The battle for scallops: French and British fishermen have faced in the sea

The battle for scallops: French and British fishermen have faced in the sea French fishermen accused of assaulting English counterparts with stones and smoke grenades. In the night of Tuesday off the coast of Normandy there was a skirmish in which the French party was attended by 35 fishing boats. The fishermen of the two countries came to blows over the right to catch scallops. Upstairs Maritime collision occurred at 22 kilometers from the coast of Normandy, in the Bay of the Seine. This area is rich in scallops. The British fishermen have the legal right to catch them, but the presence of the British don’t like French fishermen, who believe that their colleagues extract too much shellfish. Now the British fishermen hope to obtain protection from the government, and the French are afraid of losing one of their “most important resource”. What happened? In the night of Tuesday 35

Putin: women should retire at 60, men at 65

Putin: women should retire at 60, men at 65 MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Age of retirement for women in Russia must be 60 years instead of the government 63, 65 for men, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in a televised address to the nation. Upstairs Putin noted that the draft law proposes to increase the retirement age for women for eight years to 63 years, while for men it increased by five years. “That will not do, of course. This is wrong. In our country the treatment of women particular, careful. We understand that they are not only working on the primary place of employment, they, as a rule, the whole house, taking care of family, raising children, care of grandchildren. The retirement age for women should not rise by more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the proposed bill raising the retirement age

Vladimir Putin made a televised address on pension reform

Vladimir Putin made a televised address on pension reform In July the state Duma approved a bill that provides for raising the retirement age to 65 and 63 years for men and women respectively. Upstairs The President began at noon and will last about 35 minutes. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier at a meeting on socio-economic development in Omsk the President said he would make his proposal on August 29. The press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the format of the editorials chosen because of the importance of the topic. In July, Putin has already expressed its position on this issue. The President noted that he did not like any of the proposed options for raising the retirement age. However, the head of state stressed that the pension system in the future may burst if not to make the necessary changes. The state Duma

Ukraine has sent US the request to purchase missile defense systems

Ukraine has sent US the request to purchase missile defense systems Kiev has sent US an official request for the purchase of air defense systems. This broadcast of “Radio HB”, said Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States Valeriy Chaly. Upstairs Ukraine needs at least three at a cost of $750 million each. “Our vision for the next period, in my opinion, a sea space, air space; it is something without which we simply cannot provide defense of the country”, — said Chaly. In addition to the ABM systems are necessary for Ukraine drones, counter-battery radars and contrayerva system. The military requirements of Kiev was discussed at the “highest level”, said the Ambassador. They were discussed at the meetings of the presidents of Ukraine and the USA Petro Poroshenko and Donald trump, as well as the negotiations of the Ukrainian side c Advisor to the President for

Russian scientists took up the optimization of minibuses

Russian scientists took up the optimization of minibuses According to their calculations, carriers Troitsk (Chelyabinsk region) could increase its revenue at 4 million, if canceled 15 out of 28 of its routes. Upstairs Employees of Moscow state automobile and road technical University, South Ural state University and Kazan Federal University have analyzed the causes of conflict on the commercial routes of public transport in several cities, and proposed to reduce their number by eliminating overlapping routes. A scientific paper published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. NewsScientists have figured out how to get rid of traffic jams In many Russian cities in the past two decades among public transport is dominated by taxis. Transport them by private companies. Many of their routes partially or completely coincide with those of municipal public transport. In addition, taxis compete for passengers with each other, overtake each other in front of the

A resident of Bolivia, considered the oldest woman in the world

A resident of Bolivia, considered the oldest woman in the world But her record longevity was not officially registered. Upstairs In Bolivia in Sacaba lives Julia Flores Kolka, soon to be 118 years old. The woman claims that she was born 26 Oct 1900, and this fact makes her the woman with not only Bolivia, but all over the world. The previous record belonged to a Japanese woman Chiyo Miyako, born may 2, 1901, who died in July of this year. Lynn Mitchusson published Tuesday, August 28, 2018During the download an error has occurred. However, Julia Flores Kolka in the Guinness Book of records is not checked, according to representatives of the organization — they did not claim the record for longevity. The only Bolivian journalists learned about the existence of such rating. Julia Flores was born in a family of Quechua Indians and spent his life in agriculture. She

Noticed the mysterious phenomenon on the Sun

Noticed the mysterious phenomenon on the Sun Astronomers from Ohio state University in Columbus found that the Sun emits a large number of high-energy gamma rays, and this happens in a period of minimal activity lights. According to scientists, it has something to do with magnetic fields, but the exact mechanism remains unknown. This publication reports Science News. Upstairs High-energy gamma rays are not created by the Sun directly, but result from the interaction of cosmic rays with protons in the composition of solar material. Usually the gamma radiation is absorbed by the star, however, the presence of strong magnetic fields change the trajectory of cosmic rays and high-energy photons emitted in the outer space. NewsIn the Earth’s atmosphere has recorded a huge anomaly The researchers analyzed data obtained during the 10-year observations (from August 2008 to November 2017) conducted by the space Observatory NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The

In tourism spoke about the status of victims in road accident in Antalya

In tourism spoke about the status of victims in road accident in Antalya MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Victims in road accident with bus, in Turkey, the Russians receive the necessary assistance in medical institutions of Antalya, their lives are not threatened, told RIA Novosti press-service of the Federal tourism Agency. Upstairs Informed about the incident around 5:00 on Wednesday (time coincides with Moscow time) the accident was reported by Turkish media. According to them, the bus with 25 Russians followed in the airport, on the way he collided with a truck, resulting in slid off the road. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR arkadan çarptı — NTV (@ntv) August 29, 2018 In the accident injured 13 tourists, three of them are minor bruises and scratches. “All the victims were tourists delivered in medical institutions of Antalya . According to preliminary data, the severe injuries they have. As expected,

In Turkey bus with Russian tourists got in an accident

In Turkey bus with Russian tourists got in an accident ANKARA, August 29 — RIA Novosti. The representative of Consulate General of Russia in Antalya, Turkey confirmed the information about the accident, in which suffered the Russians. Upstairs Informed about the incident around 5:00 on Wednesday (time coincides with Moscow time) the accident was reported by Turkish media. According to them, the bus with 25 Russians followed in the airport, on the way he collided with a truck, resulting in slid off the road. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR arkadan çarptı — NTV (@ntv) August 29, 2018 Injuring eleven Russians. “They carried to nearby hospitals. Our staff went to the scene. We are in touch with the insurance companies and the gendarmerie. Clarifying the causes of the accident and the condition of the victims,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR çarptı! — İ

Ukraine will increase its military presence in the sea of Azov

Ukraine will increase its military presence in the sea of Azov Ukraine will soon increase the military potential on the Azov direction, the statements of the commander of the Ukrainian Navy Igor Voronchenko, which gave the press center of the Navy of the country. Upstairs “Admiral Igor Voronchenko also noted that in the near future it is planned to increase naval group, marine infantry and artillery on the Azov direction for protection of all borders and peaceful labor activities in the waters of the sea of Azov”, — stated in the message. On Tuesday, August 28, Ukraine has begun is command-staff doctrines “the Storm-2018” with the participation of the Navy, air force, border guard and special operations forces to test “the rating actions reflect the air attack, rearrange forces and anti-sabotage defence,” reads the message of the Ukrainian Navy. In early August, to strengthen the military presence of Ukraine in