What is the “German Stonehenge” (photo)

What is the “German Stonehenge” (photo) It is the oldest Observatory in the world. In the German commune of Gosek have an amazing building called circle goseck. It consists of several concentric ditches with a diameter of 75 meters and palisade rings with a height of about 2.5 meters with multiple gates in different places. View this post in Instagram The publication of Deutsche Weltanschauung (@deutsche.weltanschauung) 6 Jul 2018 12:25 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram The publication from Stefan Kühne (@stefan_kuehne96) 19 Aug 2018 12:10 PDT During the download an error has occurred. An unusual structure was discovered in 1991, but full-scale excavations were conducted only in 2002. A few years later, the complex was restored, and now he has almost the same view that thousands of years ago. View this post in Instagram Publication from Tina B. (@elderqu33n) 6 Oct 2018

Canadian air traffic controllers fed American counterparts because of the shutdown

Canadian air traffic controllers fed American counterparts because of the shutdown Canadian air traffic controllers are unable to remain indifferent to the plight of their American counterparts, who because of the shutdown do not receive a salary, CNN reports, citing President of the Canadian Association of air traffic controllers (CATCA) Peter Duffy. Staff at the control centre in Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) first came up with to send to your colleagues in anchorage (Alaska, USA) a pizza party in solidarity with them. I liked the idea of canadian air traffic controllers in other cities of Canada, and for the last four days almost 50 American centers of air traffic control in various cities in the United States was delivered over 350 pizzas from canadian colleagues. Huge thank you to our Union brothers and sisters at @CATCA5454 YYZ Tower for sending us pizza last night!! #NATCA #CATCA #unionstrong pic.twitter.com/S6erEK6FpG — NATCA EWR

Canada concerned by death sentence for its citizen in China

Canada concerned by death sentence for its citizen in China OTTAWA, January 14. /TASS/ — the Arrested in China Lloyd Schellenberg in the case of drug trafficking was sentenced to death. The government of Canada is extremely concerned about reports that a canadian citizen Lloyd Schellenberg was sentenced in China to death for drug trafficking. On Monday he told reporters in Ottawa the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “We as a government are seriously concerned about… the fact that China decided without good reason to apply the death penalty against a canadian citizen,” he said. According to him, this must be a cause for concern for “international friends and allies” of Canada. Earlier it was reported that the arrested in China on charges of drug trafficking, the canadian citizen was sentenced to death. The defendant was found guilty of smuggling more than 220 kg of methamphetamine. The court also ruled to

Minsk threatened Moscow the American Ambassador

Minsk threatened Moscow the American Ambassador The foreign Ministry of Belarus has recognized that negotiating the extension of the US diplomatic mission. Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei on Monday made two Pro-Western statements against both Washington and Brussels. First, he said that at present, “ripe for reconsideration” of the decision on the reduction of mutual diplomatic presence between Belarus and the United States, and that talks about returning to the capitals of the ambassadors are already underway. Second, Mr. Makey expressed hope that the European Union “sooner or later” abandon “a relic of the past,” sanctions against Minsk. Just two hours after that the Belarusian issue raised Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, urged Minsk to appreciate Russian assistance. According to respondents ‘ b ‘ experts, the Belarusian authorities hope to strengthen their legitimacy in the West and thereby reduce dependence on Moscow. “We are in talks with our American

A bill to install a system notification about a gas leak in the houses introduced in the state Duma

A bill to install a system notification about a gas leak in the houses introduced in the state Duma Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — a Group of deputies submitted to the state Duma a bill that allows for the financing of capital repairs in apartment buildings to install an automated control system for ensuring gas safety. The document was published in electronic database of the lower house of Parliament. The authors of the bill — the leader of fraction “Fair Russia” in the state Duma Sergei Mironov, Galina Khovanskaya, Oleg Nilov, Mikhail Emelyanov (“Fair Russia”) and Irina Guseva (“United Russia”). In the explanatory note to the document, the authors remind that currently on the market of innovative technologies developed by the products that are used in systems for remote emergency shutdown of the gas consumers. “This automated system allows not only alert you to high concentrations of household gas in

