40 million likes: why a photo of eggs made a splash on the network

40 million likes: why a photo of eggs made a splash on the network In the social network Instagram 14 Jan monumental event happened — the photo of the egg scored a record number of likes and bypassed the popular models of Kylie Jenner with the child. This egg took more than 20 million likes. However, a day later the figure had doubled and continues to grow. We figured out why the picture of normal chicken eggs broke the Internet. How it happened Photo eggs appeared January 4 in the account name world_record_egg — English words are translated as “world” “record” and “egg”. The real name of the author of the page until now, no one knows, but from the title it is clear that the account was created specifically for the record. Perhaps this is someone’s experiment that shows how easy it is to make something popular in instagram

Gadgets turned out to be no more harmful for teenagers milk and potatoes

Gadgets turned out to be no more harmful for teenagers milk and potatoes More significant are the quality of sleep, bullying at school and Smoking. Psychologists from the University of Oxford used a large (more than 355 thousand members) dataset with information about the life and health of adolescents, to test how the time spent using gadgets, associated with the mental state of youth. Using the statistical method of analysis of the curve of the specifications, they found that the technology only explain 0.4% of the variation in mental health of adolescents is about the same as the consumption of potatoes and milk. Article with the results of the work published in Nature of Human Behaviour. News“it’s a Shame to leave the country in this swamp”. Genius kids — about Russia’s present and its future Quite often the problems with the mental state of teenagers decided to blame the gadgets:

The artist combines in one portrait different cartoon characters (photos)

The artist combines in one portrait different cartoon characters (photos) The perfect combination. Artist Amanda Lee, working under the alias Dada, loves to draw famous cartoon characters and pop culture. In her works she combines the two characters into one. It can be positive or negative characters (e.g. Simba and Scar), true friends (Christopher Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh), or two versions of the same character (Mulan). View this post in Instagram Publication d a d a (@dada16808) 22 Jul 2018 10:39 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication d a d a (@dada16808) 20 Aug 2018 12:36 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication d a d a (@dada16808) 8 Jun 2018 5:45 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication d a d a (@dada16808) 1 Sept 2018 8:29 PDT

The British Parliament rejected a Treaty on “breccia”. Theresa may on the verge of retirement

The British Parliament rejected a Treaty on “breccia”. Theresa may on the verge of retirement The British house of Commons has launched major political upheaval, the vast majority of votes rejecting agreed by the British government and the European Union the draft Treaty on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. The opposition initiated a vote of no confidence in the government. This can lead to the resignation of the government, early elections, the postponement of “breccia” and even a repeated referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union. Against the Treaty voted 432 MP, he — 202 deputies, and the defeat of the government with such a gap — 230 votes — was still never in the history of the British Parliament. “This is a catastrophic defeat for the government”, — said the leader of the opposition labour party’s Jeremy Corbyn and announced that officially makes a proposal of

Rogozin forbidden to distract the ISS crew requests for recording greetings

Rogozin forbidden to distract the ISS crew requests for recording greetings Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU — Head of the Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, criticized the tradition to write on the orbit of congratulations with Russian crew of the International space station, reported “Interfax” a source in the space industry. As the source explained, it distracts the astronauts from the last flight. “The General Director of the Russian space Agency is forbidden to distract the Russian crew of the ISS from the work and opposed the requests to the Corporation on the record any kind of congratulations astronauts “anniversaries” orbit”, — said the source. Henceforth, all appeals from orbit will be transmitted with the personal approval of the head of Roscosmos.

Passengers were met at the airport USA possum (video)

Passengers were met at the airport USA possum (video) An unusual guest. An unexpected visitor appeared in the arrivals area of the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Near the Parking area taxi passengers noticed the possum. He first went into the airport, but then changed his mind. Possum at the airportDuring the download an error has occurred. Halfway possum stopped and for a long time pretended to be a statue, but then he got tired and he decided to change the route. Crossing the road, the animal stopped again, passing the car. I want to believe that he reached his destination unharmed. See also: A canadian city filled seals The cat is left to walk alone, and returned with a possum In India for the funeral of a crocodile reached 500 people

Ardent opponents of GM was arrogant ignorant

Ardent opponents of GM was arrogant ignorant They’re the worst answered questions from the simple scientific test. The most ardent opponents of genetically modified organisms believe that the best informed about the current status of GMO science, but in fact the worst of all other categories of respondents understand simple scientific questions, including genetics. The article is about the study of American and British scientists published in the journal Nature of Human Behaviour. NewsGene rabbit helped houseplants to clean the air of carcinogens The safety of GM crop varieties is confirmed by numerous studies. So, in 2016, the National Academy of Sciences, technology and medicine, the United States has prepared a detailed report on GM crops, which noted that the products of such crops are not only harmful, but can be useful for a person. Read more about what science knows about GMOs, visit our blog “Beware! Contain GMO!”. Phil

A resident of Krasnodar stole from the store an electronic scale instead of cash

A resident of Krasnodar stole from the store an electronic scale instead of cash Krasnodar police detained a man who stole from the shop of electronic scales instead of cash. Against him a criminal case, according to “the Kuban news”. The incident occurred in the village of Elizabeth. Armed with a gun man broke into the store, stole an electronic scale, then fled by car. Police found the car brand and registration number. The suspect was detained on the outskirts of the city. During the interrogation, the 26-year-old local resident confessed to the crime. He explained that he wanted to steal cash, but mixed it with electronic scales. In early January, unknown in the city Nerungi stole jewelry worth more than 265 thousand rubles. Soon police officers detained the 33-year-old suspect. The man said that he had lost all the jewels as he fled from the store.

Wife Shestun called the statement of the Prosecutor General’s office found billions about

Wife Shestun called the statement of the Prosecutor General’s office found billions about The wife of the former head of the Serpukhov district Julia stated that the common General Prosecutor’s office information about the property of her husband is not true. Earlier today, January 15, the official representative of the Prosecutor General Aleksandr Kurennoy said that the Supervisory authority intends to submit in the court the claim about seizure of property of mister Shestun a total value of RUB 10 billion in state revenue. Prosecutors counted 565 plots of land in the Serpukhov district, which are 40 legal entities, according to the attorney General, under control eks-the head of the district. Also, the Department believes that Alexander Shestun actually belong to two recreation value of RUB 274 million, and also 22 car total cost of which comes to 27 million rubles From the mister Shestun the court were arrested and

The British Parliament rejected a plan may for Brexit

The British Parliament rejected a plan may for Brexit LONDON, January 15 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. British MPs rejected a proposal by Prime Minister Theresa may, the agreement on Brexit. Thus, London has opened the way to a number of possible scenarios, including the very hard country’s withdrawal from the EU and the abolition of Brexit as a whole. In support of the agreement made 202 MP, against — 432. The vote is postponed once already in December, it was clear that the agreement is not gaining a sufficient number of votes of deputies. The result demonstrated that the Prime Minister failed to convince his colleagues that it reached agreement with the EU is the best possible. Now the chances of a peaceful British exit from the EU on March 29, 2019 is almost gone. Among the main variants of further developments: withdrawal from the EU without an agreement