Japan condemned the initiative on the tax regime in the Kuril Islands

“ A bill providing for the introduction of special tax incentives with & nbsp; the purpose of the development of the region, in & nbsp; including the Northern Territories (as Japan calls the southern Kuril Islands & nbsp; & mdash; ed.), and & nbsp; also inviting Japanese and & nbsp; other foreign companies to & nbsp; in & nbsp; this economic development contradicts Japan's position on the & nbsp; Northern Territories, and & nbsp; also on joint economic activities, which was discussed between the leaders of the two countries. Japan's position has been repeatedly voiced to the Russian side and & nbsp; is & nbsp; implementation of joint economic activities without & nbsp; damage to the political position of both countries. We & nbsp; intend to continue to build a constructive dialogue with & nbsp; Russia on & nbsp; this issue & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the minister

CIA chief urged not to underestimate “Putin's appetite for risk” on Ukrainian issues

“I would never & nbsp; underestimate President Putin's appetite for risk when it comes to Ukraine. It is very important to respond to & nbsp; is a mixture of deterrence and diplomacy, & nbsp; & mdash; said Mr Burns in & nbsp; during a forum organized by The Wall Street Journal (quoted by & nbsp; Bloomberg). The intentions of the Russian president, according to the head of the CIA, remain unclear. “But & nbsp; that & nbsp; we & nbsp; know & nbsp; & mdash; this is that & nbsp; he & nbsp; deployed the Russian armed forces, law enforcement agencies where it is possible to operate on a large scale, & nbsp; & mdash; Reuters reports his words. Recall that William Burns arrived in & nbsp; Russia in & nbsp; in early November. The main purpose of the trip, according to & nbsp; reports CNN and & nbsp; The

Rescuers will search for the dead in another 890 mine workings of the Listvyazhnaya mine

EMERCOM employees have not examined another 890 mine workings at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass in Kuzbass, they did not survey another 890 mine workings. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kemerovo Region, Interfax reports. “The implementation of a set of measures to ventilate the emergency area in the Listvyazhnaya mine and improve the gas atmosphere allowed the EMERCOM of Russia workings to search for dead miners “, – noted in the department. The gas situation in the mine remains stable. Work is underway to pump out water, restore ventilation facilities, and take air samples. Mine rescue units work around the clock, there are from four to six branches of the EMERCOM of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in a shift. A methane explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on the morning of November 25. As a

The United States has developed sanctions against Russia with restrictions on currency exchange

Bloomberg learned about US sanctions against the Russian Federation with restrictions on currency exchange restrictions on currency exchange if Russia “attacks” Ukraine. Bloomberg learned about this from sources familiar with the discussion of this issue. According to the agency, restrictions may affect the largest banks in the Russian Federation and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). In addition, converting rubles into dollars and other foreign currencies, including euros and pounds sterling, may be among the most likely restrictions.

Rescuers will search for the dead in another 890 mine workings of the Listvyazhnaya mine

EMERCOM employees have not yet examined 890 mine workings at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass in Kuzbass, they did not survey another 890 mine workings. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kemerovo Region, Interfax reports. “The implementation of a set of measures to ventilate the emergency area in the Listvyazhnaya mine and improve the gas atmosphere allowed the EMERCOM of Russia workings to search for dead miners “, – noted in the department. The gas situation in the mine remains stable. Work is underway to pump out water, restore ventilation facilities, and take air samples. Mine rescue units work around the clock, there are from four to six branches of the EMERCOM of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in a shift. A methane explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on the morning of November 25. As a

The United States has developed sanctions against Russia with restrictions on currency exchange

Bloomberg learned about US sanctions against the Russian Federation with restrictions on currency exchange restrictions on currency exchange if Russia “attacks” Ukraine. Bloomberg learned about this from sources familiar with the discussion of this issue. According to the agency, restrictions may affect the largest banks in the Russian Federation and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). In addition, converting rubles into dollars and other foreign currencies, including euros and pounds sterling, may be among the most likely restrictions.

Russia announced its readiness to send the US fleet to the Black Sea to “feed the fish”

Military Observer Litovkin: The United States Is Trying to Demonstrate Power by Exercises in the Black Sea .ru “revealed the real reason for the unplanned exercise of the American fleet in the Black Sea. He noted that Moscow is in control of the situation, and if the US ships cross the “red lines”, the Russian military is ready to send them “to feed the fish.” Earlier, US Navy officer Brian Harrington said that regular military exercises bypassing the Convention Montreux will help strip Russia of leadership in the Black Sea and domination in the region. The expert noted that by such actions, the States are trying to demonstrate strength after the shameful flight from Afghanistan, thereby showing that they can walk wherever they want. However, as Litovkin noted, they walk in neutral waters. “In doing so, they also provide moral support to Ukraine and Georgia, demonstrating that these states can

The girl revealed a dangerous secret and died in a grave dug with her own hands

Brazilian Albach dug her own grave and died from a gunshot wound made her dig a grave, writes The Sun. The girl lived in Fazenda Rio Grande and came to Santa Catarina for a friend's birthday. The 21-year-old Brazilian has not been in touch since November 14. All this time the police were looking for her. On suspicion of murder on Sunday, December 5, two men and a woman were detained. One of the suspects told where the body was buried and confessed to the murder. The corpse was found on the beach of Irapiruba Norte de Laguna. As noted by the arrested person, he shot the girl on November 15 and left her in his own grave. The motive was that Albach accused him of drug dealing. According to the suspect, she revealed a dangerous secret to “third parties.” The investigation into the murder continues. Earlier it was reported

CIA director spoke about Russia's “appetite for risk”

CIA Chief Burns spoke of the Russian leadership's 'appetite for risk' in the context of Ukraine CIA Director William Burns spoke about “Russian leadership in the context of Ukraine, Bloomberg writes. ” I would never underestimate President Putin's appetite for risk on the issue of Ukraine, “said the head of the CIA, adding that it is important to respond to this with actions to contain , and the possibility of diplomacy. Earlier, State Duma deputy Adalbi Shkhagoshev said that Russia would not attack Ukraine, the only thing that could happen now is a provocation of the Ukrainian side in Donbass. The parliamentarian stressed that in this case, the losses could be “geographic in nature.” On December 6, a senior White House official said that Russia was ready to attack Ukraine from three sides. He added that the United States does not know whether Russian President Vladimir Putin made a decision

Japan criticized the idea of ​​a tax regime in the Kuril Islands

Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi criticized Russia's idea of ​​tax incentives in the Kuril Islands to new organizations registered in the southern Kuril Islands, stating that it runs counter to Tokyo's position on the territorial issue and joint economic activities in the region. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “Japan's position has been repeatedly voiced to the Russian side and is to carry out joint economic activities without prejudice to the political position of both countries,” the minister said, adding that Japan intends to continue building a constructive dialogue with Russia on this tax regime. At the end of November, Russian and Japanese Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Yoshimasa Hayashi held telephone talks, during which they discussed a peace treaty regarding the ownership of the Kuril Islands. The parties “confirmed their intention to continue the dialogue” in order to conclude peace. Due to the dispute over the ownership of the