British found ancient grave was not human

British found ancient grave was not human The discovery more than 130 years. Retired Sid Saunders of East Sussex, walking in the woods, stumbled upon a small strange stone. At first he thought it was just a piece of concrete, but looking more closely, I discovered that before him an old gravestone. A Man Finds 130-Year-Old Tombstone In The Woods, Cleans It And Finds An Adorable Message On It — Whatgag Memes (@whatgag) 30 January 2019. Who is buried in this place, Saunders could not understand — it was necessary to clean the stone. When he returned the next day, we were surprised to find that a small monument of the 19th century does not belong to man, and the rabbit. A Man Finds 130-Year-Old Tombstone In The Woods, Cleans It And Finds An Adorable Message On It — Imran Jutt (@imran_jutt47) 30 January 2019. Apparently, the

Woven from centuries

Woven from centuries Photo of a remote mountain region of Dagestan, where with his own hands the women create intricate patterns famous Tabasaran carpets like generations of their ancestors. Upstairs Woolen carpets — a real brand the Tabasaran district of Dagestan. Their history goes back many centuries: from generation to generation Tabasaran girls trained. Gradually, the fishery went into decline: to compete with machine production difficult. However, still in the mountains women were employed, their hands turning sheep’s wool into a slim and durable patterned fabric. NewsArtist creates realistic landscape wool carpet (photos) Among them — masters of the villages of Sertel and Urzig. They were United in two “cooperative” resident Tertile Achanum Ramazanova. She finds customers, leads negotiations with them, taking the work of other women and paying them. As with everything, Achanum learned carpet weaving from childhood. Women work at home. One masters of the house band is

The state Duma will discuss the removal of abortion from the MMI system

The state Duma will discuss the removal of abortion from the MMI system Moscow. 30 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma will create a working group to discuss legislative initiatives on the results of the Christmas readings in the state Duma, including the removal of abortion from the services covered from the Fund of Obligatory medical insurance (OMS). The proposal was made by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, summing up VII Christmas readings “Youths: freedom and responsibility” held in the state Duma on Wednesday. This proposal was supported by the participants, including representatives of all political factions in the state Duma. “Let’s create a working group that would include all political factions, representatives of relevant committees (…) so that within this working group we could examine and assess a number of legislative initiatives. It including a legislative initiative, which is relevant to the issues of financing at

After searches on the case of Senator Arashukova seized 50 kilograms of jewelry

After searches on the case of Senator Arashukova seized 50 kilograms of jewelry “Kommersant” it became known about the first results of searches conducted on the eve in the case of organized criminal community (OPS) Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov and his son Senator from the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Rauf Arashukov. During the download an error has occurred. After the arrest of the suspects, but they in addition Arshakovich were at least four managers of gas companies in the North Caucasian Federal district (skfo), were searched “for the purpose of finding and confiscating weapons, equipment, or other instrumentalities of crime, items, documents on gas supplies and values, which may be of importance for the criminal case”. As a result, only one of the addresses failed to detect and seize over 50 kg of jewellery, which logging is still going on. Also found were gold bars, large amount

Video: Russian su-27 is rigidly drove NATO fighter

Video: Russian su-27 is rigidly drove NATO fighter In a Network there was video of beautiful maneuver of su-27 of Russian air force: the aircraft harshly drove NATO fighter coming too close to the government aircraft from Russia. Protection “Board No. 1” and other aircraft of the government squadron “Russia” — one of the responsibilities of the VCS. Apart from status functions, the fighters perform real combat missions: to protect entrusted to the Board from attack from air and land. At any cost, if the protected object is released from the rocket, the fighter pilot is obliged to put at risk your aircraft, risking their lives. Su-27 of Russian air force pushed NATO fighter aircraft from the government of the Russian Federation. Video: Fighterbomber — Ivan O Gilvi (@o_gilvi) January 31, 2019. In this case all has managed: the F-16 quickly turned aside and withdrew to a respectful distance.

Juan Guido reported on a secret meeting of the opposition with the military in Venezuela

Juan Guido reported on a secret meeting of the opposition with the military in Venezuela NEW YORK, January 31. /TASS/ — According to the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, “the transfer of power will require support from key military contingents”. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Representatives of the Venezuelan opposition held a secret meeting with military and security personnel in the country. This was announced by the leader of the opposition of Venezuela Juan Guido in an article published Wednesday on the website of the newspaper The New York Times. The transfer of power will require support from key military contingents. We held a secret meeting with military and security personnel. We offered Amnesty to all who had not been convicted of crimes against humanity. Guide, stressed that “regime change end of support [current President Nicolas] Maduro with the military plays a key role.” According to the leader of the opposition, “the majority of

Maduro warned the US of “a second Vietnam” in case of intervention

Maduro warned the US of “a second Vietnam” in case of intervention Moscow. 30 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro released a video message in which he urged compatriots to support him and confront the President of the United States Donald Trump. Maduro warned Venezuelans about the risk of American military intervention. Western media noted that the Venezuelan President in recent time, almost every day there is at military facilities, apparently seeking to show that the army is still on his side. Earlier, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guido thanked the countrymen who on Wednesday take part in new protests against the government of Nicolas Maduro. See also: trump congratulated Guido “presidency” HelpIn Venezuela the revolution has begun The opposition leader declared himself President. On the streets the battles, there are casualties. Read more

Trump congratulated Guido “presidency”

Trump congratulated Guido “presidency” MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump spoke with the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela Juan Guido on the phone, the White house said. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “He congratulated him on his historic inauguration as President,” — said in a statement. In turn, the leader of the opposition commented on the conversation on Twitter. I appreciate the call of U.S. President Donald trump, who reiterated their full support for our work to achieve democracy. The parties agreed to maintain regular contacts. Coup attempt In Venezuela, January 21, held mass protests against the current President Maduro. Parliament speaker Huang Guido declared himself interim head of state the validity period of the provisional government. Russia has supported Maduro as the legitimate President of Venezuela and expressed the willingness to be a mediator between the authorities and the opposition. The United States and several other

Collective nostalgia encourages people to choose domestic goods

Collective nostalgia encourages people to choose domestic goods Nostalgia for some events, experienced by members of a group of people can affect their preferences as consumers of goods or services. People experiencing nostalgia, most likely will choose the products of their country. To such conclusion scientists from Greece, USA and the UK, who spent two very revealing experiment. Their participants were residents of Greece, which the experimenters divided in the first experiment two groups in the second three. NewsTV stepped in front of the fridge In the first experiment the subjects (208, age about 28 years) were asked to write a short, no less than 150 words, a text about some event that has emotional meaning for them and other Greeks. Second, the control group performed the same volume, but emotionally neutral task. In the second experiment had three groups, participated in 121 people aged about 33 years. The first

Cat parasite linked with human schizophrenia

Cat parasite linked with human schizophrenia Scientists have summed up the biggest at the moment of the study of toxoplasmosis — disease caused by single celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The researchers were able to find a link between infection with this organism and the development of schizophrenia. The results were published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. T. gondii is a brain-dwelling parasite. It is usually the final host are cats, but according to researchers, they are also infected about 2 billion people worldwide. Proven symptoms most of these people have, but there are hypotheses that it can affect brain functions, for example, for attachment to domestic cats. However, some categories, such as children, pregnant women and people with low immunity may suffer directly from toxoplasmosis, which can lead to significant damage or miscarriage. NewsGirl patted a stray cat and was paralyzed In the new work under the guidance