In Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors

In Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The authorities of Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors, have informed RIA of news in Embassy of Russia in Guinea-Bissau. “The fact of detention of Russian sailors were. We are in close contact with investigators, directly from detainees. Keep our finger on the pulse. Expected information”, — said the representative of the Embassy. According to the “Maritime Bulletin”, the ship ESER under the flag of Panama was flying from this country to Morocco (Tangier) and made an emergency stop in the port of Praia in Cape Verde, after one of the crew members died of unknown cause. Here, the local police found on Board 9.5 tons of cocaine. The crew was detained by the local authorities, the ship is in port. According to the Russian Embassy, arrested 11 people, according to preliminary information, all of them citizens

Volodin believes that PACE should Russia return previously paid premiums

Volodin believes that PACE should Russia return previously paid premiums MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers that the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) should return Russia paid its contributions — about 10 billion rubles, while Russia did not participate in the Assembly. “If you talk about the relationship, then, based on the fact that we were not given the opportunity to participate — and it was not our fault, and on the basis of the decision that was made — I wish the parliamentary Assembly (Council of Europe — ed.), Russia would return the money, and this is big money,” said Volodin, the TV channel “Russia 24”. The MP added that in 2014 the Russian delegation was deprived of voting rights and of the Russian Federation did not participate in PACE in 2015 and 2016 it also did not

Astronomers were able to look into the corona of a black hole

Astronomers were able to look into the corona of a black hole Researchers at NASA have described the events taking place just a hundred kilometers from the event horizon of a black hole. On an astronomical scale this close to the event horizon: the sphere that escapes not even light. To get detailed information about what is happening around the event horizon enabled x-ray radiation. Black hole MAXI J1820+070 (or just J1820) surrounded by a disk of rotating and shrinking hot substances and the crown: a cloud of particles with very high, of the order of a billion degrees temperature. With such a strong heating of the substance glows already not visible light, and x-ray radiation, and this radiation can be detected by specially designed space telescopes. Using installed on Board the ISS detector is NICER (Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer), astronomers not only caught x-rays from J1820, but were

As for the frost to turn water into snow cloud (video)

As for the frost to turn water into snow cloud (video) Winter is a great time to experiment. At the end of January in the United States, in the Midwest and in Chicago, established abnormally cold weather. The temperature there dipped below -30 degrees and everything was covered with snow. But frost scare not everyone. Some of the locals give myself some winter fun and enjoy the snow and cold. So, Americans conducted an interesting experiment and poured in the cold pot of boiling water. Interestingly, the water is not frozen and is instantly turned into a snow cloud, which within seconds vanished in the air. During the download an error has occurred.Snow from boiling waterDuring the download an error has occurred. See also: Terrible cold in the USA made that girl’s hair stand on end. Literally! American cleared the snow from the car your child (video) An unusual way

Terrible cold in the USA made that girl’s hair stand on end. Literally!

Terrible cold in the USA made that girl’s hair stand on end. Literally! In recent days, the US has detained several thousands of flights and stopped mail delivery, and all because of very cold weather, which this girl even hair stood on end. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +1° 80% 742 mm Hg. article 4 m/s Her name is Taylor Scollon, and she just decided a few seconds to leave your house in Iowa. But it was enough to make all of her thick hair gone numb and frozen as if the most powerful styling. However, judging by its laughter, just such a bow and she wanted to do. “Is Iowa really THAT cold?” — Taylor Scallon (@taylor_scallon) January 31, 2019. In just one day this video is watched a million and a half users, and actively shared underneath his impressions of icy frost. Was a panic reaction, for example,

Furious, the leopard rushed into the village and crippled people

Furious, the leopard rushed into the village and crippled people Furious, the leopard is wreaking havoc in the Indian Punjab in the North and attacked five local residents. The video captured by the witnesses, drew the attention of the local tabloid the Times of India. The incident occurred on Thursday, January 31, on the busy streets of the village Lamba (Lamba). The footage shows how hundreds of people had gathered on rooftops, in fear of watching aggressive animals. “Around there arose a terrible panic, we were very afraid that somebody will be seriously affected,” said local Forester Kulwinder Singh (Khushwinder Singh) in conversation with CNN. During the download an error has occurred. For seven hours the police was trying to catch the leopard. “We shot the animal with a tranquilizer gun three times, but only the last shot was successful,” lamented Singh. He also explained that in that moment, when

Crush on the distribution of products in Derbent caught on video

Crush on the distribution of products in Derbent caught on video MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The distribution of sadaqa from Senator Suleiman Kerimov caused crowding in Derbent. The TV channel “360” posted a video from the event. A charity event was held at the mosque on Prospekt agasieva. The footage shows that the process of distributing products is hampered by pandemonium. A law enforcement officer trying to resolve the situation, but because of the noise nobody pays attention to it. During the download an error has occurred. As a result of the incident injured several people. They called an ambulance. The police stopped the distribution due to crowding. When the car went, people followed. As reported on the website of the Foundation “Insan”, the event staged in honor of the late brother MP Kerim Kerimov. Sadaqah is charity that Muslims pay to the needy.

In the Saratov colonies revolted prisoners

In the Saratov colonies revolted prisoners In Saratov region there were mass riots in a corrective colony № 7, located in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the region. About it reports a press-service of the Federal penitentiary service in Saratov region. In this colony of special regime are about 800 prisoners especially dangerous offenders, including those convicted of murder, pedophilia and other serious crimes. The riots began on 31 January, prisoners in a revolt broke furniture and other property of the colony. The office explained that three quarters of imprisoned convicts “a protest” is not supported. “Currently, the colony is operating normally, the situation is under control. Scheduled service check”, — said the Agency. Human rights activist Victor Sinuc says that, according to him, the reason for the riots was a conflict with ordinary prisoners, the “activists” (prisoners who cooperate with the institution’s management). The latter allegedly provoked prisoners, which quickly

Dead man’s chest. If involved in Russia for the sale of Venezuelan gold

Dead man’s chest. If involved in Russia for the sale of Venezuelan gold Could Russia take part of zolotoshvei Venezuela as collateral for investment and to act as an intermediary in its sale. Central Bank of Venezuela sells gold to replenish foreign exchange reserves, reports Reuters. According to the source, 15 tons of the precious metal and prepare it for shipping to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In February must be implemented by 29 tonnes of crude gold. Information on the sale of gold reserves had grown close to controversial assumptions. So, a mediator between Venezuela and the UAE can speak in Russia: “Novaya Gazeta” wrote that on January 31 from Vnukovo airport in Dubai went Boeing 757 airlines “Erofey”, allegedly loaded with Venezuelan gold. There is metal could be exchanged for cash, after which the plane went down in Caracas. It is noted that this is the second flight

Precious cargo remains unknown

Precious cargo remains unknown What was on Board the Russian aircraft took off from Venezuela. Venezuela is not kept in Russia its gold reserves. According to the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, reports that Moscow has transferred to Republic its gold bars are not true. In this case the media for the second week discussing versions about why in Caracas frequented by Russian planes. The most popular — they carry Venezuelan gold. All that is known at the moment about the mysterious flight, the material of Ivan Yakunin. Newsdead man’s Chest News about the mysterious Russian aircraft in Caracas arise since then, like Juan, Guido declared himself President of Venezuela. According to observers, they take out either the top of the local elite, whether Russians, whether gold. To separate truth from fake not always possible. Another reason for discussion was given to “Novaya Gazeta”, the journalists of which