Trump to write memoirs about his work in the White House

Former US President Trump is writing a book about working as head of state Former US President Donald Trump told Newsmax TV, that he is busy writing his memoirs about how he served as head of state and worked in the White House. This is reported by TASS. He said that it would be “a very strong thing”, and also stressed that a large number of publishers showed interest in his book. However, the ex-president did not name any planned dates for its publication, nor those that he plans to describe in it. Donald Trump was the 45th President of the States of America. He held this post from 2017 to 2021. In the 2020 presidential election, Trump ran for the Republican Party, but lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden. Earlier it became known that Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), owned by Donald Trump, attracted investments of one

Trump to write memoirs about his work in the White House

Former US President Trump is writing a book about working as head of state Former US President Donald Trump said in an interview with Newsmax TV, that he is busy writing his memoirs about how he served as head of state and worked in the White House. This is reported by TASS. He said that it would be “a very strong thing”, and also stressed that a large number of publishers showed interest in his book. However, the ex-president did not name any planned dates for its publication, nor those that he plans to describe in it. Donald Trump was the 45th President of the States of America. He held this post from 2017 to 2021. In the 2020 presidential election, Trump ran for the Republican Party, but lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden. Earlier it became known that Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), owned by Donald Trump,

Scientist assessed the ability of the delta strain to stop the spread of the omicron

Skoltech Professor Bazykin said that the omicron strain is of great concern strain to stop the spread of the omicron. “I doubt it, because the omicron is found where the delta was widespread and predominated before. In South Africa, where the omicron was discovered, the wave of disease caused by the delta ended before that, “the scientist said. According to him, a large number of people were immune to the delta strain, but even against this background the omicron is now spreading rapidly. “I am afraid that the situation in Russia will be very similar,” Bazykin said. He noted that the omicron-strain, apparently, partially escapes the immunity acquired after the delta, which causes great concern. Earlier, an expert, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University Sergey Voznesensky said that the spread of omicron- The coronavirus strain can be stopped in Russia by conscientiously implementing preventive

Scientist assessed the ability of the delta strain to stop the spread of the omicron

Skoltech Professor Bazykin said that the omicron strain causes great concern strain to stop the spread of the omicron. “I doubt it, because the omicron is found where the delta was widespread and predominated before. In South Africa, where the omicron was discovered, the wave of disease caused by the delta ended before that, “the scientist said. According to him, a large number of people were immune to the delta strain, but even against this background the omicron is now spreading rapidly. “I am afraid that the situation in Russia will be very similar,” Bazykin said. He noted that the omicron-strain, apparently, partially escapes the immunity acquired after the delta, which causes great concern. Earlier, an expert, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University Sergey Voznesensky said that the spread of omicron- The coronavirus strain can be stopped in Russia by conscientiously implementing preventive measures

Preparations have begun for the evacuation of the crew of a dry-cargo ship that has run aground near Sakhalin

Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sakhalin: the crew of the Xing Yuan ship, which has run aground in Kholmsk, is being prepared for evacuation , run aground in the water area of ​​the Kholmsky district. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sakhalin Region. Employees of the department and specialists of the Marine Rescue Service will deliver 12 people ashore in the afternoon. The vessel will be inspected, and an action plan will be developed further. “Also, with the improvement of weather conditions for preventive purposes, specialists are planning to install booms,” the Emergencies Ministry added. Six rescuers are working at the scene and three units of special equipment. The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Sakhalin Region Igor Yamukov arrived there. The situation is under control, no fuel spill has occurred. Foreign dry cargo ship

Preparations have begun for the evacuation of the crew of a dry-cargo ship that has run aground near Sakhalin

Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sakhalin: the crew of the Xing Yuan ship, which has run aground in Kholmsk, is being prepared for evacuation , run aground in the water area of ​​the Kholmsky district. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sakhalin Region. Employees of the department and specialists of the Marine Rescue Service will deliver 12 people ashore in the afternoon. The vessel will be inspected, and an action plan will be developed further. “Also, with the improvement of weather conditions for preventive purposes, specialists are planning to install booms,” the Emergencies Ministry added. Six rescuers are working at the scene and three units of special equipment. The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Sakhalin Region Igor Yamukov arrived there. The situation is under control, no fuel spill has occurred. Foreign dry cargo ship

Infectionist reveals the danger of coronavirus for teens

Doctor Pozdnyakov: vaccination of adolescents is necessary to protect against the severe course of COVID-19 Andrey Pozdnyakov in an interview with RIA Novosti told why teenagers need to be vaccinated against coronavirus. The medic revealed the danger of COVID-19 for young people: according to him, the spread of the delta strain has led to the fact that adolescents have become more ill and worse recover from an infection. In addition, fatalities were recorded. “Vaccination of adolescents is needed to protect them from the severe course of infection and to protect those around them, for whom they can become a source of infection. Since the spread of the “delta” strain of the virus, adolescents have also become more difficult to tolerate the infection: moderate and severe cases of the course with lung damage have appeared, “Pozdnyakov explained. The specialist emphasized that” in the fourth wave children's departments were packed. ” According

Infectionist reveals the danger of coronavirus for teens

Doctor Pozdnyakov: vaccination of adolescents is necessary to protect against the severe course of COVID-19 Andrey Pozdnyakov in an interview with RIA Novosti told why teenagers need to be vaccinated against coronavirus. The medic revealed the danger of COVID-19 for young people: according to him, the spread of the delta strain has led to the fact that adolescents have become more ill and worse recover from an infection. In addition, fatalities were recorded. “Vaccination of adolescents is needed to protect them from the severe course of infection and to protect those around them, for whom they can become a source of infection. Since the spread of the “delta” strain of the virus, adolescents have also become more difficult to tolerate the infection: moderate and severe cases of the course with lung damage have appeared, “Pozdnyakov explained. The specialist emphasized that” in the fourth wave children's departments were packed. ” According

The US called the advantages of the Russian “Solntsepek”

19FortyFive: Russian TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems can hit targets in cover Russian heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “And TOS-1A” Solntsepek “can hit targets that are in shelters. The advantages of heavy Russian-made flamethrower systems were named by 19FortyFive columnist Brent Eastwood. Eastwood noted that Solntsepek and Buratino use shells with a thermobaric composition. The impact of the flamethrower system results in the formation of a combustible cloud, which can penetrate into shelters. Also, TOS-1 and TOS-1A are distinguished by mobility, which is due to the use of a tank chassis. In the publication 19FortyFive emphasized that heavy flamethrower systems received a fire control system with a ballistic computer and a laser rangefinder. After entering a firing position, the crew needs 90 seconds to prepare for firing. In October, Eastwood wrote about the need to create regulations to ban the use of heavy flamethrower systems. In an article for 19FortyFive, he noted

The US called the advantages of the Russian “Solntsepek”

19FortyFive: Russian TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems can hit targets in cover Russian heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “And TOS-1A” Solntsepek “can hit targets that are in shelters. The advantages of heavy Russian-made flamethrower systems were named by 19FortyFive columnist Brent Eastwood. Eastwood noted that Solntsepek and Buratino use shells with a thermobaric composition. The impact of the flamethrower system results in the formation of a combustible cloud, which can penetrate into shelters. Also, TOS-1 and TOS-1A are distinguished by mobility, which is due to the use of a tank chassis. In the publication 19FortyFive emphasized that heavy flamethrower systems received a fire control system with a ballistic computer and a laser rangefinder. After entering a firing position, the crew needs 90 seconds to prepare for firing. In October, Eastwood wrote about the need to create regulations to ban the use of heavy flamethrower systems. In an article for 19FortyFive, he noted