On the wedding dress fit 50 glasses of champagne

On the wedding dress fit 50 glasses of champagne The blacksmith made a special frame. Upstairs The bride is from the UK, 38-year-old Kelly McMillan on the day of his wedding, wore a dress that fit from 50 glasses of Prosecco. Bride to guests: “The drinks are on me – literally!” ?The first 100 brides at The Apex Wedding Fair Bury St Edmunds will be offered a glass of Prosecco courtesy of The Tipsy Flute. https://t.co/PknfI4B5dF — TakeMyHand Wed Fairs (@TMHWedFairs), 1 September 2018 R. Kept glasses special frame, crafted from Edinburgh David Wright. On four metal hoops he has installed special holders. It weighs a “tray” of 30 kg, he hand-forged. Smith gave Kelly a frame as a wedding gift. With this frame the bride could not only dance but to walk. But the rear frame has a hole through which it is possible to “go out”. “It’s fantastic.

Chicken in Texas made friends with a snake

Chicken in Texas made friends with a snake Hen warmed “neighbor” under the wing. Upstairs Sarah Allison in Halle, Texas, went to check the chickens in the coop from their parents. She was amazed to see a huge snake, calmly resting under the wing of a mother hen. Nothing to see here… https://t.co/IpVm0R1fmK pic.twitter.com/YLZ3hceLvi — New York Post (@nypost), 1 September 2018 R. The woman first began to panic, fearing for the lives of chickens and other inhabitants of the house. But the snake behaved quietly and did not cause anyone harm. It later turned out that the reptile for a long time lives near the farmers house. Sometimes the snake eats more eggs. The father of Sarah “sign” with an unusual neighbor, and even considered him a friend. See also: Seal made friends with a butterfly at the zoo USA (video) Made shooting like humpback whales create the rainbow

In Stockholm, the robot became a member of the company-tour operator

In Stockholm, the robot became a member of the company-tour operator In the Swedish branch of a major tour operator company in polygonoides robot, according to ATOR. Upstairs New employee — robot Pepper — recognizes others and responds to people’s emotions. Instead of legs he has a system of small wheels. Chest fixed 10-inch tablet to display information or interact with the person. NewsIFA in 2018: what can a first exoskeleton from LG (photo) The model understands it — his memory contains about 4,500 words. He can talk, dance, supports the conversation and perform simple tasks. Experience in the use of robots has already been in the cruise and hotel business, but in the office of the tour operator, this technique appears for the first time. According to the Director of personnel of the company Elke eller, like any other employee of the robot will be a personal account and

Died star of the TV series “Santa Barbara”

Died star of the TV series “Santa Barbara” MOSCOW, 2 sen — RIA of news. In the US, on 87-m to year of life has died the star of “soap operas” Susan brown. This publication reports The Hollywood Reporter. Upstairs Information about her death confirmed Executive producer Frank Valentini. In his tweet, he expressed condolences to the families of brown and all who knew her. His career brown began in 1977. The Russian viewer, the actress remembered role in the series “Santa Barbara” in which she played the role of Janet lane, mother of Victoria lane. Acting career brown graduated in 2004, the last time starring in the TV series “General hospital.” “Santa Barbara” — a soap Opera that aired in the US from 30 July 1984 to January 15, 1993. Just removed 2137 series. The series tells about the life of a family of Cappello of Santa Barbara. In

Look like the strange fruit

Look like the strange fruit In appearance they resemble the hands of an octopus and the eyes of dragons. Upstairs Jackfruit Jackfruit is also called Indian bread tree, as his homeland is India. In the South, is an evergreen tree distributed as mango or banana. Does, polirani Michael Johnston (@runningrealtorfl) 31 2018 Sir R. 9:11 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The fruit of jackfruit is covered with numerous projections. Inside each fruit is divided into big shares which contain the sweet yellow pulp. Like the unusual fruit is a bit like cantaloupe, but much sweeter than her. Does, polirani FOREVER MUSIC JA (@forever_musicja_shayne) 18 Lip 2018 R. 11:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Cut up the fruit, having greased hands with oil or wearing rubber gloves. The fact that it contains a gummy latex and sticks to the fingers. “Hand Of Buddha” Citron finger

