The British Parliament expressed confidence in the government may

The British Parliament expressed confidence in the government may Moscow. 16 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Now you may not need to change the government or hold early elections. Members of the house of Commons of the British Parliament for voting on Wednesday evening, expressed confidence in the government of Prime Minister Theresa may. For a vote of no confidence voted by 306 members of Parliament, against 325 members. If the government was given a vote of no confidence, the situation could develop according to two scenarios: Theresa may could form a new government in 14 days if you got the support of the majority of members of Parliament, or, more likely, the UK would have qualified for early elections. Mei had previously said that early elections “will further fragment while we need unity, will bring chaos, when we need confidence, and will become a burden, when we need to go forward.” The

The United States, together with the withdrawal from the INF Treaty can begin development of new weapons

The United States, together with the withdrawal from the INF Treaty can begin development of new weapons Simultaneously with the withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), the United States can begin developing a document prohibited weapons. “We are suspending our obligations under the contract. This means that we can drive the research and development of systems that were not previously allowed by the contract,” — said the Deputy Secretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson after briefing NATO allies (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). As noted in the state Department, the process of withdrawal from the INF Treaty will take six months and will start on February 2. “Given the results of yesterday’s talks and today’s announcement, we see no signs that Russia will respect the contract”, — quotes Mrs. Thompson Reuters. Later assistant Secretary of state said on

In the Novgorod region in the men’s colony was born a girl

In the Novgorod region in the men’s colony was born a girl MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The woman gave birth to a daughter during a visit to men’s colony, deliveries made, including employees of IR, which are now “are in a small stress,” according to the website of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia in Novgorod region. “The fifteenth of January at 22.30 in the IR-7 from women born in 1995, which was on a long date with a convicted husband, the baby’s coming, even though it was 7-8 months pregnant,” — said in the message. It is noted that the on duty staff IK immediately called an ambulance. ArticleIn the house is a thief “The operative person on duty Alexander Emelyanenko and responsible for the establishment from the leadership of Oleg Rodin assisted the woman until the arrival of the ambulance, and then helped doctors to take

In the heart of Egypt has found two tombs of the Roman period

In the heart of Egypt has found two tombs of the Roman period Archaeologists have found in the Dakhla oasis, located in the heart of Egypt, two tombs of the Roman period, reported on the website of the Ministry of antiquities of Egypt on Facebook. In addition to human remains and burial gifts in them are preserved frescoes depicting the process of mummification of the dead. 6фотографий6фотографий The Dakhla oasis is located to the West of the Nile, in the Libyan desert. Nomadic tribes settled here 12 thousand years ago. Oasis came under the rule of the Egyptians, about 4.5 thousand years ago, in the era of the VI dynasty. In the Roman period prospered Dakhla. The inhabitants of the oasis are supplied to other parts of the Empire, the grain, olive oil and wine; here temples were constructed of stone and raw bricks. Archaeologists found in the Roman settlements

Open the anomalous system in which four stars

Open the anomalous system in which four stars Sometimes in a star system there is not one, but two stars. In exceptional cases, three. And now astronomers have discovered a strange system with four stars and the unusual protoplanetary disk. Upstairs In our own Solar system has only one star and a handful of planets. However, in space there are other, more complex star systems with two or — much more rarely — even with three stars that revolve around each other in complex orbits. However, the new discovery has proved that this is not the limit: the team of astronomers was able to find in the Universe a system with four stars. Surprisingly, but all the time she “hid” in total, 146 light years from us! The newsFound the brightest object in the Universe System called HD 98800 was discovered by astronomers using Large millimeter array Atacama, a giant

Media: Serbian security forces do not bind the detention of Wahhabi with Putin’s visit

Media: Serbian security forces do not bind the detention of Wahhabi with Putin’s visit Source “Sputnik Serbia” in the security services denied that the arrested terrorists wanted to kill the Russian leader. Serbian security forces from the Agency the security and intelligence arrested Islamic radical Alibasic Armin, who, as sources told the tabloid Blic, was preparing an attempt on the life of Russian President Vladimir Putin when he was visiting Belgrade. On the official website of the Serbian security forces nothing about such detention does not say, also nothing is confirmed, that the prisoner was going to make an attempt on Putin. A little later the source of the Agency “Sputnik Serbia” in the security services denied the link between terrorists and Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade. Sunday 21-year-old man was taken in Novi Pazar, when I noticed that he carries in a backpack optical gun, on his belt was

With the explosion in Manbij killed four American soldiers

With the explosion in Manbij killed four American soldiers MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. Four American soldiers were killed and three injured in an explosion in the Syrian Manbij, reported Reuters with reference to the representative of the government of the United States. Earlier, Turkish NTV reported that two American soldiers, one member of the Kurdish forces and 9 civilians were killed in a suicide attack in the Syrian city of Manbij, at least 20 people were injured. UNVERIFIED video that shows the moment of the explosion Manbij. Seems like a suicide bombing — Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) January 16, 2019 The channel also showed footage of surveillance in the time of the explosion, which shows that the incident occurred on a busy street in the city centre. It is reported that wounded us soldiers were evacuated by helicopter. #US Helicopters transferring wounded soldiers in #Manbij, #Syria. —

The explosion in a residential building in the Mines is not found explosives

The explosion in a residential building in the Mines is not found explosives Moscow. 16 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Investigators found no explosives on the site of the collapse of apartments in the house in the Mines, the rubble is completed, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “Employees of the Main Department of criminalistics (Forensic center) of the Russian IC in the course of inspection of the scene with the use of detector of traces of explosives are detected. According to the obtained washings assigned to chemical examination,” he said on Wednesday “Interfax”. She noted that currently the rubble is completed, the whereabouts of all residents of the affected apartments. “Five people died, a woman born in 1987 young daughter was hospitalized. Currently, the bodies of the relatives of the victims,” — said Petrenko. “The investigation established that on January 14, slam the gas there

WEF: global risks will increase in 2019

WEF: global risks will increase in 2019 Experts expect increase most of the risks in 2019. These findings are contained in the annual report of the world economic forum (WEF), focusing on the most important risks facing humanity, and it was published on Wednesday, January 16. It is primarily about economic (91% of the experts surveyed expect higher risk in this field) and political (85%) of confrontation between the major powers, the erosion of trade agreements (88%) and cyber attacks (82%). “Global risks are growing, but the collective will to resolve them seems to be lacking. Instead, increases the separation… the Global movement to a new phase of policy, strongly oriented towards the state, which was mentioned in the last report, continued in 2018,” — the document says. The report’s authors divide all risks into two groups: the greatest possible impact and probability. Among the most likely in 2019 were

The date of the US withdrawal from missile Treaty

The date of the US withdrawal from missile Treaty The US will begin withdrawal from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) of February 2 without taking the consent of Russia. About it reports Reuters. The process will take six months, said the Deputy Secretary for arms control and international security at the US state Department Andrea Thompson. As reported, talks of the American and Russian sides in Geneva on the question of violation of the INF Treaty with Moscow did not succeed. Therefore Washington took the decision to withdraw from the agreement without reaching an agreement with Russia. Previously, on 16 December, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the United States came for consultations on the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and short range s ultimatum. 15 January in Geneva held an interagency Russian-American consultations on the INF Treaty. Washington was