40 million likes: why a photo of eggs made a splash on the network
In the social network Instagram 14 Jan monumental event happened — the photo of the egg scored a record number of likes and bypassed the popular models of Kylie Jenner with the child. This egg took more than 20 million likes. However, a day later the figure had doubled and continues to grow. We figured out why the picture of normal chicken eggs broke the Internet.
How it happened
Photo eggs appeared January 4 in the account name world_record_egg — English words are translated as “world” “record” and “egg”. The real name of the author of the page until now, no one knows, but from the title it is clear that the account was created specifically for the record. Perhaps this is someone’s experiment that shows how easy it is to make something popular in instagram and the Internet is the first and most obvious version.
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Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this ? #LikeTheEgg #EggSoldiers #EggGang
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Now the account world_record_egg there is only one profile picture is an egg. But less than two weeks the page has gained more than 5 million subscribers, and under the photo has gathered more than 1.5 million reviews.
In confirmation of the first version, you can look at the behavior of the Creator of the account, he’s working on the training manual SMM-specialist. To get under the algorithms of Instagram and make your account popular, you must first carry out a great job.
Usually the support starts with adding friends to all in a row, but the algorithms allow Instagram to send a limited number of requests each day, otherwise the page may be blocked. In addition, you need to write under other people’s posts, messages to attract attention for spam blocking as well.
Creator world_record_egg noted on photos of famous people and accounts of major world media. This is a simple way to draw attention to the post. Another tool — comments. The author even before the peak of popularity, tried to respond to all messages, so he increased the number of comments and even more drew attention to the pictures.
Apparently, the author is fundamentally not going to publish new posts on the page. But actively produces the story (stories) — there world_record_egg shows funny pictures and communicates with the audience. Stories out time: 3-5 posts every hour, it allows you to get recommendations to other users.
Most popular egg of the Internet appeared on the cover of glamour gloss
The main goal of this work is to get under the algorithms of social networks are starting to recommend this post and the account to other users. After preparatory work, the egg began to gain popularity at the expense of virality. Other users came across the idea of the author, who wanted to make the most popular post with the photo of the eggs, and started to share this photo with others.
The final stage of promotion — media publications. About photography eggs in Instagram wrote all the world’s major publications, including in Russia. Among them are The New York Times, The Indepented, The Guardian and others. This gave an additional effect to increase popularity of the post. When everyone started to write about the new record for number of likes, the eggs were over 18 million likes, a day later, they became two times more and they are still growing.