“You know me by my catchphrase”: collect stereotypes about professions

“You know me by my catchphrase”: collect stereotypes about professions “Their” phrase is, and the writers, and scientists. On January 16 the lady Twitter under the nickname girlziplocked started the thread in which he asked the representatives of different professions to share these facts about their field that will surprise any person abroad. What’s a dirty secret that everybody in your industry knows about but anyone outside of your line of work would be scandalized to hear? — holly (@girlziplocked) 16 Jan 2019. Tell us about the secrets you know everything in your profession, but which will surprise any person outside First, the people answered seriously and in detail. pic.twitter.com/Ou2zBGX6yB — holly (@girlziplocked) 16 Jan 2019. The main function of social workers in our society – to be the authorities way of speaking empty words, and to show meaningless gestures of social justice. Although at the same time they don’t

Chechen authorities will defend the interests of the population in the gas dispute

Chechen authorities will defend the interests of the population in the gas dispute GROZNY, January 22 — RIA Novosti. Chechen authorities will monitor developments in the dispute concerning the cancellation of debts for gas and intend to defend the interests of people, said RIA Novosti, the Minister for national policy, external relations, press and information Dzhambulat Umarov. The factory district court of Grozny at the request of the Prosecutor’s office of Chechnya has decided to write off the debts of the population for gas in the amount of 9 billion rubles. “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz terrible” on Monday filed an appeal against this decision. On Tuesday, the Prosecutor General instructed the Prosecutor of Chechnya to support the arguments of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz terrible” against the write-off of debts of the population for gas, appointed in the regional office official investigation “in connection with the unjustified recourse to the court with a claim”. “Let

Venezuelan journalist reported the death of two people during protests

Venezuelan journalist reported the death of two people during protests MEXICO city, January 23 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the outbreak of protests in Venezuela increased to two people, said in his microblog on Twitter famous local journalist Roman Camacho. Earlier the Deputy of the opposition of the Parliament of Venezuela, Jose Olivares reported that in the protests one person died. “Reported about one dead woman and two wounded,” wrote Camacho. In the night of Wednesday in different cities of Venezuela, protests against President Nicolas Maduro. On 23 January, the country is scheduled marches as opponents of the authorities and supporters of the incumbent President. Read also: media: during the protests in Venezuela burned a police station

Media: during the protests in Venezuela burned a police station

Media: during the protests in Venezuela burned a police station MEXICO city, January 23 — RIA Novosti. The participants of the protests against President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela on Tuesday evening burnt down the police station in Puerto Cabello in Carabobo, according to the portal Nacional. In common social networks record visible black smoke rising above the building site. Local residents have reported gunfire in the area of the site. In the night of Wednesday in different cities of Venezuela, protests against President Nicolas Maduro. On 23 January, the country is scheduled marches as opponents of the authorities and supporters of the incumbent President. According to local media, the protests are already two people were killed and two more wounded.

Media: in Caracas there were first skirmishes between the military and protesters

Media: in Caracas there were first skirmishes between the military and protesters BUENOS AIRES, January 23 — RIA Novosti. There were first skirmishes of the military and the protesters in Caracas, according to the portal Nacional. Currently in a number of areas of the capital of Venezuela, residents build barricades, heard the rattle of pans, which symbolizes the Venezuelans protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Protesters from a large area Cathia hurled objects at the car of the national guard. Special forces arrived at the metro station Gato Negro, where also think so. There is information about the use of tear gas. The Deputy of the opposition of the Parliament of Venezuela, Jose Olivares reported the first victim of the riots. “We have confirmed that the hospital district Cathia received the first died as a result of the use of firearms during the protests,” he wrote in his Twitter. In

The United States has notified Russia that the decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty settled

The United States has notified Russia that the decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty settled The United States has notified Russia through diplomatic channels that their decision to withdraw from the Treaty on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) is final and is not an invitation to dialogue, said Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said at a briefing on the missile 9М729 for military attaches and the media. “Recently the American side has taken yet another disruptive step at the highest level, it was announced Washington’s intention to withdraw from the Treaty. Almost immediately this intention was confirmed to us through bilateral channels, it was given clear explanation that the declared step is an invitation to dialogue, a decision is made on the totality of the circumstances is final,” said Mr. Ryabkov. Moscow had not violated the INF Treaty therefore considers that the arguments of the US withdrawal from the Treaty

China will create laws to combat illegal genetic experiments

China will create laws to combat illegal genetic experiments Previously, the Chinese authorities confirmed the birth of children with altered DNA. The Ministry of science and technology of China creates a law to prevent illegal experiments in genetics. Therefore, the Ministry responded to the results of the investigation about the experiment the scientist Hae Cisangkuy with the birth of twins from genetically modified embryos. The Chinese authorities have suspended scientific and technical activities of the biologist. The Ministry of science and technology of China spoke out against this kind of experiments. “The Ministry of science and technology jointly with the relevant departments intends to contribute to the improvement of existing laws and regulations [to prevent such situations]”, — quotes the statement of the Agency TASS.

The American film Academy named nominees for the “Oscar”

The American film Academy named nominees for the “Oscar” The American film Academy named nominees for the”Oscar-2019″, the presentation of which will take place on February 24 in Los Angeles. The list is published on the website of the award. The award in the category “Best film” nominated: “All kinds of things over black” The “green book” Roma A star is born. “Black Panther” “Mistress” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “Power” Best Director could be: Alfonso Cuarón (“Roma”) Spike Lee (“Black all kinds of things over”) Adam McKay (“Power”) Paul Pawlikowski (Cold war) The Yorgos Of Lanthimos (“Mistress”) In the nomination “Best actor” presents: Christian Bale (“Power”) Bradley Cooper (“a Star is born”) Rami Malek (“Bohemian Rhapsody”) William Dafoe (“Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity”) Viggo Mortensen (“the Green book”)

“Nasty family”: Sadalsky laughed at the fight Bogomolov and Vitorgan

“Nasty family”: Sadalsky laughed at the fight Bogomolov and Vitorgan Actor Stanislav Sadalsky in an interview with Nation News commented on the reports about the fight Director Konstantin Bogomolova and actor Maxim Vitorgan. According to Sadalsky, he hates the family Vitorgan, who is married to TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. Sadalsky claims that he fell out with the actress Lyudmila Maksakova. “We were forced to broke up with her because of VETERANOV. And I said to her, “What is this nasty family.” But I am very glad that they will disperse if disperse, and if it’s not the stuffing,” said he. However Sadalsky admitted that he respects Sobchak, which the tabloids attributed the novel with Bogomolov and urged her not to advertise their relationship. “When a person publicly says “love” — love disappears. You cannot speak in public, it is necessary to keep secret. And when they show — all went

The number of victims of explosion on a pipeline in Mexico increased to 96 people

The number of victims of explosion on a pipeline in Mexico increased to 96 people MEXICO city, January 23 — RIA Novosti. The number of victims of explosion of a pipeline in Mexico increased Tuesday to 96 people, reports the portal Universal with reference to the government of the state of Hidalgo. Earlier it was reported 93 fatalities. According to authorities, 48 people remain in hospital, two of them in the USA. A powerful explosion and fire occurred on January 18 in the evening on the large pipeline Tuxpan-Tula, Hidalgo, at a time when hundreds of people were stealing gasoline. Mexican state oil company Pemex has officially confirmed that the explosion on the pipeline was the result of the illegal tie. People came to the place of leaks or intentional tie-in with cans and cans and filled them, when the explosion occurred.