British Army has announced new protection against Russian fighters

Times: The British Army has adopted a new Sky Saber air defense system to protect against Russian fighters The British Army has announced that it has adopted a new system Air defense Sky Saber to repel threats allegedly emanating from Russian fighters. This is reported by the Times newspaper, citing sources in the UK Department of Defense. According to the newspaper, the new system has replaced the Rapier missiles, which have been used since the 1970s. The upgraded rockets can hit a tennis ball-sized target that travels at the speed of sound. It is also indicated that the Sky Saber system can control the flight of 24 missiles simultaneously, which are capable of destroying fighters, drones and laser-guided smart bombs. According to sources of the publication, the department wants to launch a new system in order to “repel threats coming from Russian stealth fighters, such as the Su-57, which NATO

British Army has announced new protection against Russian fighters

Times: The British Army has adopted a new Sky Saber air defense system to protect against Russian fighters The British Army has announced that it has adopted a new system Air defense Sky Saber to repel threats allegedly emanating from Russian fighters. This is reported by the Times newspaper, citing sources in the UK Department of Defense. According to the newspaper, the new system has replaced the Rapier missiles, which have been used since the 1970s. The upgraded rockets can hit a tennis ball-sized target that travels at the speed of sound. It is also indicated that the Sky Saber system can control the flight of 24 missiles simultaneously, which are capable of destroying fighters, drones and laser-guided smart bombs. According to sources of the publication, the department wants to launch a new system in order to “repel threats coming from Russian stealth fighters, such as the Su-57, which NATO

The doctor named the plants protecting the home from viruses

Doctor Asanov: citrus and conifers will help protect the home from viruses and bacteria Therapist Timur Asanov called plant bacteria. He noted in an interview with Radio 1 that they contain essential oils rich in phytoncides, which have an antiseptic effect. The specialist noted that eucalyptus will help to disinfect the air and make breathing easier. In addition, miniature citrus trees such as lemon, tangerine, orange, perfectly clean the space, making it unsuitable for pathogens. Related materials 00:01 – June 4 Mysterious substance. Sperm whale vomit costs more than gold. Who pays millions of dollars for it? 00:01 – September 29 “It seemed that my forehead was lengthening” did not sleep and drank only tea. How did that change him? “Conifers – fir, juniper and others – also contain a lot of essential oils with an antiseptic effect, which evaporate and make the atmosphere in the home almost sterile,” Asanov

Russia has come up with a new way to track coronavirus

Izvestia: Rospotrebnadzor creates an epidemiological atlas of the spread of COVID-19 diseases, including coronavirus. It is an electronic map that contains information about the place of residence of infected, recovered and died from a specific infection of residents of Russia, including their house number, Izvestia reports. Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Academician I.N. Blokhina Rospotrebnadzor. The electronic atlas will help optimize the control of infectious diseases, as well as the emergence of new strains. It will include a collection of maps reflecting the incidence, each of which will correspond to a specific nosology. A feature of the atlas is the maximum detailing of data down to the street and the patient's house. However, the personal data of Russians will not be on the maps. “Let me remind you that there are pathogenic diseases that are much more dangerous than COVID-19, and they require close monitoring. With the

Russia has come up with a new way to track coronavirus

Izvestia: Rospotrebnadzor is creating an epidemiological atlas of the spread of COVID-19 diseases, including coronavirus. It is an electronic map that contains information about the place of residence of infected, recovered and died from a specific infection of residents of Russia, including their house number, Izvestia reports. Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Academician I.N. Blokhina Rospotrebnadzor. The electronic atlas will help optimize the control of infectious diseases, as well as the emergence of new strains. It will include a collection of maps reflecting the incidence, each of which will correspond to a specific nosology. A feature of the atlas is the maximum detailing of data down to the street and the patient's house. However, the personal data of Russians will not be on the maps. “Let me remind you that there are pathogenic diseases that are much more dangerous than COVID-19, and they require close monitoring. With

