US declared NATO's right to include new states

State Department: the inclusion of new members in NATO does not contradict the promise not to expand eastward State Department spokesman Ned Price said the inclusion of new states in NATO is contrary to the promise not to expand eastward. His words are quoted by TASS. He stressed that the alliance has the right to accept new members and pursues only defensive goals, its door is always open. “The idea that NATO, or aspirants for membership like Ukraine, could pose a threat to Russia is laughable if the situation were not so serious,” Price added. The United States welcomes Ukraine's right to determine its future in the context of NATO membership. The official noted that in this regard, Russia is of concern and its alleged attempt to “fabricate an excuse for the Russian military to do what has long been planned.” will become the “red line” for Moscow. The diplomat

The White House announced Russia's readiness to attack Ukraine from three sides

US administration: believes that Russia is ready to attack Ukraine from three sides A senior White House official said that the US believes The Russian Federation is ready to attack Ukraine from three sides. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. According to an administration official, the United States does not know whether Russian President Vladimir Putin made a decision on the readiness to “invade Ukraine.” “But planning from our point of view the view is clear: the movement of troops in addition to [deploying] battalion tactical groups around Ukraine in numerous geographic theaters around the borders of [Ukraine] – to the south, to the west, and also to the northeast, “said a US administration official.

The White House appreciates the possibility of Biden voicing threats at a meeting with Putin

White House: Do not view the Biden-Putin meeting as an opportunity for threats United States Joe Biden threats against Moscow at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In her opinion, the meeting of heads of state should not be viewed in a similar vein. She stated this at a briefing with reporters, her words are reported by TASS. The journalists asked her whether Biden was going to threaten Russia in the event of her possible “invasion” of Ukraine. “I think it’s not about threats. The point is to convey that diplomacy is the right way forward here, “the White House spokeswoman replied. She added that the United States has consulted with its allies about the readiness, if necessary, to impose new sanctions that should be applied the Russian economy has significant and serious harm, so there is a likelihood of using this mechanism. Earlier, First Deputy Chairman of the

Zelensky disclosed the results of negotiations with Blinken

President Zelensky agreed on positions with Blinken ahead of the video call between Biden and Putin President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that he had spoken with US Secretary of State Blinken yesterday a video call between the leaders of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. The parties decided to continue to act “together and in a coordinated manner,” Zelensky wrote on his Twitter account. “We agreed positions with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken before the conversation between Presidents Biden and Putin. We agreed to continue to act jointly and in a coordinated manner. I am grateful to the strategic partner and ally – the United States for the constant support of our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine, “the Ukrainian leader disclosed the results of the talks.

The White House assessed the likelihood of introducing unilateral sanctions against Russia

White House spokesman Psaki did not clarify whether the United States will impose unilateral sanctions against Russia – for the situation around Ukraine. Press Secretary of the US President Jen Psaki did not clarify whether such restrictions could be introduced without support from the European Union (EU), TASS reports. She noted that American leader Joe Biden will hold talks with a number of key partners , answering the question about the possibility of additional restrictions against Moscow without the participation of the Europeans. “Of course, it is important for us to move in coordination, in sync with the transatlantic allies and partners. But I do not want to rule out or allow anything before these negotiations take place, “Psaki said. Earlier, a White House official said that US President Joe Biden intends to clearly explain to Russian leader Vladimir Putin that he is ready exert economic pressure on Moscow in

Zelensky disclosed the results of negotiations with Blinken

President Zelensky agreed positions with Blinken before the video call between Biden and Putin President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that he spoke with US Secretary of State Blinken a video call between the leaders of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. The parties decided to continue to act “together and in a coordinated manner,” Zelensky wrote on his Twitter account. “We agreed positions with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken before the conversation between Presidents Biden and Putin. We agreed to continue to act jointly and in a coordinated manner. I am grateful to the strategic partner and ally – the United States for the constant support of our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine, “the Ukrainian leader disclosed the results of the talks.

US Secretary of State held talks with Zelensky

Head of State Department Blinken spoke with President of Ukraine Zelensky between American leader Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. State Department spokesman Ned Price announced this, TASS reports. “When I went to the briefing, the Secretary of State was in touch with President Zelensky,” said a State Department spokesman. Earlier it became it is known that Biden will speak with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky after talks via videoconference with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. According to a spokesman for the American administration, the head of state will inform the President of Ukraine about the content of his conversation with Putin and hold consultations with him.

Rodnina reacted in one word to the conflict between Tarasova and Rudkovskaya

Deputy Irina Rodnina on Eteri Tutberidze: the greatest coach? This is an overkill Three-time Olympic champion, State Duma deputy Irina Rodnina commented on the conflict between the honored coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova and Rudyusova Her words are quoted by “Sport-Express”. The deputy called the incident funny. She also refused to consider Eteri Tutberidze the greatest coach. “This is overkill. I am afraid of this word. And I can't call a single coach and athlete the greatest. Our greatest [cosmonaut Yuri] Gagarin, “Rodnina said. On December 5, Tarasova spoke about the sports prospects of Rudkovskaya's son and two-time Olympic figure skating champion Evgeny Plushenko Alexander. The coach said that at the moment she does not see the athletic potential of the seven-year-old skater. In response, Rudkovskaya said that Tarasova's opinion was not fundamental to her, and Tarasova's coach praised the producer with the phrase “who is she.” The conflict

The State Duma assessed the possibility of a Russian attack on Ukraine

State Duma Deputy Shkhagoshev said that Russia would not attack Ukraine Ukraine. According to the politician, Russia will not attack Ukraine, the only thing that can happen now is the provocation of the Ukrainian side in Donbass. “But in this case, there will be only one losing side – this is Kiev,” he said. The parliamentarian stressed that in this case the losses could be “of a geographical nature”. “I believe that this is the most serious concept now that can be deployed,” Shkhagoshev added. Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is extremely concerned about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. “Of course, this is what worries us extremely, this is what we don’t like,” he stressed. According to him, this situation forces Moscow to take measures to protect its interests and in order to insure against what is happening.

Rodnina reacted in one word to the conflict between Tarasova and Rudkovskaya

Deputy Irina Rodnina on Eteri Tutberidze: the greatest coach? This is overkill Three-time Olympic champion, State Duma deputy Irina Rodnina commented on the conflict between the honored trainer of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova. Her words are quoted by “Sport-Express”. The deputy called the incident funny. She also refused to consider Eteri Tutberidze the greatest coach. “This is overkill. I am afraid of this word. And I can't call a single coach and athlete the greatest. Our greatest [cosmonaut Yuri] Gagarin, “Rodnina said. On December 5, Tarasova spoke about the sports prospects of Rudkovskaya's son and two-time Olympic figure skating champion Evgeny Plushenko Alexander. The coach said that at the moment she does not see the athletic potential of the seven-year-old skater. In response, Rudkovskaya said that Tarasova's opinion was not fundamental to her, and Tarasova's coach praised the producer with the phrase “who is she.” The conflict between Tarasova and