The Bank of Russia has warned about the increase in the number of counterfeit notes

The Bank of Russia has warned about the increase in the number of counterfeit notes According to the statistics of the Bank of Russia, the number of counterfeited banknotes of the nominal value of 2000 rubles began to increase. This was reported on January 28 in the press release received “news”. It is noted that new banknotes were introduced in October 2017, and the first fake was discovered in 2018. By December the number had increased to 384. In Goznak explained this trend to the gradual entry of money of this denomination in circulation. However, their share in the total number of fake signs is small — 1%. According to the Bank of Russia, 41% of those identified last year, fake Bank notes with nominal value of 2000 rubles banks independently discovered and referred to internal Affairs bodies. The total number of counterfeit ruble banknotes, discovered financial institutions last year

Vitali Klitschko was hospitalized in Austria

Vitali Klitschko was hospitalized in Austria Former world Boxing champion and Kiev mayor Vitali Klitschko delivered for examination to the clinic in the Austrian town of St. Johann in Tirol. This was reported by his press Secretary Oksana Zinovyeva. According to “RIA Novosti”, the Austrian hospital Klitschko was taken January 26 from Switzerland after the economic forum in Davos. According to Zinovieva, the reason for hospitalization was the worsening effects of an old back injury that he suffered in 2007 during training for a fight with American Jamil Makklajnom. In Austria it passes the examination and rehabilitation. 25 January in the Internet appeared the video, which Klitschko could not pronounce the word digitalization (“digitalization”) during a conference at the world economic forum (WEF) in Davos.

USA imposed new sanctions against Venezuela

USA imposed new sanctions against Venezuela MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. USA imposed new sanctions against Venezuela. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In particular, the restrictive measures will apply to state oil and gas company, PDVSA. Washington will block the assets of the Corporation at seven billion dollars. The sanctions will affect the government of all political subdivisions and agencies, including the Central Bank of Venezuela, as well as any persons who act in the interests “of the regime of Nicolas Maduro”. The head of the U.S. Treasury Steven Mnuchin noted that any purchases of Venezuelan oil can lead to blocking the accounts of customers. Adviser of the us President John Bolton added that Washington calls on the military and security forces of Venezuela to recognize the transition of power in the country. Coup attempt In early January, the Venezuelan Parliament elected Juan, Guido new Chapter. Last week, the politician declared himself President.

Under the restaurant in the center of Lisbon, found an ancient Roman cemetery

Under the restaurant in the center of Lisbon, found an ancient Roman cemetery Archaeologists found beneath a restaurant in the centre of Lisbon, the Roman cemetery, which was established about two thousand years ago according to the website Reuters Africa, as well as on the company’s page Neoépica, which conducts excavations. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий It the researchers found 25 graves and urns with cremated remains of 35 people. In addition to the cemetery, the researchers found more recent artifacts, made in the XV—XVI centuries and remains of pottery of the prehistoric period. NewsIn Peru have discovered a new mass grave with remains of more than 130 children Judging by the results of archaeological excavations of the Phoenician settlement on the site of Lisbon existed 3,2 thousand years ago. During the Punic wars, after the defeat of the Carthaginian troops, the Romans turned Olisipo (the then name of Lisbon) and the area around

Strokkur was first shot on the camera in slow-mo

Strokkur was first shot on the camera in slow-mo Strokkur is a geyser in the geothermal area of Iceland, near the canyon of the hvita river. He is deservedly considered the most active geyser valley Haukadalur in the southwestern part of the country: Strokkur erupts every 4-6 minutes, releasing the water to a height of 30 meters! The authors of the blog The Slow Mo Guys for the first time managed to capture the geyser high-speed shooting with the drone, and even through the lens of a thermal imager! The temperature of rainwater in the Haukadalur valley is increased by 1 °C decrease in water depth for every 20 centimeters. At a relatively shallow depth, the water temperature reaches the boiling point, and vapor pushes it to the surface. From the outside it looks absolutely incredible: the earth seems to swell and then explode, releasing up a huge column of

