Skipping a visit to the doctor has increased the risk of death from all causes

Skipping a visit to the doctor has increased the risk of death from all causes

Most of all it concerned patients with mental illness.

Scientists from the University of Glasgow have conducted the first large-scale study of the impact of missed passes to the doctor on survival of patients with chronic diseases. Examining the dynamics of demand for medical inspection of more than 800 thousand Scots, they found that the most at risk patients with mental disorders: for those who missed more than two visits to the doctor per year, the risk of death from all causes was higher in eight times. The article was published in the journal BMC Medicine.

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The presence of chronic diseases requires regular and timely examinations by a specialist: this applies not only to the active stage of the disease requiring treatment, but remission for control and prevention. However, patients often miss some appointments, especially in the absence of complaints or symptoms and it can lead to negative consequences.

The researchers, led by Ross, Makueni (Ross McQueenie) decided to explore as a missed appointment if you have a chronic or long term diseases affects the survival of patients, and which in turn affects the performance of missed visits to the doctor. They examined data on 824374 patients collected by the National health service in the UK: the Agency requires registration of patients at the first contact and allows you to sign up for follow-up visits to the doctor, and also collects information about the health of patients and their demographic data.