The most drinking nation in the world

The most drinking nation in the world About 2.4 billion people worldwide (one third) drink alcohol — 1.5 billion 900 million men and women. These data are presented in a fresh study of The Global Burden of Disease University of Washington and the bill and Melissa gates. Upstairs The world average daily intake of alcohol is 0.73 servings for women and 1.7 for men assuming that one serving is equal to 100 milliliters of red wine or 280 ml of beer or 30 ml spirits. According to the study, most drinking men in the world were recognized as Romanians — the home of Dracula, they consumed on average of 8.2 alcoholic beverage per day. Followed by residents of Portugal and Luxembourg (according to 7.2 servings), as well as Lithuania and Ukraine (7). Citizens of Islamic Pakistan are the least likely to drink alcohol on the paki has an average of

The girl lost a leg and started surfing

The girl lost a leg and started surfing Athlete inspires many by his example. Upstairs Two years ago American Sarah Dian was involved in a serious accident. The driver fled from the accident scene, leaving the girl to die. Does, polirani Sarah Dean (@friendscallmecrazy) 17 Sir R. 2018 on 2:44 PDT During the download an error has occurred. When he awoke in the hospital, Sarah saw that her leg was amputated. Before the accident the girl was a semi-professional surfer — she had long learned from the best coaches. Sarah couldn’t even imagine what will have to leave the hobby. She decided to fight hard to stay in the sport. Does, polirani Sarah Dean (@friendscallmecrazy) 17 Sir R. 2018 7:58 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Six months after the accident, the former athlete moved to San Diego, where they lived with her aunt and Hawaiian friends. With

Rocket attack on Damascus was “short circuit” in stock ammunition

Rocket attack on Damascus was “short circuit” in stock ammunition Israel has carried out a rocket attack on the suburbs of Damascus. About it reports Reuters, citing Syrian state media. Upstairs According to authorities, the Mezze airbase was not under fire, and explosions at a nearby ammunition dump began as a result of a short circuit. However, in social networks appear pictures advanced interceptor missiles. Earlier, on 2 September, the newspaper The Times of Israel reported that with high probability, the impact was applied to the aircraft of the Israel defense forces. Syrian media also reported on the strike, adding that the missiles were intercepted by air defense systems. About victims information is not available. Syria and Israel are technically at war since 1973, however, the clashes were extremely rare before the civil war in Syria. May 8, Israel put its troops on high alert to attack from Syria, launched

The ship of Murmansk shipping company were arrested in Denmark

The ship of Murmansk shipping company were arrested in Denmark The authorities of Denmark 30 August arrested the vessel “Novaya Zemlya” (the company owner JSC “Murmansk shipping company”, MMP). As reported on the website of the Russian trade Union of seamen, on Board of the vessel, which is near Cape Skagen, is located 19 sailors. Upstairs A professional body noted that in Spain under arrest in may and July are also the crews of MMP “Severnaya Zemlya” and “Arctic”, and mid-may in the U.S. RAID is the ship “seaboard.” “It is only those well-known labor disputes in which involved ITF inspectors around the world. We are talking about the fate of at least 80 Russian sailors trapped in a deplorable situation by the fault of the shipowner”, — have informed in the Union. It is emphasized that “the leadership of the Murmansk shipping company reluctantly go on contact” and ignores

Azerbaijan bought from Russian military products worth $5 billion

Azerbaijan bought from Russian military products worth $5 billion Azerbaijan purchased from Russia products of military goods worth more than $5 billion, said the President Ilham Aliyev for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “We discussed further cooperation in the military-technical sphere. It has great traditions” — leads TASS words of Mr. Aliyev. He said that Azerbaijan continues the modernization of its armed forces, while Russia is a major world producer and supplier of military products in the international markets. Following the meeting, Messrs Putin and Aliyev signed more than 10 documents.