank and useful, said the Ministry of Commerce of China on Friday. The report said that “the delegations of the two countries held constructive and candid talks on bilateral trade of mutual interest.” Upstairs The talks were held on August 22 and 23 in Washington on the initiative of the American side. At the same time, as reported on Thursday in the United States came into force the import duties on goods from China worth $16 billion, as previously planned, warned Washington. Beijing announced a similar step in respect of imported American goods. The Ministry of Commerce of China issued a statement in which he emphasized that “in this regard, China maintains a