In shared help in everyday life amazing discoveries

In shared help in everyday life amazing discoveries Reddit users shared the tricks that they use constantly, learning about them one day. The thread gathered more than 12 thousand reviews and has become one of the fastest growing on Reddit. Users give advice on home and vehicle, and also suggest psychological techniques. A user with the nickname orbesomebodysfool remembered how he helped read many years ago an article in the New York Times. It said that people with weak ligaments of the ankles should be the moment to stand on one foot, stretching his arms up and eyes closed. Dedicating this procedure six minutes a day, orbesomebodysfool got rid of the constant ankle sprains. News, the British shared in the Network strange winter life hack One of the most siliconix reviews on how to clean the carpet from spilled wax on it. The user phyx8 recommended to iron the wax

More than a hundred Saratov villages were isolated due to snowfall

More than a hundred Saratov villages were isolated due to snowfall SARATOV, January 28 — RIA Novosti. Heavy snowfall that hit Saratov oblast on Monday, interrupted automobile communication with 117 villages and towns in the region, the press service of the regional Governor. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 93% 739 mm Hg. article 3 m/s According to the regional Central Board MOE, on Monday in the Saratov region there is heavy snowfall, the expected loss of up to 19 millimeters of rain, wind gusts reached 15 meters per second. Snowfall will continue in the region, according to forecasts of Agency, at night and in the morning Tuesday. “According to the Governor, as of 16.00 (15.00 GMT) today due to the snow travel is limited to the 117 settlements in almost all districts of the region. Currently closed by the Federal highway Syzran — Saratov — Volgograd, Saratov — Ozinki in

“Don’t remember where you were during the day. You have to refresh my memory”

“Don’t remember where you were during the day. You have to refresh my memory” He deftly stole from the Tretyakov gallery painting for a million dollars. But made a mistake and got caught. In the night of Monday the whole country was following the news about the theft of the painting Arkhip Kuindzhi from the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow. The story is daring, but not very successful thief is quite decent movie. In the eyes of the visitors he calmly removed from the wall landscape “AI-Petri. Crimea is” worth a million dollars, slowly left the Museum and was gone. Then all decided that the picture is lost forever: audacious thief probably all figured out, and made sure to cover his tracks… On his quest sent top operatives of the interior Ministry and the FSB of Russia — and a few hours later they arrested the thief. It was them 31-year-old

The OSCE has told about a new peace plan for Donbass

The OSCE has told about a new peace plan for Donbass MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The special representative of the OSCE at negotiations in Minsk told about the new plan of peaceful settlement in the Donbass in an interview with the Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung. According to the diplomat, for the implementation of the key points of the Minsk agreements — conduct of elections — outside assistance was needed. The new plan provides that the organization of these elections will be engaged in the UN, since the OSCE is the function of the observers. The document must be approved by the participants of the “Normandy four” — Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. It has already been presented at the meeting of the Council of foreign Ministers of the OSCE in Milan, which took place in December 2018. It was attended by representatives of all the countries mentioned. The

Chicken proved to be effective in bioreactors

Chicken proved to be effective in bioreactors The researchers used genetically modified hens to produce high quality proteins for research purposes. In the process, it appeared that the birds are no worse than other methods of getting to cope with the production of certain types of drugs. The results were published in the journal BMC Biotechnology. Many of the necessary in scientific research or medicine substances be not synthesis in vitro, and with the help of certain living organisms. In particular, bacteria with a human gene are used to produce insulin and chicken egg propagated viruses, which are then used to create vaccines. Some used in the fight against tumor proteins are obtained only in cultures of mammalian cells, which is a costly and inefficient way. NewsWhy roosters crow in the morning? In the new work, the researchers decided to modify the chicken genome with the aim of obtaining specific