NASA revealed the “heavenly eyes”

NASA revealed the “heavenly eyes” MOSCOW, 26 Aug — RIA Novosti. NASA published a picture of the planetary nebula NGC 3918-shaped “eyes”. Upstairs Frame made using one of the cameras of the Hubble space telescope, shows a brilliant cloud of colourful gas in the constellation of Centaurus, which is about 4900 light years from Earth. As scholars have noted, the distinctive feature of NGC 3918 is “eye” shape with a bright Central star and a more transparent outer shell. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the powerful jets of gas are separated from the star at a speed of about 350 000 kilometres per hour. By the standards of astronomical phenomena planetary nebulae, such as NGC 3918, a very short-lived and have a life expectancy of only a few tens of thousands of years. Planetary nebula is an astronomical object consisting of ionized gas shell and the Central

The artist has illustrated the best memories of childhood (photo)

The artist has illustrated the best memories of childhood (photo) His drawings are popular. Upstairs Anglo-Italian artist Brunelleschi Omari embodies in the illustrations of the memories of his childhood. Does, polirani Omario2d (@omario2d) 19 ber 2016 R. 5:04 PDT During the download an error has occurred. First open, friends, Pets, family holidays — all this remains in the memory and warms in adult life, notes, Omario. Does, polirani Omario2d (@omario2d) Fierce R. 22 2016 12:13 PST During the download an error has occurred. Mario lives in the UK. He works with digital illustration. After many requests, the artist began to create printed versions of their works and sell them to all comers. Does, polirani Omario2d (@omario2d) 14 Fierce 2016 R. 2:54 PST During the download an error has occurred. Does, polirani Omario2d (@omario2d) 1 Sich 2016 R. 4:55 PST During the download an error has occurred. Does, polirani Omario2d (@omario2d)

Pugachev said that the scientist of the mouth and advised her to keep quiet

Pugachev said that the scientist of the mouth and advised her to keep quiet MOSCOW, 26 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian singer Alla Pugacheva advised my colleague Laima Vaikule more silent. She stated in a humorous video posted to Instagram by Latvian artist. Upstairs “Show me your tongue! I knew it! You have a loose tongue. With this language it is necessary to remain silent,” she said. In response to this, scientist said that her companion with the bones of language. “Because I ate fish!” joked Joe. DAMASCUS. #leinaala #allopecia #allopecia #lime #Limaville Publication of Laima Vaikule (@laima_vaikule_official) 25 Aug 2018 10:28 PDT During the download an error has occurred. In early August, the scientist said that not going on tour to the Crimea for no fee. According to the singer, the Europeans prohibited. Later, however, the artist announced that they were ready to visit the Peninsula if Russia will

Vietnam demanded compensation from Monsanto for rasplavitsya by the US military herbicides

Vietnam demanded compensation from Monsanto for rasplavitsya by the US military herbicides Moscow. 26 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — By order of the American authorities had created agent orange, which was supposed to defoliate and deprive Vietnamese opponents of food and shelter. Upstairs Vietnam demanded compensation from the American company Monsanto, which supplied the US military herbicides in 1960-1970-ies. According to The Independent, the authorities of the South Asian countries have decided to require compensation for the victims of the chemicals, after Monsanto ordered to pay a fine of $289 million to the school gardener to Diwana Johnson, who used the herbicide Roundup and a sick cancer. This verdict is a legal precedent that refutes earlier claims that the herbicides produced by Monsanto and other corporations to the U.S. army, was harmless.Nguyen Foon tradiatial the Vietnamese Ministry of foreign Affairs Comments for Vietnamese media, he reminded that the country suffered the catastrophic

The area of forest fires in the Vladimir region increased to 400 hectares

The area of forest fires in the Vladimir region increased to 400 hectares VLADIMIR, 26 Aug. /TASS/ — In extinguishing involved aircraft of the defense Ministry and the emergencies Ministry. Upstairs The area of forest fires in the Vladimir region has increased from 200 to 400 acres; fire extinguish three aircraft Il-76 and three helicopters, said TASS in the EMERCOM in the Vladimir region. “At the moment the fire area is 400 hectares, of which 200 active burning, 200 — pass fire and smoldering. On the site there are three Il-76 of the Russian defense Ministry, two military Mi-8 helicopter of the emergencies Ministry”, — said the management, adding that rescue workers today expect partly to localize the fire. The message about the detection of a hearth of a forest fire in Petushki district in the territory Kosterevskaya branch FGAU “Obronis” the defense Ministry has received in the emergency services

The defense Ministry warned of major provocations with the use of chemical weapons in Syria

The defense Ministry warned of major provocations with the use of chemical weapons in Syria MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/ — the Ministry said that the impact of a planned strike in the next two days at the settlement Kafer-Zeita. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий Conducting large-scale provocations with the alleged use of chemical weapons planned in Syria with the participation of foreign experts. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov. As said Konashenkov, the Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties from the province of Idlib has reported that the town Habit, which is located in the South Iglinskiy areas of de-escalation, foreign (English-speaking) professionals for the staging of the so-called himataki with rocket shells filled with chlorine. According to military Department, in the next two days it is planned to strike from rocket launchers ammunition with poisonous substances by

The forum “Army-2018” showed captured weapons from Syria

Military equipment on the forum “Army-2018” © Marina Lystseva/TASS MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/. Exhibition of captured weapons and equipment seized from Syrian militants, has become a popular platform in the days of the open forum “Army-2018”. This was announced on Sunday at the press center of the forum, noting that among the samples – weapons of the Wehrmacht and the SS. “The highlight of the forum was the exhibition of captured weapons captured from the international fighters in Syria. Among the more exotic exhibits that caused the interest of visitors of the forum, there are “Jihad-mobiles”, a kind of similar carts – jeeps mounted with anti-aircraft machine guns and launch complexes for rockets, and small arms of the Wehrmacht and the SS”, – stated in the message.

Social media users ridiculed the Ukrainian train

Social media users ridiculed the Ukrainian train Social media users ridiculed the Ukrainian train Moscow-Kherson, photographs of which are published on his page in Facebook user Igor Dimitriev. Upstairs So, the author of the photos “through holes” in the car reminded of the Indian railway. Dimitriev said that “it lacks only the people with bags on the roof”, and received a response in the comments that in case of price increase, passengers will travel on the roofs. “The clunker, which I rode from Moscow to Kharkov is, in fact, was very supportive,” added one of the users. Another user was surprised Ukrainian railway “exotic” and called the car in the pictures “train in one way.” During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it was reported that the media called the Ukrainian train “scrap pile”. Read also: Russia has prepared a response to Ukraine at the possible transport ban

Died the most famous on the planet, the capybara

Died the most famous on the planet, the capybara Died capybara Jojo, who because of his friendliness has become famous in Instagram. On the death of the pet on his page said the owner of the capybara. “Thank you for the love,” he wrote next to the photo and the dates of life of a rodent. Upstairs On the causes of death, Jojo is not reported. Rodent lived for five years, although in captivity the age capybaras can reach 12. One of the last videos with Jojo on YouTube of the animal are visible bald spots. “Maybe Jojo is aging, but he still loves when his stroke”, — has signed a video, a pet owner Cody Kennedy carded your pet. Thank you for the love! Publication from JoeJoe (@joejoe_the_capybara) Aug 24, 2018 at 5:27 PDT During the download an error has occurred. JoJo lived with Kennedy in Las Vegas. The