The Russian foreign Ministry said on receipt of evidence of the connection of Americans with ISIS

The Russian foreign Ministry said on receipt of evidence of the connection of Americans with ISIS The U.S. is using terrorists for their own interests in Afghanistan, according to the Russian dipvedomstva. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia said that the us military can be closely associated with the banned in Russia, IG*. In Russian depodesta said that it is “if not direct, then indirect” evidence of US aid to terrorists in Afghanistan. “We draw attention to the continuing evidence, if not direct, then indirect relations of Americans with ISIS. We are talking about the recent statement of the Taliban about the dedicated RAID us special forces capture one of the Taliban operated prisons in the Afghan province of Badghis, — said the Russian foreign Ministry. All these persons were taken away by special forces in an unknown direction. Haven’t tried whether the United States taking such an action,

Stuff the price: waiting for Madonna on “Eurovision”

Stuff the price: waiting for Madonna on “Eurovision” The organizers of the International song contest “Eurovision-2019”, which will be held in tel Aviv, and reached agreement on the participation of American singer Madonna as a guest star. She has already given its agreement in principle, however, the representatives of the parties continue to discuss the question of the fee of the artist. In case of successful completion, Madonna will take part in the competition as a guest star. In accordance with the rules of the contest in 2015 in the final of “Eurovision” are not only members of their best songs, but also international star, which could be a new hit as the headliner. It is reported that during the talks with Madonna to the contest organizers managed to get an agreement in principle to participate, but details of the negotiations are unknown. In particular, it is stated that the

Stay for five in 35 million roubles

Stay for five in 35 million roubles That could go into the most expensive tour in Russia. 35 million rubles for the trip to Russia: Association of tour operators told about the most expensive round last year. However, he disclosed only the price. It is unknown who was resting where and how long was the journey. “Kommersant FM” spoke with market participants and found that could cost that kind of money. With details — Ivan Yakunin. Imagine a Chalet in the European style in the heart of Krasnaya Polyana: a huge area, a private swimming pool, a pond, a hammock, views of snow capped mountains and a Butler who will fulfill any whim. Presented? So you can live there year for the money laid out for their trip, an unnamed family of five. RUB 35 million can be spent more creatively, said the Manager of Universal Travel Anna Dashevskaya and

The bottom line: the struggle for sobriety almost turned to US disaster

The bottom line: the struggle for sobriety almost turned to US disaster One hundred years ago, was enacted one of the most odious laws in the history of the United States. The prohibition of alcohol is as old as the subject itself, provoking her. As soon as people learned how to create heady drinks, began to be those who used them, which led to tragic consequences. “Wine is from God, drunkenness from the devil”, as he said in the Middle ages. Of course, there were rulers who sought to limit universal joy. Usually this did not really happen. And, perhaps, the most striking and typical example of what the fight against the evil one can lead to the birth of evil much more was revealed to the world a century ago in the United States. January 16, 1919, after ratification by the required majority of States entered into force of

The former head of the Russian colony villages for tribute from prisoners

The former head of the Russian colony villages for tribute from prisoners Segezha city court sentenced the former chief of a corrective colony № 7 Sergey Cassava to 2.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony for abuse and abuse of power. On Wednesday, January 16, reports the regional edition “7×7”. Former Deputy head of the colony for the production of Anatoly Luist received three years of imprisonment. The defendants were taken into custody in the courtroom after the verdict. The court also granted the claims of the former prisoners Lasha Gogua and Sergey Polujko, who were forced to surrender to the needs of the colony 850 and 250 thousand respectively, when they are serving a sentence. Now the prisoners have to return the money. The victim Lasha Gogua called a fair verdict of the former jailers. “Cossies was the ruler of destinies of people could be executed, could pardon,

Putin instructed to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, in the entrance which caused the explosion

Putin instructed to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, in the entrance which caused the explosion MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Governor of Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky to fully settle the house in Magnitogorsk, at the entrance of which is in December 2018, an explosion occurred. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске12 Amaravati saved up the baby from Magnitogorsk “Residents approached me with a request to settle the entire house. Despite the fact that the examination shows that you can live there, but this is a terrible tragedy — 39 dead. I know people that live in this place”, — said the head of state at a meeting with members of the government. “We need to meet the people and the house to settle. Entirely. To provide housing,” Putin said. The President made some preliminary calculations on which the settlement of the whole house will cost

In Moscow have detained the General Director of the manufacturer of vodka “Five lakes” and “Husky”

In Moscow have detained the General Director of the manufacturer of vodka “Five lakes” and “Husky” In Moscow on suspicion of fraud detained the General Director of one of the largest producers of vodka in Russia — Alcohol Siberian group (ASG) — Igor Savelyev, writes RBC with reference to two sources in the alcoholic market. According to one source, Savelyev at the moment of detention was in office. Against him initiated a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud committed by an organized group or in especially large size or resulting in the deprivation of the rights of citizens to housing), says RBC. The owner of ASG Andrey Strelets RBC confirmed the information about detention and said that it is connected “with the activities of Igor Savelyev’s” but “unrelated to ASG”. The company operates in a normal mode, said Archer. What is happening is

Source: the EU agreed on sanctions against four “GRU officers”

Source: the EU agreed on sanctions against four “GRU officers” BRUSSELS, January 16. /TASS/. Ambassadors of 28 countries of the European Union agreed on sanctions against four individuals, which the community calls “GRU officers” (Chief Directorate (GU, a former GRU) of the General staff of the armed forces). Among them are suspects in the assassination of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. About it the correspondent of TASS reported on Wednesday a source in the EU Council. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий “The ambassadors agreed to include in the black list four GRU officers, including two suspects in the attack in Salisbury,” said he. The names of the other two people, the diplomat did not name. They will be known after the EU Council approves the decision of the ambassadors. “As expected, the foreign Ministers approved this decision on January 21, at a scheduled meeting of the EU Council in Brussels,”

Bob Majesty: Lanovoy created the image of a flawless gentleman

Bob Majesty: Lanovoy created the image of a flawless gentleman But most of all appreciates his only Comedy role. Almost famous iconographic image of the ideal Komsomolets Pavel Korchagin and memorable roles millions of brilliant officers, Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy on January 16 marks the 85th anniversary. On the anniversary of a wonderful actor, favorite of several generations of audience critic Lidia Maslova remembered the stages of his creative way — especially for “Izvestia”.The king of the beach With special warmth Lanovoy recalls his favorite episode from the Comedy “Striped flight” in 1961, where he appeared purely by chance. Arriving in Odessa to there starred Tatiana Samoilova, his then wife, Lanovoy met the Director Vladimir Petina, who offered him to sit in the frame as a “vacationer on the beach”, which in the end left for an irresistible lover the only comic film role. Vasily Lanovoy calls his character in “Striped

A family of owls won the heart of a photographer

A family of owls won the heart of a photographer Wildlife photographer Russell Savory several months documenting the lives of owls in the English County of Essex. The lens the photographer got a family of five owls. Feathered parents and three Chicks live in the abandoned barn near the town of Maldon. These little owls are in the form of hobgoblins owls. Their body length of 21-23 cm. During the download an error has occurred. According to the British society for the protection of birds in England has about 5,700 pairs of house of the owls. Their population is declining.