The White House appreciated the upcoming conversation between Putin and Biden

White House spokesman Psaki: The US aims to bring relations with Russia to stability US President Joe Biden during a conversation with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, among other things, will discuss cybersecurity and other issues of relations between Moscow and Washington, not only the situation around Ukraine. This was reported by the press secretary of the White House Jen Psaki, reports TASS. According to her, the United States aims to bring relations with the Russian Federation on a more stable basis, does not seek to escalate. The upcoming dialogue between the heads of the two states should not be viewed as an opportunity for the United States to present threats to the Russian Federation, Psaki assessed. Earlier, a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that a special closed telephone line for a conversation between Putin and Biden on December 7 will be used for the first time … He noted

Biden will declare to Putin about readiness to put pressure on Russia because of Ukraine

White House: Biden intends to explain to Putin that he is ready to put pressure on Russia because of Ukraine US President Joe Biden intends to clearly explain Russian leader Vladimir Putin that he is ready to put economic pressure on Moscow in the event of a conflict with Ukraine. This was stated by the official representative of the White House Jen Psaki, her words are quoted by Interfax. “He will make it clear that we were preparing a number of economic measures that could cause damage. We expect Ukraine to be a major topic of discussion in the negotiations. However, there will be other topics, ”she said. Psaki added that Biden plans to discuss his actions with allies. She also stressed that the United States is striving to convey to Russia that the situation with Ukraine must be resolved through diplomacy. The White House official did not answer directly

White House confirms US diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics

White House spokesman Psaki: the US leadership has refused to go to the Olympics in China The White House has confirmed that The Olympics in China, said the press secretary of the US President Jen Psaki, TASS reports. According to her, American athletes themselves will be able to decide whether to participate in international competitions or refuse them. < p> Earlier, CNN reported about the possible blockade of the Olympics, citing sources. The journalists said that appropriate measures will be taken this week, but they will not affect the athletes. The National Security Council discussed a diplomatic boycott “privately.” The Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing from February 4 to 20, 2022, and the Paralympics from March 4 to 13. Only residents of mainland China will be able to buy tickets for the competition. Sports fans who wish to attend the competition will need to comply with the

UFC fighter talks about life with two wives

Kazakh UFC fighter Zhalgas Zhumagulov said that he has two wives Kazakh mixed style fighter (MMA) Zhalgas YouTube -channel “Let me interrupt you” told about his family life. The athlete said that he has two wives and six children. “I'm already used to it. At first there were tests, but now everything is fine. Left, for example, from the second wife, I go to the first. I left the first, I go to the second. Day there, day there, “- he described life in marriages. The fighter performs in the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC) in the flyweight. On the night of December 5, he lost to Manel Capa by knockout in the first round. Zhumagulov now has 14 victories and six defeats. In 2018, it was reported that the former Brazilian football player Ronaldinho was going to marry two girls at once. Ronaldinho wanted to marry Priscilla Coelho and Beatrice

UFC fighter talks about life with two wives

Kazakh UFC fighter Zhalgas Zhumagulov said that he has two wives Kazakh mixed style fighter (MMA) Zhalgas Zhuma -channel “Let me interrupt you” told about his family life. The athlete said that he has two wives and six children. “I'm already used to it. At first there were tests, but now everything is fine. Left, for example, from the second wife, I go to the first. I left the first, I go to the second. Day there, day there, “- he described life in marriages. The fighter performs in the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC) in the flyweight. On the night of December 5, he lost to Manel Capa by knockout in the first round. Zhumagulov now has 14 victories and six defeats. In 2018, it was reported that the former Brazilian football player Ronaldinho was going to marry two girls at once. Ronaldinho wanted to marry Priscilla Coelho and Beatrice

Virologist explained the lack of data on a new strain of coronavirus

Virologist Lukashev: figures on the comparison of the omicron with the delta strain will appear in 2022 Virologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences told when new data will appear on the severity of the disease caused by the omicron strain of coronavirus. This will not happen until the new year, the scientist said on the air of the Russia-24 TV channel. The scientist suggested that the exact figures on comparing the omicron strain with the “delta” or with the Wuhan strain will most likely appear only in the new year, 2022. “How much more severe this virus causes the disease, we also do not know and will not know soon, because in Africa there is a large proportion of the young population, there are simply few elderly people who can carry the disease hard, In Europe, where this virus came from the United States, many are vaccinated,

Virologist explained the lack of data on a new strain of coronavirus

Virologist Lukashev: figures on the comparison of omicron with the delta strain will appear in 2022 Virologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences told when new data will appear on the severity of the disease caused by the omicron strain of coronavirus. This will not happen until the new year, the scientist said on the air of the Russia-24 TV channel. The scientist suggested that the exact figures on comparing the omicron strain with the “delta” or with the Wuhan strain will most likely appear only in the new year, 2022. “How much more severe this virus causes the disease, we also do not know and will not know soon, because in Africa there is a large proportion of the young population, there are simply few elderly people who can carry the disease hard, In Europe, where this virus came from the United States, many are vaccinated, and

The United States threatened to disconnect Russia from SWIFT and hit the oligarchs

The new package of US sanctions against Russia has added the disconnection of Russia from SWIFT the territory of Ukraine. This was announced by the American television channel CNN, citing sources. As a last resort, the journalists' interlocutors called the disconnection of Russia from the international payment system SWIFT. The main targets of the new restrictions will be members of the inner circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarchs. In addition, the US authorities are considering restrictions against the Russian national debt. Russian businessmen and members of the close circle of the president intend to limit the ability to travel and cut off access to American banks and credit card systems. In addition to personal sanctions, there are also restrictions against the Russian energy sector, but no details were provided in this area We have compiled a damn aggressive package. CNN interlocutor “We believe that we have a

The United States threatened to disconnect Russia from SWIFT and hit the oligarchs

The new package of US sanctions against Russia added the disconnection of Russia from SWIFT the territory of Ukraine. This was announced by the American television channel CNN, citing sources. As a last resort, the journalists' interlocutors called the disconnection of Russia from the international payment system SWIFT. The main targets of the new restrictions will be members of the inner circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarchs. In addition, the US authorities are considering restrictions against the Russian national debt. Russian businessmen and members of the close circle of the president intend to limit the ability to travel and cut off access to American banks and credit card systems. In addition to personal sanctions, there are also restrictions against the Russian energy sector, but no details were provided in this area We have compiled a damn aggressive package. CNN interlocutor “We believe that we have a path

The Taliban appointed only their own representatives as media curators in the Afghan provinces

The Taliban appointed their representatives The radical Taliban movement that came to power in Afghanistan (banned in Russian terrorist organization) appoints only its representatives to the leading posts of the departments of the Ministry of Information and Culture in the regions, TASS reports with reference to the Afghan Aamaj News. It is noted that the leadership of the supervising media in the provinces of departments in almost every region of the country , who had been appointed by the former Afghan government, was fired and replaced by Taliban representatives with various religious titles. Also, the Afghan media previously noted that despite the statements of the Taliban that the new authorities in the country, when appointing regional leaders, will proceed from the principle of meritocracy, the overwhelming number of appointed governors in the provinces are representatives of the movement. Earlier it became known that US special envoy for Afghanistan Thomas West