Florence banned tourists are on the street

Florence banned tourists are on the street For a snack in the wrong place you will have to pay a large fine. Upstairs The authorities of the Italian city of Florence has decided to fight with fast food on the streets. Now for a snack outside cafes and restaurants will have to pay from 150 to 500 dollars. The local authorities law was enacted after in August there was a scuffle with a fight between the shop owner and the Spanish leather goods family, sat down on his porch to eat pizza. The newsFor stealing the pebbles on the beach of the British of Cornwall is ready to be ruthlessly fined The fact that tourists often sit on the steps or pavement at the entrance to places to eat, interfering with other people and leaving a trail of debris. The ban, signed by the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, valid

How to look like the famous walls, still preserved (photo)

How to look like the famous walls, still preserved (photo) Large-scale structures influenced the course of history. NevernostiArchaeologists have discovered in China ancient pyramid and places for sacrifices For millennia, people have built walls. Some of them defended and preserved, others were separated and isolated, but they were all part of the great history of mankind. Up to our days preserved all the buildings: something was destroyed by nature, but something the people themselves. However, even part of the walls reminded of the value they had at the time. The great wall of China This is perhaps the most famous wall in the world. They say that this is the only man-made object visible from space (but is debatable). The wall was built in the XIV century to protect the Northern borders of the Chinese Empire from attacks by nomadic tribes. Its length is impressive — 8,851 kilometer, and with

A student bought online sneakers and found inside the envelope with the money

A student bought online sneakers and found inside the envelope with the money $ 1,300 in cash. NevernostiGive me the key of the map, where the money is. How scammers are stealing money from the accounts 19-year-old Ella Gilman of Manchester has become a real star in the local media, after her story got to know journalists. In fact, the girl didn’t do anything unusual, just did the right thing. But not everyone would. The fact that Ella bought via the Internet sneakers. When the purchase came, it was inside the Shoe girl found an envelope with a thousand pounds (about $ 1,300). Rightly decided that the money was in running shoes accidentally, Ella got in touch with Laura of Hazelden from Brighton, which sold her the shoes. The woman was overjoyed message to Ella and explained that these savings wanted to put in a Bank account, but at the

Scientist warned about the beginning of acid rain in the Crimea

Scientist warned about the beginning of acid rain in the Crimea SIMFEROPOL, St 6 — RIA Novosti. Acid rain can pass in Armyansk and nearby regions of the Crimea, which will lead to the purification of the atmosphere from the fumes of kilocalories of the plant “Crimean Titan”, said the Professor of the chair of Geoecology, faculty of geography of Taurida Academy of Kazan Federal University Igor Aleksashkin. Upstairs “Acid rain, of course, will be, and they will be the salvation of the atmosphere, it must be cleaned of those oxides in the atmosphere. They felt (in the air of the Armenian — ed.) is the concentration, in principle, determined by the instrument,” said the role in the broadcast channel “Crimea 24”. Scientist finds dangerous concentration of acids in the sediments to human health, but recommends not to be in the open rain. Danger for plants and soils is also

The Federal budget will Finance 95% of the may decree of Putin

The Federal budget will Finance 95% of the may decree of Putin National projects from the may decree of President Vladimir Putin, 95% will be financed from the Federal budget, the remaining funds will allocate regions, said first Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Gornin at a Moscow financial forum. Upstairs According to Gorina, this ratio was supported by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, it will not be tough, said Deputy Minister in the regions-the recipients level of Federal funding may be 95-99% and in regions-donors — 0-95%. We are talking about additional government spending of $ 8 trillion of This amount, the government had to find to bring the total expenditure to Finance a new may of Putin’s decree to 25 trillion rubles for the next six years. The main goals of Russia’s development from the decree will be issued in 12 national projects. Putin instructed to 2024 to hit Russia

