American cleared the snow from the car your child (video)

American cleared the snow from the car your child (video) Everyone liked it. In Ohio is now a real fierce winter: the thermometer dipped below -30 degrees and everything was covered with snow. But this weather is not a hindrance to a good mood. A resourceful American decided to clean the car from snow and also to play with my son, and therefore used the baby instead of the scraper. As it turned out, the movie was shot mom. In the comments she said that her husband went with her son to play outside, and she asked them to clean the car. After a while the husband returned home and took the duct tape that wrapped the wrists and ankles of the child, so that the snow didn’t hit him under the clothes. Then he laid his son on the roof of the car and began to clear them of

As a cemetery in Cambodia has become a small village (video)

As a cemetery in Cambodia has become a small village (video) The door with the dead residents did not bother. Near the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh is an extraordinary place — a village cemetery. First, there simply buried the dead, but in the 80-ies of the last century moved here, the residents of one of the nearby villages. The coast, which was their village, washed away with water, and people decided to settle in the cemetery. Now among the two hundred graves are about five hundred people, and their way of life is no different from people in other places. More alive than dead: Cambodian village cemeteryAt boot time the error occurred. According to locals, at first they were afraid the spirits of the dead, and some even communicate with them. But now everything is fine here. The villagers respect the dead who are buried here and caring for

Disclosed details about the apartment of the head of “Gazprom” over a billion

Disclosed details about the apartment of the head of “Gazprom” over a billion Apartment with an area of 1396,3 square meter at Mytninskaya embankment, building 5, Litera A, St. Petersburg, really belongs to the head of the state company “Gazprom” Alexey Miller. “The” has been able to confirm this information, having received an extract from the Unified state register of real estate (egrn). According to information received, the apartments are obtained by combining six apartments per floor. In the course of construction in load-bearing walls was done doorways, living area — 874,2 square meters, and total area of terraces, loggias and balconies 81.6 square meters. From the balcony of the apartment overlooks one of the most popular St. Petersburg restaurants — “the flying Dutchman” (a large wooden sailing ship), and the Peter and Paul fortress. Judging by the statement at the end of construction works on the Union of

MIA explained to the Donbass border activities

MIA explained to the Donbass border activities Residents of Eastern Ukraine had to leave the country after 180 days but can come back immediately. The Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia has explained how to apply the new rules of temporary stay in the country for residents of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. Since the beginning of this year, Russia increased from 90 to 180 days the period of continuous stay in the country for this category of visitors. As explained “Kommersant” in the interior Ministry, the people of Donbass will have 180 days to leave the territory of Russia and then to call back. The interior Ministry of Russia responded to the request to “Kommersant” about whether there is a mandatory period that the people of Donbass have to spend outside of Russia after living in the country continuously for 180 days. Recall from the

Japan refused to consider the four Russian Islands of the Kurils a part of

Japan refused to consider the four Russian Islands of the Kurils a part of MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Japan claims to the Kuril Islands, but Tokyo does not believe Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai ridge part of the archipelago. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий This was stated by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, commenting on the speech of Communist party Chairman Kazuo Sii in the lower house of Parliament. The ‘Northern territories’ — the Islands subject to the sovereignty of our country. In this position there is no change.Shinzo Abaranger Prime Minister of Japan However, he added that Japan “gave up the rights to the Kuriles at the San Francisco peace Treaty of 1951” and therefore does not require their return. Speaking about the prospects of concluding a peace Treaty with Russia, Abe has stressed that solving the territorial issue is the main point of discussion for Japan. NewsAlexei Venediktov, Putin Treaty with

Japan considers that its sovereignty extends to all southern Kuriles

Japan considers that its sovereignty extends to all southern Kuriles TOKYO, January 30. /TASS/. Japan insists that its sovereignty extends to all the “Northern territories” (so is called the South Kuril Islands), changes in the position of the Japanese government no. On Wednesday during the debate in the lower house of Parliament Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. 21фотография21фотография21фотография “The Northern territory is a territory subject to our sovereignty. Change in this position is not” — said Abe. He also added that the consistent position of the Japanese government is how to identify “all four Islands” [Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and group of Islands, which in Japan is called Habomai] and on this basis to conclude a peace Treaty. “The negotiations [with the Russian side] are conducted on the basis of all documents and agreements reached to date. However, the Japanese-Soviet Declaration of 1956 is the only document that was ratified

Ariana Grande got a tattoo and became the object of jokes in the Network

Ariana Grande got a tattoo and became the object of jokes in the Network Insidious characters summed up the singer. In mid-January singer Ariana Grande released a new video for the song 7 rings (“Seven rings”). In the video the name of the song was translated into Japanese and consisted of five characters. To commemorate his new hit, the star decided to get a tattoo of Japanese characters on her palm. And, of course, boasted a result in the social network. But then the unexpected happened. The fact that the singer decided not to write all five characters, and was limited to only two, which individually mean “seven” and “the ring.” Only the star did not take into account the peculiarities of Japanese grammar, and it turned out that together the two characters mean something else, namely, the type of barbecue grill. Grande’Ariana’s new tattoo “七輪” means Japanese style bbq

The Brighton Museum has recreated the faces of Neanderthals and CRO-magnon

The Brighton Museum has recreated the faces of Neanderthals and CRO-magnon CRO-magnons were very similar to modern humans. 6фотографий6фотографий In the British Museum, Brighton managed to recreate the look of six ancient people, including a woman, Neanderthal, CRO-magnon and later the people of the III century BC As reported LiveSceince, using modern archaeological and forensic methods. Of particular interest was the facial reconstruction of CRO-magnon man from France — they are considered to be early representatives of Homo sapiens. CRO-magnons were almost indistinguishable from modern humans with the exception of division by race. Modern DNA analysis techniques proved that the representatives of this subspecies was very dark skin. Ancient Briton who lived 5600 years ago, is also distinguished by dark skin. According to the forensic scientist Oscar Nilsson, “the burials of this period show that the skin of Europeans in those days were like the modern inhabitants of North Africa,

The government approved the programme on anti-corruption education of children

The government approved the programme on anti-corruption education of children Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that approved the government’s program on anti-corruption education of children in 2019. The document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The goal of the program is to “develop zero tolerance for corrupt behavior,” and in professional activities “to help curb such behaviour.” The theme of anti-corruption education will be included in the cycle of the all-Russian open classes for professional navigation on the portal “Proektoriya”. To the II quarter of this year, the Ministry of education will develop a Concept of anti-corruption education of students and methodological materials for parents. Throughout the year the Ministry of education jointly with the Ministry of science and higher education and Ministry of labor and social protection will carry out in educational institutions lectures, seminars and quests are explanatory and educational in nature.

The court arrested the defendants in the case about the theft of gas to 30 billion rubles

The court arrested the defendants in the case about the theft of gas to 30 billion rubles Basmanny court of Moscow arrested until March 30, Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov the father of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov, on the eve of a prisoner in custody for two months, reports “Interfax”. Earlier the court arrested four of the defendants in the criminal case of theft of gas from “Gazprom” for a total sum more than 30 billion rubles. We are talking about the Director of the branch of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” Guzer Hasukawa, the Director General of JSC “Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Astrakhan and OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan” Ruslan Arashukova, Deputy General Director of JSC “Gazprom gazoraspredeleniye Stavropol” Nicholas Romanov and General Director of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” Igor Trainova. Against them investigated the case under article 210.3 of the criminal code (creation of criminal community