Almost 100 thousand pensioners in Lithuania will receive money for vaccination against coronavirus

Lithuania promised to pay 100 euros to vaccinated pensioners before Christmas In Lithuania, 100 euros will be paid to vaccinated coronavirus pensioners before Christmas. The money will be received by elderly people over 75 years old who were vaccinated between September 1 and November 30. The information is reported by Delfi. The Social Insurance Fund has promised to pay a cash supplement to the pension, which will come to Lithuanian citizens before Catholic Christmas (the holiday is celebrated on December 25 – approx. “” ). You do not need to submit any special applications to receive payments, the money will be credited automatically. 93 thousand inhabitants of Lithuania fall under the criteria. Most of the money will come through the bank, and some citizens will receive pensions by mail. This is not the last monetary stimulus for pensioners to increase the rate of vaccination in the country. Another 100 euros

Residents of the Russian region ridiculed the tree in the form of a penis

A phallic Christmas tree was installed in the Yakut village of Vitim A photo of a phallic tree was posted on her Facebook account by one of the residents of the Russian region. The image shows that the branches at the base of the spruce are long and lush, and from the middle the volume has sharply decreased and did not change to the top. Social network users ridiculed the unusual holiday tree in the comments under the publication. “What year – such is the tree”, “A star at the end. It is symbolic. The coming year will not bring anything good, ”the residents of the region commented. Some called the set erotic, while others considered its installation unfinished. The Vitim administration explained to the Podyom publication that by the end of the week the structure will take on a familiar look – its construction has not yet been completed.

US authorities launched an investigation against Tesla

Reuters: SEC Launches Inspection Against Tesla Over Solar Panel Malfunction US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched an investigation into the Tesla electric vehicle company. This stems from a complaint that the company did not notify its shareholders and regulators about the fire risks associated with defects in solar panels, writes Reuters. The audit began after a complaint from former Tesla quality manager Stephen Henkes applied to the SEC back in 2019. In a statement, Henkes pointed out that Tesla and its energy subsidiary SolarCity did not disclose to shareholders the risks of fire due to faults in solar panels. These defects expose customers to the threat of property damage and injury.

The State Duma named the consequences of the US decision on a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics

Nikolai Valuev on the US diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games: now someone else will announce Diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing declare new countries. The former world boxing champion and State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, quoted by Sport24, spoke about such consequences of the US decision not to send officials to the Games. He also noted that Americans mix sports with politics, which characterizes them not from the best side. “They want to see who is at the same time with them. But this is just one of the reasons for such an act, “- said Valuev. The MP called sport a cudgel for solving political issues. Earlier on Tuesday, December 7, the US diplomatic boycott was commented on by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They noted that they respect the decision of the Americans. The US refusal to send officials to the Games became known

Residents of the Russian region ridiculed the tree in the form of a penis

A phallic Christmas tree was installed in the Yakut village of Vitim A photo of a phallic tree was posted on her Facebook account by one of the residents of the Russian region. The image shows that the branches at the base of the spruce are long and lush, and from the middle the volume has sharply decreased and did not change to the top. Social network users ridiculed the unusual holiday tree in the comments under the publication. “What year – such is the tree”, “A star at the end. It is symbolic. The coming year will not bring anything good, ”the residents of the region commented. Some called the set erotic, while others considered its installation unfinished. The Vitim administration explained to the Podyom publication that by the end of the week the structure will take on a familiar look – its construction has not yet been completed.

US authorities launched an investigation against Tesla

Reuters: SEC Starts Inspection Against Tesla Over Solar Panel Malfunction US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched an investigation into the Tesla electric vehicle company. This stems from a complaint that the company did not notify its shareholders and regulators about the fire risks associated with defects in solar panels, writes Reuters. The audit began after a complaint from former Tesla quality manager Stephen Henkes applied to the SEC back in 2019. In a statement, Henkes pointed out that Tesla and its energy subsidiary SolarCity did not disclose to shareholders the risks of fire due to faults in solar panels. These defects expose customers to the threat of property damage and injury.

The State Duma named the consequences of the US decision on a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics

Nikolai Valuev on the US diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games: now someone else will announce declare new countries. The former world boxing champion and State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, quoted by Sport24, spoke about such consequences of the US decision not to send officials to the Games. He also noted that Americans mix sports with politics, which characterizes them not from the best side. “They want to see who is at the same time with them. But this is just one of the reasons for such an act, “- said Valuev. The MP called sport a cudgel for solving political issues. Earlier on Tuesday, December 7, the US diplomatic boycott was commented on by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They noted that they respect the decision of the Americans. The US refusal to send officials to the Games became known on December 6. The Beijing Olympics will be held

Details of the case against the former head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

The resigned head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg was suspected of embezzling 250 million rubles embezzlement of 250 million rubles. The details of the case were revealed by Fontanka. A criminal case was initiated against Gromov under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”). According to the newspaper, the episode concerns his work as chairman of the committee for informatization and communications of the city government. The detainee held this position from 2012 to 2016. The arrest of the former head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg became known on December 7. The suspect was taken to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was noted that Gromov recently left his post. He managed to work 25 days.

Denmark pointed to problems in relations between Russia and NATO

Danish Ambassador to Russia Sendergard said that relations between Moscow and NATO could be better At the moment, relations between Moscow and NATO countries don't look good, but they could be better. Danish Ambassador to Russia Karsten Sendergård stated this in an interview with RIA Novosti. “There are problems in bilateral relations, there are constants that we must not forget and which we must work on,” the diplomat said. He noted that a similar situation is observed in the interaction of the Russian side with most Western countries. Sendergard said that at the NATO summit, which will be held in 2022, a new NATO strategic concept will be presented. He stressed that Russia will become part of this concept. Earlier, US State Department spokesman Ned Price commented on the promise of non-expansion of NATO, which was given to Russia in Washington. According to him, the agreement was not violated, as

Details of the case against the former head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

The resigned head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg was suspected of embezzling 250 million rubles embezzlement of 250 million rubles. The details of the case were revealed by Fontanka. A criminal case was initiated against Gromov under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”). According to the newspaper, the episode concerns his work as chairman of the committee for informatization and communications of the city government. The detainee held this position from 2012 to 2016. The arrest of the former head of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg became known on December 7. The suspect was taken to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was noted that Gromov recently left his post. He managed to work 25 days.