Pope Francis arrived in the UAE with the first visit

Pope Francis arrived in the UAE with the first visit Moscow. 3 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Pope Francis arrived in the UAE on his first visit to the Arabian Peninsula, the newspaper reports Gulf News on Sunday. The plane, to his knowledge, landed at the airport of Abu Dhabi, about ten o’clock local time. As previously reported, Pope Francis will participate in an interfaith conference at the invitation of the crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. He will celebrate mass, where around 120 thousand people. In addition, the Pope will meet with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, Imam of Cairo the mosque of al-Azhar, a major center of learning of Sunni Muslims. The UAE is home to about a million Catholics. Most of them came from India and the Philippines.

Maduro has compared himself with Christ and remembered Shakespeare

Maduro has compared himself with Christ and remembered Shakespeare Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro before the start of military exercises in the country compared himself with Jesus Christ. It is reported by RIA Novosti. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “I am a worker like Jesus Christ the Saviour, a deep Christian — from the heart of a Christian to our God,” he said. The leader of the Bolivarian Republic also quoted William Shakespeare, stating that at the present time the question is “to Be or not to be. To be home or to be a colony. To be Venezuela or to be nothing”. He added that Venezuela to protect its statehood ready to make any steps. In 2013, Maduro became President after the death of Hugo Chavez, said that the late blessed him to participate in the elections, appearing in the form of birds, leafless three times around his head. Earlier, on 3 February the

Poroshenko has filed documents for registration as a candidate for President of Ukraine

Poroshenko has filed documents for registration as a candidate for President of Ukraine Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Central election Commission (CEC) of Ukraine the documents for registration of candidate for the presidential elections, which are scheduled for March 31. This was reported in his Facebook press Secretary of Ukrainian President Svyatoslav Tsigalko. “On this festive day, Petro Poroshenko has submitted documents to the CEC for registration as presidential candidate”, — he said. He was attached to the post photo, which Poroshenko signed the papers, and beside him his wife Marina Poroshenko. During the download an error has occurred. Poroshenko officially announced plans to participate in presidential elections on January 29. He said that will go to the polls as an independent candidate. The Ukrainian leader explained his decision to again run for this post “a deep sense of responsibility” to the country and his contemporaries. Poroshenko stressed

Such is Decl. What was interesting about rapper Kirill Tolmatsky

Such is Decl. What was interesting about rapper Kirill Tolmatsky 36-m to year of life died the rapper Kirill Tolmatsky, known by his stage name Detsl. The musician died in Izhevsk after a private concert; according to preliminary data the cause of death was cardiac arrest. On the death of Cyril Tolmatsky first reported in the social networks of his father, producer Alexander Tolmatsky. He wrote a short message “Cyril is no longer” on his page in Facebook, without giving any details of the incident. In addition, on the death of the musician announced on his public in “Vkontakte”. Later, “Izvestia” with reference to concert Director decl Belerica Paul wrote that the rapper died after a concert in Izhevsk. After the speech, went to the dressing room in a few minutes he became ill. Preliminary information — he suffered cardiac arrest and died.Paul Belenergostroy Director decl According to the telegram

Each decl spoke about his dreams

Each decl spoke about his dreams MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. Music rapper decl (Kirill Tolmatsky) motivated many to do hip-hop, his independent career was as successful as the beginning of a journey, told RIA Novosti his friend, producer Michael Oger. The rapper Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl) died in the night on Sunday at the age of 35 years. The contractor became ill after a concert in Izhevsk. As reported by his music Director Paul Belentsa, the cause of death was cardiac arrest. Cyril was a good man, conscious, honest, courageous, responsive. Very principled. He loved to dream, not afraid to speak the truth. His music at the time prompted many to engage in hip-hop. In zero it was the first mainstream project in which we, as a 15-16-year-olds, I saw that same guy, like us, might have something to do and makes. It was cool. He noted that He

Half an hour doctors fought for the life of decl, told concert Director

Half an hour doctors fought for the life of decl, told concert Director MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. Concert Director rapper Kirill Tolmatsky (decl) Paul Belentsa in conversation with RT commented on the message about death of the musician. According to him, the decl was not worried about problems with health, and he always felt good. “Any suspicions it was not. If there was any symptoms or complaints, it probably would have helped. We took the comments from the DJ who replaced him after the show. He said that Cyril looked healthy… He looked normal, and when I was in the dressing room, turned pale and this accident happened,” said the Belentsa. He died in Izhevsk in the night on Sunday. He was 35 years old. The preliminary cause of death was cardiac arrest. Kirill Tolmatsky born July 22, 1983 in Moscow. His first performance took place at the

Elizabeth II evacuated from London in the event of riots because of brekzita

Elizabeth II evacuated from London in the event of riots because of brekzita A British exit from the EU is scheduled for March 29, 2019 and is at risk to pass on a hard scenario. Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the Royal family are evacuated from London in the “secret place” if the country will be in turmoil because of brekzita. About this newspaper The Sunday Times. According to the newspaper, plan of emergency exits of the Queen was developed in 1962 during the cold war, when the British authorities considered the possibility of a nuclear strike by the Soviet Union. Due to the increasing risk of a British exit from the EU hard scenario, it was decided to refocus the plan in case of riots. Conservative MP and staunch supporter of the “Brekzita” Jacob Rees-Mogg believes that this plan reflects the magnitude of panic on the part

Trump did not deny the possibility of sending American troops to Venezuela

Trump did not deny the possibility of sending American troops to Venezuela Moscow. 3 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — He acknowledged that is an option, which is studying the Washington. The US President Donald trump said in an interview with CBS that the possibility of sending American troops to Venezuela is one of the options, which studies the U.S. administration. “Of course, is that is one of the options,” he said. The President refused to answer the question, in which case it can involve the US military in Venezuela. Trump also said that “a few months ago,” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro wanted to meet him, but at that moment, trump refused to meet because of her delays. January 23, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition and the speaker of Parliament Joan Guido proclaimed himself provisional President of Venezuela. Almost immediately after this, the United States, Canada, most of Latin America, as well

ROC called “pathetic” the ceremony of the enthronement of Epiphany in Kyiv

ROC called “pathetic” the ceremony of the enthronement of Epiphany in Kyiv MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/ — the Press Secretary of Patriarch Kirill stressed that “the Patriarchate of Constantinople was left all alone with his cloned “Dolly the sheep””. The low level of guests at the ceremony of enthronement of the head of the new Church structures in Ukraine suggests that the local Orthodox churches of the world did not support the decision of Constantinople for its establishment. This opinion TASS on Sunday expressed press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest Alexander Volkov. Pathetic. The Patriarchate of Constantinople was left all alone with his cloned “Dolly the sheep”. In the aftermath of the Moscow celebrations [on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill] this loneliness is perceived quite clearly: no one in the Orthodox world does not need a

Almost 80% of criminal cases end with a guilty verdict in Russia

Almost 80% of criminal cases end with a guilty verdict in Russia Guilty verdicts are delivered on four out of every five criminal cases in Russian courts. About one-third of the convicted person thus sentenced to real prison term. According to him, without a full judicial investigation in Russia is considered almost 70% of cases. In this case, the defendants admit their guilt and go to trial on a plea bargain. The authority previously announced that the jury acquitted the accused in more than a third of criminal cases brought in the Russian district courts in 2018. The main reason is the poor quality of the investigation, emphasized in the Prosecutor’s office. At the end of last year, the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has instructed to double-check the criminal cases on which Moscow courts issued acquittals. Check initiated in connection with “the investigation, made with the judiciary”.