The eggs broke the record for likes in a Network

The eggs broke the record for likes in a Network Photo more than 20 million likes. In early January, in Instagram account appeared under the name world_record_egg. It was published the only photograph ordinary chicken eggs. It was her creators account, decided to make the most popular social networks. And they got it. View this post in Instagram Publication from EGG GANG ? (@world_record_egg) 4 Jan 2019 at 9:05 PST During the download an error has occurred. In 10 days the has reached 24 million likes, beating the previous record Instagram — the newborn daughter Kylie Jenner (18.2 million likes). And the number of likes continues to grow with great speed. The creators of the account with the egg actively encouraged users to like the including other social networks and under the most popular post of Jenner. The star itself in response has posted a video which breaks the exact

Risky way to get to work

Risky way to get to work In the Philippines capital Manila homeless started an alternative mode of transport. They carry passengers in a makeshift carts, pushing them on the tracks that move trains. During the download an error has occurred. Such a risky and illegal method of movement allows the homeless to earn a living and passengers quickly and cheaply to get to work or school. See also: “the Road home”. Portraits of the homeless from Russia

Cargo Boeing crashed while landing in the outskirts of Tehran

Cargo Boeing crashed while landing in the outskirts of Tehran On Board were 10 people, their death is not confirmed. 6фотографий6фотографий Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Cargo aircraft “Boeing 707” on Monday crashed West of Tehran. It is reported by Iranian information service civil aviation. The plane crashed at the airport in the city of Karaj. On Board were 10 people. Their death is not confirmed. Local media noted that the accident occurred due to the difficult weather conditions. Later it became known that the pilots of cargo “Boeing” was not able to brake on the runway of the airport of the city of Karaj, after which the aircraft crashed into the city buildings. This was reported by the Western media with reference to the representative of the Iranian aviation authorities. “(Crashed — if) the plane was a cargo “Boeing 707,” that “slipped past” the runway during landing”, he said.

In an apartment building in the Rostov region there was a gas explosion

In an apartment building in the Rostov region there was a gas explosion As a result of explosion of household gas in an apartment house in the Rostov region fell two stories, reports “Interfax” with reference to EMERCOM. Under the rubble are six people. According to the MOE, one person died, seven rescued, injured eight. Rescuers recovered from the rubble of a live year-old child and his mother. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “On the ninth and eighth floors of the nine-storey building collapse. Information on victims is specified”, — said the source TASS. Household gas exploded in the house № 16 on the street Habarova — pre-on the ninth floor, said the MOE. The building has 72 apartments

Lavrov announced the beginning of negotiations on the peace Treaty with Japan

Lavrov announced the beginning of negotiations on the peace Treaty with Japan Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono on Monday in Moscow started the negotiations on the conclusion of a peace Treaty between the two countries. “In accordance with the instructions of our leaders on the results of summits in Singapore in November and in Buenos Aires in December last year, we begin negotiations today over the problem of the peace Treaty,” Lavrov said, opening the meeting. NewsOf the Kuril Islands not so reported The Russian Minister noted that “in recent years Russian-Japanese relations gained a good momentum and are developing a number of fronts”. “Not without the challenges of external factors, but still developing economic and trade cooperation, including on the basis of Russian priority investment list and terms of cooperation, Mr Abe in eight directions”, — said

Truck Dragon undocked from the ISS

Truck Dragon undocked from the ISS The cargo spacecraft Dragon American company SpaceX undocked from the International space station (ISS). As expected, after five hours the ship would enter the earth’s atmosphere. The ship is scheduled to splash down in the Pacific ocean around 8:05 GMT, SpaceX said on Twitter. Dragon docked to the ISS on 8 December. Docking was succeeded at the second attempt — the first time was unsuccessful due to communication failure. Dragon delivered to the station more than 2.5 tons of supplies, including food and materials for scientific experiments. It was the 16th flight of the cargo ship to the ISS. Dragon has been released from the @Space_Station! Three departure burns are now underway → — SpaceX (@SpaceX) January 13, 2019.

Called anti-aging product

Called anti-aging product In the white mushrooms contain substances that can slow the aging process in the body. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Pennsylvania (USA), writes Medical News Today. Their study showed that white mushrooms are a source of antioxidant amino acids ergothioneine, which is not produced in the body on their own. Do people get this stuff only from the diet, while in the white mushrooms ergothioneine at least 10 times more than in any other containing products. In addition, mushrooms contain another important antioxidant glutathione. Antioxidant agents have the ability to control the level of reactive oxygen species, including free radicals in cells. Due to this, they prevent DNA damage, is required for cells molecules and cell membranes. The aging process in the body is due to the accumulation of damage in cells due to oxidation. Thus, the protective effect of antioxidants can slow the

One person was killed when a gas explosion in the town of Shakhty, Rostov region

One person was killed when a gas explosion in the town of Shakhty, Rostov region ROSTOV-ON-DON, January 14. /TASS/ — Earlier it was reported that seven people remain under the rubble. As a result of gas explosion in the town Mine killed one человек — #Govortsova (@govoritmsk) January 14, 2019. One woman was killed in a gas explosion in a residential building in the town of Shakhty, the Rostov region, TASS reported on Monday, a source in emergency services of the region. “According to preliminary data, one woman was killed,” — said the Agency interlocutor. See also: In Rostov region were evacuated 140 people after explosion of household gas

In the Rostov region evacuated 140 people after explosion of household gas

In the Rostov region evacuated 140 people after explosion of household gas MOSCOW, 14 Jan — RIA Novosti. About 140 people were evacuated from the 9-storey residential building in the Rostov region after explosion of the gas mixture, said RIA Novosti in the press service of EMERCOM of Russia. Explosion of household gas happened in a nine-storey residential building in the town of Shakhty, Rostov region, collapsed overlap between the eighth and ninth floors. According to preliminary data, 5 people suffered. “Evacuation of residents (140) held at home, are accommodated in TACs on the basis of the children’s home of culture”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, in readiness after the incident given the airmobile group of the center “Leader” of group “Tsentrospas”, the Donskoy rescue center of EMERCOM in the Rostov region and Krasnodar territory, as well as two Il-76 aircraft and one “Superjet-100” in Zhukovsky airfield.

The collapse of a residential building has occurred in the Rostov region

The collapse of a residential building has occurred in the Rostov region Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — “Saved five people. The house is carried out the evacuation,” — said the source. A gas explosion in a residential building in the Rostov region was on the ninth floor, told “Interfax” on Monday an informed source. “The explosion occurred on the ninth floor of nine-storey building”, — said the Agency interlocutor. “The explosion damaged two apartments on the 9th and two over 8 floors”, — said the source. “Saved five people. Home has been evacuated. All details are specified,” — said the Agency interlocutor. “Previously under the rubble on the eighth floor can be three people,” added the source. He added that from the building in the temporary accommodation of the evacuated 140 people.