День в истории: 7 декабря

Международный день гражданской авиации Инициатором праздника стала Международная организация гражданской авиации (International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO), принявшая в 1992 году резолюцию, в которой объявила 7 декабря каждого года, начиная с 1994 года, Днем международной гражданской авиации. Поводом для выбора даты послужила 50-я годовщина подписания Конвенции о международной гражданской авиации (Чикагская конвенция, 1944). Она установила основные принципы, позволяющие осуществлять международные перевозки воздушным транспортом. День инженерно-авиационной службы ВКС России 7 декабря отмечают свой профессиональный праздник специалисты инженерно-авиационной службы (ИАС) командования Военно-воздушных сил ВКС Российской Федерации. Несмотря на то, что этого праздника нет в числе официальных, специалисты отмечают его ежегодно в этот день. Ведь именно тогда оформилась структура Военно-воздушных сил, которая включила в себя летный состав и инженерно-технический персонал, в задачи которого входило обслуживание летательных аппаратов. Появление в 1912 году в структуре военной авиации должностей мотористов, а также присвоение им воинских званий в начале войны привело к тому, что 7 декабря 1916 года была создана отдельная служба, получившая первоначально название технико-эксплуатационной. Открытие Королевского театра в Лондоне 7 декабря 1732 года в Лондоне английский театральный деятель и актер Джон Рич

The doctor named the plants protecting the home from viruses

Doctor Asanov: citrus and conifers will help protect the home from viruses and bacteria Physician Timur Asanov named the plant bacteria. He noted in an interview with Radio 1 that they contain essential oils rich in phytoncides, which have an antiseptic effect. The specialist noted that eucalyptus will help to disinfect the air and make breathing easier. In addition, miniature citrus trees such as lemon, tangerine, orange, perfectly clean the space, making it unsuitable for pathogens. Related materials 00:01 – June 4 Mysterious substance. Sperm whale vomiting costs more than gold. Who pays millions of dollars for it? 00:01 – September 29 “It seemed that my forehead was lengthening” did not sleep and drank only tea. How did that change him? “Conifers – fir, juniper and others – also contain a lot of essential oils with an antiseptic effect, which evaporate and make the atmosphere in the home almost sterile,”

The doctor named the plants protecting the home from viruses

Doctor Asanov: citrus and conifers will help protect the home from viruses and bacteria plant bacteria. He noted in an interview with Radio 1 that they contain essential oils rich in phytoncides, which have an antiseptic effect. The specialist noted that eucalyptus will help to disinfect the air and make breathing easier. In addition, miniature citrus trees such as lemon, tangerine, orange, perfectly clean the space, making it unsuitable for pathogens. Related materials 00:01 – June 4 Mysterious substance. Sperm whale vomiting costs more than gold. Who pays millions of dollars for it? 00:01 – September 29 “It seemed that my forehead was lengthening” did not sleep and drank only tea. How did that change him? “Conifers – fir, juniper and others – also contain a lot of essential oils with an antiseptic effect, which evaporate and make the atmosphere in the home almost sterile,” Asanov added. As a disinfectant,

Prince William was furious over the photo of Kate Middleton

Prince William was angry because of the photo of Kate Middleton on the bus on the way to the interview Kate Middleton on public transport, writes Daily Express. The picture was taken 15 years ago. At that time, the future wife of a member of the royal family used public transport, and the paparazzi followed her everywhere, including on the road. Royal expert Richard Palmer clarified that she was photographed on a London bus traveling along Kings Road, on that day, Middleton was heading for an interview. “William was worried that his girlfriend was being stalked just like his mother. And we all know what it led to, ”Professor Suzannah Lipscomb explained the reason for the prince's concern. “The danger was that the photographer had been following Kate all day. William was furious, “- said biographer Marcia Moody. Earlier, Prince William brought Kate Middleton to tears. The young man in

Prince William was furious over the photo of Kate Middleton

Prince William got angry because of the photo of Kate Middleton on the bus on the way to the interview British Prince William got angry with his photographers Kate Middleton on public transport, writes Daily Express. The picture was taken 15 years ago. At that time, the future wife of a member of the royal family used public transport, and the paparazzi followed her everywhere, including on the road. Royal expert Richard Palmer clarified that she was photographed on a London bus traveling along Kings Road, on that day, Middleton was heading for an interview. “William was worried that his girlfriend was being stalked just like his mother. And we all know what it led to, ”Professor Suzannah Lipscomb explained the reason for the prince's concern. “The danger was that the photographer had been following Kate all day. William was furious, “- said biographer Marcia Moody. Earlier, Prince William brought