Kuban official gave orphans of the apartment in the barracks for the prisoners

Kuban official gave orphans of the apartment in the barracks for the prisoners Investigators in the Kuban began an investigation against the head of the Ust-Labinsk district Nicholas Artyushchenko after his administration has bought apartments for children-orphans in the barracks where the prisoners were held under part 2 of article 286 UK (“Excess of powers of office”). About it reports a press-service of management of Investigatory Committee on Krasnodar territory. According to investigators, the district administration conducted e-auctions and concluded municipal contracts for the purchase of nine apartments to children left without parental care, worth more than 9.4 million rubles. Artyushchenko took their property, and signed the acts of acceptance-transmission without carrying out obligatory in such cases, examination of compliance with sanitary-technical norms. “Earlier in these buildings barracks the prisoners were held and according to the expert conclusions of those premises are inadequate and not suitable for living,” the message

Guido, called on the army to their side

Guido, called on the army to their side MEXICO city, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guido, proclaimed himself interim President of the country, said that calls for the army to move to his side. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “Soldiers, we are waiting for you. Soldier, thou wilt deny humanitarian aid to his family? If in doubt, ask your family, right now in this moment. The time has come, soldier of the Motherland”, — said Gwido at a press conference in Caracas. It is in his microblog Twitter. Guido also expressed recognition from the Venezuelan EU countries, which recognized him as the interim head of state. “This recognition of you, Venezuelans, who never stopped the struggle to achieve democracy and freedom in Venezuela,” he said. According to Guido, on Monday the authorities of Canada and Germany decided to allocate 6 million euros and 53 million

Six-year-old girl turned into a hundred years old for a holiday

Six-year-old girl turned into a hundred years old for a holiday The baby decided to celebrate the landmark date. A Reddit user under the nickname LeCrushinator shared photos of their 6-year-old daughter, however, recognizable little girl. The fact that the little girl decided to dress up like an old grandma with makeup, wig and overhead buttocks. And the reason for the transformation was the important event of the hundred days in kindergarten. The girl decided that it would be logical to mark this anniversary in the image 100-year-old grandmother. /u/LeCrushinator: My kid wanted to be 100 years old for her 100th day of kindergarten (last photo is her looking 6) #funny #humor #hilarious #haha #lmao #lmfao #rofl pic.twitter.com/kiADhm5rmF — /r/Funny (@slasrslashfunny) February 1, 2019. According to LeCrushinator, my daughter was up with myself the whole way, inspired by the famous ladies of movies and popular TV series. In particular, the

These 4 incredible facts about owls

These 4 incredible facts about owls Learning canadian bird expert James Duncan in his new book, “Owls of the world” (Owls of the World) tells why owls are a wonder of nature and how they differ from other birds. Rotating head Owls are large birds and are unable to move freely in their housings. That is why in the course of evolution they have acquired the ability to rotate the head 180 degrees to see in all directions. View this post in Instagram Publication of Matt Lewandowski (@that.flyer.matt) 23 Oct 2017 6:41 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Such tricks succeed birds with powerful neck in her right 14 neck vertebrae (humans — only 7) and very powerful vessels: when the owl turning his head, this does not affect the flow of blood to the brain. During the download an error has occurred.”Muzzle-radar” Many are touched at the

The Krasnodar hospital worker fired because of the way of serving food to children

The Krasnodar hospital worker fired because of the way of serving food to children MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. The management of hospital emergency medical care of Krasnodar dismissed the employee dining room, which due to the lack of utensils put scrambled eggs in porridge, informs TV channel “360”. The incident occurred in the children’s Department. The mother of one of the patients published in social networks photo of Breakfast: a bowl of porridge is a piece of the omelet. View this post in Instagram Publication from Krasnodar (@krd023) 3 Feb 2019 10:52 PST During the download an error has occurred.NewsKids Russian businessman made a “carpet” of daddy’s money “The children brought the food, like dogs: transparent liquid porridge (only water) and the omelet just put in porridge, he didn’t have enough plates. None of the children did not have Breakfast, the staff was very surprised, why. Bad people”,