Scientists have linked artificial feeding with left-handers

Scientists have linked artificial feeding with left-handers Once the person is right-handed or left-handed, affects the type of feeding in the first year of life, American scientists have found. Among those who were bottle-fed, left-handers was greater than among those who were breast-fed. This may be due to the hormones that are produced in breast-feeding mother and child. The child receives nourishment in the first year of life — from a bottle or is breastfed, influences what he will be left-handed or right-handed, discovered epidemiologists at the University of Washington Philip Jewel. The study was published in the journal Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. NewsLefties put the phone to the left ear even if they are uncomfortable The researcher conducted a meta-analysis of seven works from Ireland, Australia, USA and other countries, covering more than 60 thousand infants born in the years 1951-2011 and their mothers. It turned

Malnourished Diners in Dubai will be fined

Malnourished Diners in Dubai will be fined In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a restaurant, whose visitors are fined for uneaten meals. About it reports information portal Time Out Dubai. A place called Hotpot Gulou is located in Dubai. If customers order hot pot for only 49 dirhams (approximately 896 rubles), they are obliged to eat up all the way. The broth in the pot, boil right on the table, you can add an unlimited number of ingredients, including noodles, meat, tofu and vegetables. Within two hours of ordering customers are free to take unlimited number of drinks. However, if the dish remains uneaten, the visitor will be required to pay 50 dirhams (about 914 rubles). The management of the restaurant explains that in this way wants to make customers more conscious approach to the choice of food and reduce waste. In September it was reported so voracious German

Skipping a visit to the doctor has increased the risk of death from all causes

Skipping a visit to the doctor has increased the risk of death from all causes Most of all it concerned patients with mental illness. Scientists from the University of Glasgow have conducted the first large-scale study of the impact of missed passes to the doctor on survival of patients with chronic diseases. Examining the dynamics of demand for medical inspection of more than 800 thousand Scots, they found that the most at risk patients with mental disorders: for those who missed more than two visits to the doctor per year, the risk of death from all causes was higher in eight times. The article was published in the journal BMC Medicine. NewsKiller trends: what dead Russians The presence of chronic diseases requires regular and timely examinations by a specialist: this applies not only to the active stage of the disease requiring treatment, but remission for control and prevention. However, patients

The fire in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra extinguished

The fire in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra extinguished Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian rescuers extinguished the fire, which occurred on Monday afternoon in a two-storey building on the territory of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra at St. Lavra, 23. Archbishop of UOC-MP: a burning building belongs to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra https://t.co/cgRtsBGwVs pic.twitter.com/ksVqQgPDnY — RIA Novosti (@rianru) January 14, 2019. “In 20.07 the fire was extinguished”, — stated in the message on the website of the state service of Ukraine for emergency situations. Earlier gschs reported that as of 19.12, the fire was localized in the area of 400 sq. m. According to preliminary data, no victims. In a burning building were working on reconstruction. According to preliminary data, the fire started in one of the rooms on the second floor and spread to the roof. According to media reports, this building is inactive laboratory of infectious diseases hospital.

The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine suspected former Minister of defence in the treason

The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine suspected former Minister of defence in the treason The Prosecutor General of Ukraine suspects the former defense Minister Dmitry Salamatina treason in favor of Russia, said on his page on Facebook, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko. Salamatin is suspected of “involvement in the structure of the criminal organization [former President Viktor] Yanukovych, misappropriation of another’s property in especially large sizes by abuse of his official position and committing treason in the interests of the Russian Federation, undermining the defense, state and economic security of Ukraine” after “the ousting of Ukraine of the world’s arms markets” in favor of Russia, Lutsenko wrote. According to prosecutors, Salamatin deliberately broke the contract “Kharkiv machine building design Bureau” aircraft manufacturer “Antonov” SVTF “Progress” and the Iraqi Ministry of defense for the supply, repair and maintenance of military equipment that led to losses of $560 million Yanukovych in Ukraine has