Sberbank's mortgage loan increased to 100 million rubles

Sberbank has increased the amount of the mortgage loan to 100 million rubles Previously, the maximum amount of a mortgage loan in the bank was 60 million rubles. This was reported to “” in the press service of Sberbank. “We continue to increase the pace of development and improve the conditions of our mortgage programs. Earlier, Sberbank has already expanded the possibilities for obtaining a preferential mortgage, also increasing the maximum cost of a loan and reducing the amount of the down payment to 15 percent. The current changes will allow customers to make decisions on the purchase of comfortable housing more quickly, “said Nikolay Vasev, Vice President, Director of the Domclick Division of Sberbank, according to whom, in 2021, from January to November, Sberbank issued over 964 thousand mortgage loans totaling 2.6 trillion rubles. It is possible to apply for a mortgage through the Domclick service.

Rosneft's CO2 emissions were lower than BP's

BP CEO Bernard Looney: Rosneft's specific emissions are lower than those of the British company Rosneft's specific greenhouse gas emissions today lower than BP, said the chief executive officer of the British company Bernard Looney. “You will be surprised to hear that Rosneft has a lower GHG emission rate per barrel of oil than BP. They have a plan to achieve zero routine flaring of associated petroleum gas. They are cutting emissions now, ”he said in an interview with the American edition of Time. BP is a strategic shareholder of Rosneft; it owns 19.75 percent of the Russian company. The board of directors of Rosneft from BP includes two representatives – Looney himself and the former head of the company Robert Dudley. In his interview, Looney said that the participation of the British company in the capital of Rosneft provides BP with about a third of hydrocarbon production , or

Sberbank's mortgage loan increased to 100 million rubles

Sberbank has increased the amount of the mortgage loan to 100 million rubles Previously, the maximum amount of a mortgage loan in the bank was 60 million rubles. This was reported to “” in the press service of Sberbank. “We continue to increase the pace of development and improve the conditions of our mortgage programs. Earlier, Sberbank has already expanded the possibilities for obtaining a preferential mortgage, also increasing the maximum cost of a loan and reducing the amount of the down payment to 15 percent. The current changes will allow customers to make decisions on the purchase of comfortable housing more quickly, “said Nikolay Vasev, Vice President, Director of the Domclick Division of Sberbank, according to whom, in 2021, from January to November, Sberbank issued over 964 thousand mortgage loans totaling 2.6 trillion rubles. It is possible to apply for a mortgage through the Domclick service.

Rosneft's CO2 emissions were lower than BP's

BP CEO Bernard Looney: Rosneft's specific emissions are lower than those of the British company Rosneft's specific greenhouse gas emissions today lower than BP, said the chief executive officer of the British company Bernard Looney. “You will be surprised to hear that Rosneft has a lower GHG emission rate per barrel of oil than BP. They have a plan to achieve zero routine flaring of associated petroleum gas. They are cutting emissions now, ”he said in an interview with the American edition of Time. BP is a strategic shareholder of Rosneft; it owns 19.75 percent of the Russian company. The board of directors of Rosneft from BP includes two representatives – Looney himself and the former head of the company Robert Dudley. In his interview, Looney said that the participation of the British company in the capital of Rosneft provides BP with about a third of hydrocarbon production , or

Sberbank's volunteer community has grown 2.5 times over the year

In 2021, Sberbank has implemented more than 150 social and environmental projects For the fifth year in a row, Sberbank has joined the celebration of the International Volunteer Day. This year is truly a breakthrough year for the company – the community of corporate volunteers has grown 2.5 times, up to 15 thousand people. Its members do hundreds of good deeds every day, changing the lives of other people for the better. In 2021, Sberbank implemented more than 150 social and environmental projects. The Social Projects Competition, whose expert council includes professionals from Russian volunteering, helps to identify the best of them. More than a third of Sberbank's projects are devoted to environmental initiatives, this year alone the company's employees have planted more than 400 thousand trees, and environmental lessons for children, actions on conscious consumption have become a daily practice. In 2021, all significant ESG activities of Sberbank were

France has found a way to make the Seine swimable

Bloomberg: Paris will build an underground wastewater tank Wastewater. The project aims to limit the entry of polluted water into the Seine, which will make the main river of the French capital suitable for bathing, Bloomberg reports. An underground water storage is under construction under a public garden in the vicinity of Austerlitz Station, with a capacity of 46,000 cubic meters – enough to fill 30 Olympic-sized swimming pools. After the rains, water from storm runoffs will flow into this reservoir, connected by underground pipes with sewers on both sides of the Seine, and then gradually distributed from it through the sewers throughout the day. According to the city's chief water engineer, the reservoir is “an extraordinary project of exceptional size, unparalleled in a densely populated and cramped city like Paris.” The project will cost 1.4 billion euros. It will be completely invisible on the surface, and there will be

Sberbank's volunteer community has grown 2.5 times over the year

In 2021, Sberbank has implemented more than 150 social and environmental projects For the fifth year in a row, Sberbank has joined the celebration of the International Volunteer Day. This year is truly a breakthrough year for the company – the community of corporate volunteers has grown 2.5 times, up to 15 thousand people. Its members do hundreds of good deeds every day, changing the lives of other people for the better. In 2021, Sberbank implemented more than 150 social and environmental projects. The Social Projects Competition, whose expert council includes professionals from Russian volunteering, helps to identify the best of them. More than a third of Sberbank's projects are devoted to environmental initiatives, this year alone the company's employees have planted more than 400 thousand trees, and environmental lessons for children, actions on conscious consumption have become a daily practice. In 2021, all significant ESG activities of Sberbank were

USA promised military assistance to Ukraine against “Russian aggression”

CNN: In the event of a Russian invasion, the United States will provide military assistance to Ukraine invasion “. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to CNN. Related materials02 – 13 October “Sanctions are for the whole life ”The United States is threatening Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00:01 – December 1 Ministry of Friendship. Russia is trying to find new allies. Why is it so difficult to do this without military assistance and loans? A source from the presidential administration told the TV channel that Biden, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, will clearly explain to the Kremlin what measures the American side will be ready to take in the event of Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, he added that Washington does not plan to use military measures against Moscow. An official from Biden's team reiterated that

France has found a way to make the Seine swimable

Bloomberg: Paris will build an underground wastewater tank Wastewater. The project aims to limit the entry of polluted water into the Seine, which will make the main river of the French capital suitable for bathing, Bloomberg reports. An underground water storage is under construction under a public garden in the vicinity of Austerlitz Station, with a capacity of 46,000 cubic meters – enough to fill 30 Olympic-sized swimming pools. After the rains, water from storm runoffs will flow into this reservoir, connected by underground pipes with sewers on both sides of the Seine, and then gradually distributed from it through the sewers throughout the day. According to the city's chief water engineer, the reservoir is “an extraordinary project of exceptional size, unparalleled in a densely populated and cramped city like Paris.” The project will cost 1.4 billion euros. It will be completely invisible on the surface, and there will be

Ukraine's independence was considered the worst period in its history

Political scientist Bezpalko: independence brought more troubles to Ukraine than war The period of independence is the worst thing that happened to Ukraine. This opinion was expressed in a conversation with by a political scientist, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia Bogdan Bezpalko within the framework of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. even the Great Patriotic War brought it. It lasted at least four years, and independence is already 30 years old, “the expert believes. According to Bezpalko, he voted against Ukraine's independence in the December 1, 1991 referendum. The political scientist stressed that he met the collapse of the USSR as “a catastrophe and the collapse of the country that we have been building together for centuries.” one of the key factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union was