Russians detained in Malaysia for “juggling a baby”

Russians detained in Malaysia for “juggling a baby” The couple claims that just worked with baby yoga. Police CUA Lumpur detained Russians Mikhail Bondaruk and Catherine Shihmanov after “communications from the public” about the unacceptable treatment of the child. Now they face a large fine or ten years imprisonment. On the eve of the Malaysian segment of the Facebook spread live street performances by the Russian duet: the man brandished a six-month baby holding his legs, and then threw the baby into the air. The Russians themselves claim that they were misunderstood — they only demonstrated “yoga for children”. Video Russians appeared in Facebook on Saturday, February 2, the user, Zale Chia Abdullah issued a 90-second recording made in Kua Lumpur. The video shows a barefoot man of European appearance, wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts, holding a six-month baby’s legs and rhythmically waving them to the music. Next

USA gave Russia coordinates testing missiles 9М729

USA gave Russia coordinates testing missiles 9М729 U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman said that the American side has offered Moscow a “significant amount of information proving violations” of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF), but Russia “continues to deny that he had committed illegal actions”. “Russia has conducted flight tests of 9М729 at distances substantially greater than 500 km. the United States granted Moscow geographic coordinates and dates of the tests,” he wrote in a newspaper column for RBC. Mr. huntsman said that “as a cruise missile medium-range land-based cellular-based system 9М729 is a direct threat to European and global security”. Last week, the US announced that it was suspending membership in the INF Treaty on 2 February, accusing Russia of numerous violations of the agreement. A few days later the President of Russia Vladimir Putin declared about symmetrical response, and ordered the

In the draft law on “sovereign Runet” will make amendments

In the draft law on “sovereign Runet” will make amendments The MPs will update the document for the second reading. The government has prepared comments on the draft law on “sovereign Runet” proposing to specify threats to the Internet, referred to in the document, and to provide for the expenditures from the budget for its implementation. In General, the government supported the adoption of the bill in the first reading, and in the state Duma promised to correct it. Opinion of the Russian government on the draft law on “sovereign Runet”, introduced in the state Duma senators Andrew Clisham, Lyudmila Bokova and state Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi 14 December, published in the card initiative on the website of the lower house of Parliament and signed by Deputy Prime Minister—chief of staff of the government of Konstantin Chuichenko. The review stated that the authors of the bill did not specify a

Rogozin promised Putin more often to launch rockets into space

Rogozin promised Putin more often to launch rockets into space The head of “Roskosmos” also informed the President about the financial situation of the space industry of Russia. The state Corporation “Rosatom” held in 2018 22 start-up. In 2019 it is planned to increase this number more than doubled — up to 45 launches, reported to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin the Director of the state Corporation Dmitry Rogozin during a meeting in the Kremlin. He also informed the President about the revenue growth and deleverage of the Corporation organizations. “In 2018, we conducted 22 start-up. In 2019, Mr President, have 45 launches — an increase of more than twice. The load is big, but I think we handle it,” said Rogozin at the meeting, a transcript of which is published on the Kremlin website. Newsof the Launch of the Russian “Union” with OneWeb satellites suffered from problems with

The Japanese learned how to “change” race using makeup (video)

The Japanese learned how to “change” race using makeup (video) Incredible reincarnation. 6фотографий6фотографий Makeup artist from Japan, is known under the name Amaterasu Eve, has acquired a real mastery in the art of disguise. Only with makeup she can transform from Japanese women in blond chick, a dark latina or black woman. A girl posted on YouTube a video which showed the incredible transformation. She tried to transform into a 20-year-old girls from different parts of the world. “All people are beautiful — turned makeup artist to the audience. — I hope one day there will come a day when all the world will love each other.” During the download an error has occurred. The video has already been seen by about a million people. In all, over the famous Japanese beautician watch 128 thousand subscribers. “Very cool video. She is a great talent,” — shared his impressions of the