The Kremlin responded with Theresa may on the charges in the case Skrobala

The Kremlin responded with Theresa may on the charges in the case Skrobala The British Prime Minister had earlier said that the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel approved in Russia on “high level”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Allegations that senior management was involved in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, is unacceptable. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, answering thus to the Prime Minister of the UK Theresa may. Yesterday, Mrs may spoke of the involvement of the top Russian leadership — we reiterate that neither the top leadership nor the leadership of a lower rank, no official representatives had and have nothing to do with events in Salisbury. This can not be and speeches — any idea on this matter or charges are not valid.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia In order to ensure that the Russian authorities had

Timakova goes to work on the web

Timakova goes to work on the web MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. A spokesman for Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Natalya Timakova said that goes to work in a Bank, and next week will dedicate the transfer of cases to new press Secretary Upstairs Vice-Premier — head of government office Konstantin Chuichenko had earlier said that Timakova, the post of press Secretary, will replace first Deputy chief editor MIA “Russia today” Oleg Osipov. “Next week we will be working with Oleg together. I’ll give him the ropes, introduce him to the team, with journalists. After this, when completed paperwork, he comes to work”, — said Timakova told reporters. On specifying question, she reported that decided on the transition six months ago. “Very grateful to Mr Medvedev that he supported, and that after the end of the formation of a new government, and the work began again, we agreed that I will

Looks like the picturesque lake in Thailand, where there are thousands of lotuses (photo)

Looks like the picturesque lake in Thailand, where there are thousands of lotuses (photo) Views are best at sunrise. Upstairs Huge lake Nong Han Kumphawapi, also known as the Lake of red lotuses is in the North-East of Thailand near the town Kumphawapi. Pond area of 32 square kilometers from November through March, becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. And all thanks to the carpet of Lotus flowers covering the surface of the lake. Incredible views can be best admired in the morning after 11 hours of bright buds close to remain from the scorching sun. Publication of Khonnohk Pahnplod (@khonnohk) 4 Feb 2018 1:18 PST During the download an error has occurred. Publication of KK_WK (@kkwk720) Dec 2, 2016 at 6:29 PST During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Monichina (@monichina_flamingo) APR 6, 2018 at 5:57 PDT During the download an error

The artist has created fabulous sculptures in the Dead sea

The artist has created fabulous sculptures in the Dead sea She plunged into the water barrels and did the rest water. Upstairs Israeli artist Sigalit Landau creates amazing salt sculptures in the water of the Dead sea. Does, polirani LOVE WATTS (@love.watts) 22 GRU 2017 R. 8:56 PST During the download an error has occurred. 49-year-old native of Jerusalem since childhood often visited the Dead sea, the high concentration of salt which makes it unsuitable for life. The idea of the salt sculptures she came spontaneously, seeing crystal formations along the shore. Does, polirani Jonia Whitney (@jonia.twain) 15 R. Sich 2018 10:22 PST During the download an error has occurred. Sigalit plunges into the water cages of different shapes and waiting until the salt will do the trick. Crystallization is different, it all depends on the ambient temperature. The process of dipping and retrieving the artist is documented on video.

Verka Serduchka spoke to “the first persons of the Russian policy”

Verka Serduchka spoke to “the first persons of the Russian policy” Program Director of “Muz-TV” Andrey Razygraev told about how passed the first in a long time, public speech in Russia, the Ukrainian singer Andrei Danilko, known as Verka Serduchka. His words reports “Moscow speaking” on Wednesday, September 5. Upstairs “It’s a courageous act, Andrei Danilko, it was even said himself Igor Krutoy, after his speech or even during. Don’t want the music again became part of the policy,” said Razygraev. According to him, the woman comes to Moscow often enough, but its concerts at corporate events never publicized. In Sochi at the afterparty of the festival “New wave” Danilko made to the General public. “But to speak openly in front of the first persons of the Russian show-business and, as it turned out, a policy that hasn’t happened,” added Razygraev. According to the radio, the video from the performance