In Samara, on the Playground found a sepulchral monument to the bandit from the 90s

In Samara, on the Playground found a sepulchral monument to the bandit from the 90s It is set near the hill where children play. Upstairs Residents of Samara found in one of the courtyards of the city’s unusual “art object”. On the street Novo-Sadovaya, 21 right on the Playground “settled” a granite monument. Set it near the slide, which extensive use of local guys. According to local residents, in 1994, on the spot killed criminal authority of the Eagle. In his memory his friends have set up a sepulchral monument. The townspeople appealed to the head of the region Dmitry Azarov, mayor of Samara Elena Lapushkina and Advisor to the Director of Regardie Alexander Khinshtein with a request to investigate the situation. While it only responded to the Alexander Khinshtein. “A sepulchral monument to a crime boss on the Playground in the centre of Samara is of course much. Just

The American picked a guy out of the garbage and got engaged with him

The American picked a guy out of the garbage and got engaged with him Artist from USA Michael Schneider (Michael Schneider) got engaged with her boyfriend pieced together from boxes of wine. This was reported by news portal Oregon Live. Upstairs to See this publication in Instagram Publication of Michael James Schneider (@blcksmth) Aug 14, 2018 at 9:15 PDT During the download an error has occurred. A resident of Portland, Oregon, became famous in February when he posted to Instagram a picture with her cardboard lover named Franz. “I have no boyfriend, so I made it out of boxes of wine” — he signed photo, on which a pair of cooked pasta. View this post in Instagram Publication of Michael James Schneider (@blcksmth) Feb 26 2018 at 9:22 PST During the download an error has occurred. Since then, Schneider has regularly posted pictures with Franz: together they rode bikes, went

The Prosecutor General declared undesirable in the Russian Federation a us NGO Pacific Environment.

© Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, August 24. /TASS/. The Prosecutor General’s office of Russia included in the list of organizations recognized as undesirable in Russia, American non-governmental organization Pacific Environment (PERC, Pacific centre for environment protection and natural resources). About TASS said the official representative of the Prosecutor General Aleksandr Kurennoy.

Putin: Russia and Turkey with other countries made serious progress on the settlement in Syria

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 24. /TASS/. Relations of Russia and Turkey are becoming more profound, they, along with other interested countries also managed to make serious progress in the settlement of the Syrian crisis. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting in the Kremlin with Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu and defense Minister of Turkey, Hulusi Akar.

Guests “of the Army-2018” near Rostov saw the “flying tank” T-72B3 and the fight special forces group

Tank T-72B3 © Sergey Bobylev/TASS The VILLAGE PERSIANOVKA /Rostov region/, August 24. /TASS/. About 4 thousand people visited the international military-technical forum of the southern military district (YUVO) “Army-2018,” which opened on Friday at the site Kadamovskom in the Rostov region. On the first day the audience was able to see the “flying tank” T-72B3 and the battle group of special forces with conventional enemy, where he participated including the helicopters “Night hunter” and “alligator”. Also there was organized the exhibition of contemporary art, and guests were fed soldier’s porridge, correspondent reports TASS.

The United States demanded from Europe to disengage from Russia

The United States demanded from Europe to disengage from Russia Alternatives to the “Nord stream-2” has urged the US presidential Advisor for national security John Bolton. He stated this at a briefing in Kiev, reports TASS. Most importantly, he said, to avoid dependence on Russia. Upstairs Bolton said that the US President Donald trump worries that “Europe voluntarily more tied to Russian energy suppliers”. “One of the issues mentioned by trump about Nord stream”, is not only the economic importance of this issue, when there is such dependence on Russian energy supplies and the strategic importance is that associated with the monopoly supplier of critical resources, — reports TASS the words of the adviser of the President of the United States. Ukraine and other countries Bolton suggested alternatively to pay attention to “search other sources and natural gas resources”. He recalled the proposal to build the TRANS-Adriatic pipeline to supply

Merkel in Tbilisi are presented with a picture and sang a song about pirates

Merkel in Tbilisi are presented with a picture and sang a song about pirates State Chancellor joined the Georgian ensemble. Upstairs German Chancellor Angela Merkel, while on an official visit to Georgia received as a gift from the head of the government Mamuka Bakhtadze painting of the XVII century. The painting disappeared from the Museum of Dresden after the Second world war and, as reported in Instagram bundeskantslera, “went to the Soviet Union.” For Merkel were also made by Georgian ensemble “Shvidkatsa” with the song “We love the storms”. During the download an error has occurred.NewsAll pipe: Putin and Merkel pressed on the gas Vintage German folk song “We love the storms” — a favorite song of Angela Merkel, said the Georgian Public television. It is about pirates who go to sea without fear of death and the devil, and hunt for trophies, fighting like lions. Merkel during the gala

The Embassy warned visiting Stonehenge Russians about the interest of the security services

The Embassy warned visiting Stonehenge Russians about the interest of the security services Located in the UK, Stonehenge and Salisbury, the Russian tourists risk to attract the attention of British intelligence, said in a message on the page of the Russian Embassy in Twitter. “They really need “proof” of Russian involvement in the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala,” explained the diplomatic mission. Upstairs On Thursday, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova also recommended that the Russians to be cautious when visiting the Salisbury district and to have at itself phone numbers of Russian diplomatic missions. She recalled that the nearby military facility and chemical laboratory Porton Down. Stonehenge is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, a UNESCO world heritage site. It represents an ancient stone structure (cromlech), consisting of arranged in a circle of large menhirs. Stonehenge is located 13 km North

The Russian pianist became the winner of the “classic Eurovision”

The Russian pianist became the winner of the “classic Eurovision” MOSCOW, 24 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian pianist Ivan Bessonov became the winner of competition of young musicians, Eurovision Young Musicians, also known as the “classic Eurovision”. About it RIA Novosti reported the press service of VGTRK. Upstairs The competition, held in the Scottish capital Edinburgh, was attended by musicians from 18 countries, six came in the final. The strongest was 16-year-old Russian, who performed Tchaikovsky’s First piano Concerto. Bessonov represented Russia as the finalist of the competition “Blue bird” conducted by TV channel “Russia 1”. During the download an error has occurred. “This is the third victory for Russians put forward by the TV channel “Russia 1″ at the international competition Eurovision in 2006, winners of the Junior Eurovision became the Tolmachev sisters, and in 2008 the Eurovision song contest took Dima Bilan,” — said the press service of

Called alcohol the main cause of death of adults

Called alcohol the main cause of death of adults In the study “the Global burden of disease” the doctors analyzed the relationship between human health and consumption of alcohol. It turned out that alcohol is more other reasons adversely affects the health of people aged from 15 to 49 years. According to researchers, globally alcohol causes about 2.8 million deaths per year. The results presented in the Lancet. Upstairs In most countries, alcohol is legal and available despite the fact that it is addictive. Quite often in the scientific literature, there is a new study in which the authors try to prove the harm or benefit from drinking alcohol in various doses. However, a large new study finds no reason to drink even a SIP of alcohol. NewsUseful products that you can be bad In the new work, the doctors analyzed data on the health of 28 million people. The